Romeo and Juliet Speech Assignment

English 9CP

Mrs. Pinder

Now that you have almost completedRomeo and Juliet, you should be able to pick out the common issues within the play. Follow the steps below to complete an informative speech:

*Choose an issue from our list (brainstorm list from class)

*Use your time in the library and gather research on your topic. (Your research can be from various types of sources: magazine, books, databases or the internet. If it is from the internet, please print a copy of it and also make sure to write down all the necessary bibliographic information (author, title, date, etc.) You will get one or more class periods to start your research, but the rest is to be done at home or during study hall.

*You will need at least four sources of information for your topic. At least one source may not be an Internet source. (Please make sure you are using reliable online sources. You are required to use SIRS and make this one of your sources.It is a reliable data base and will provide accurate research for most of these topics.

*You are now ready to write a 3-4 minute informative speech. Explain to the class what you have learned and include any statistics that you found. You must explain your issue and how it connects to Romeo and Juliet(include act and scene #). Make sure you explain the situation in Romeo and Juliet with as much detail as possible. Finally, explain how your issue affects the United States today and what action should be taken.

*From your speech, write an outline or notecards that you may use to deliver your speech. You must use the traditional outline format. If you do use notecards, you should not have more than four lines to a card and you should be avoiding word for word sentences. (Unless you are using the cards to remember an exact quote or statistic) Practice your speech from the outline/notecards so you will be comfortable with it when you present your speech to the class. This will be the only item that you may bring up with you on speech day.

*Come to class prepared to speak on: ______

*If you are unprepared you grade will be a zero. No late work will be accepted unless you have an excused absence. See me immediately if you have any problems regarding this speech.

Hand in the following for a complete grade:

*Outline/notecards (written or typed)

* Typed Final Speech

*Typed Works Cited (must have!!!!)

Without a Works Cited, you have plagiarized= 0

*Printed out research (optional)


Speech Requirement / Points Possible / Points Earned
Opening hook/ strong closing: creative, captures audience’s attention / 10pts
Information: Interesting facts, statistics, presented well(verbally cited)
(at least 2 direct quotes with citations) / 10pts
Action Taken to Alleviate the Issue: Good suggestions provided / 5 pts
Connection to R&J: smoothly incorporated, well developed, includes Act and scene(verbally cited) / 5pts
Typed Speech: fully developed, includes MLA format (at least 2 direct quotes with citations) / 5pts
Outline/Cards: Focuses on every aspect of the speech, follows proper format (should not include full sentences; unless a direct quote) / 10pts
Works Cited: at least 4 sources, formatted properly, and one is from SIRS / 5pts
Physical presence/handles (uh, um, so, like, etc.) / 3pts
Eye contact- attempted consistent eye contact / 3pts
Confidence/enthusiasm/Rate / 3pts
Length 3-4 mins
(under 2:00 = 0 pts) / 3pts
Voice: audible, inflection when needed / 3pts

Romeo and Juliet Speech Grade Sheet

Mrs. Pinder-English 9CP

Total Points: 65pts______

***Bring this back on Speech Day or -5pts***