Strachan Quiz 2016

20 seconds per question

World Geography

Question / Answer
1 / For what sport is Aviemore in Scotland the main UK centre? / Skiing
2 / What are kwashiorkor and marasmus? / Conditions associated with malnutrition.
3 / Name the four main Channel Islands. / Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney??
4 / Which bridge over a river of the same name in Scotland, was closed in December 2015 for urgent repairs / The Forth Bridge
5 / What is the name of the upland area that divides Sheffield from Manchester? / The Pennines
6 / Rhodesia was part of the British Empire before it became two countries – name one of them. / Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia) and Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)
7 / Which country attempted to replace the Union Jack with a silver fern on their national flag? They eventually decided to keep the Union Jack. / New Zealand.
8 / What are stratus, alto and nimbus? / Types of cloud
9 / Name 3 of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World / Grand Canyon
Great Barrier Reef
Paracutin volcano Mexico
Rio harbour
Victoria Falls
Northern Lights
Mount Everest
10 / What are Dubai, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Umm al-Quwain collectively known as? / United Arab Emirates formed in December 1971

The United Nations

Question / Answer
1 / The UN Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, sentenced Radavan Karadjic to 40 years imprisonment for war crimes. Which country was he leader of? / Serbia
2 / How many Member States of the UN are there? / 193
3 / Irina Bokova, Helen Clark, Natalia Gherman, Antonio Guiterrez, Vuk Jeremic, Srgan Kerim, Igor Luksie, Vesna Pusic and Danilo Turk. What do they have in common? / All candidates to replace Ban Ki Moon as UN Secretary General
4 / Who is Antonio Guiterrez? / The new Secretary General of the United Nations who replaces Ban Ki Moon in January 2017
5 / Which two Permanent Members of the Security Council exercised a 'double veto' on three occasions to prevent UN intervention in Syria between 2011 and 2015 before supporting action in December 2015 / China and Russia
6 / Which country had UN sanctions lifted in January after it agreed to comply with certain conditions with regard to its nuclear programme? / Iran
7 / Which UN Specialised Agency is dealing with the Zika virus? / World Health Organisation
8 / Where are the European headquarters of the United Nations? / Geneva
9 / MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) were replaced in 2015 by SDGs. What does SDG stand for? / Sustainable Development Goals – not just for developing countries, open, universal, 17 goals
10 / Which two Permanent Members of the Security Council have not used their veto in the 21st century? / France and UK
China and Russian Federation have used it 5 times in relation to Syria alone.

World History

Question / Answer
1 / Who killed George Cornell and Jack ‘The Hat’ McVitie? / The Kray Twins – Ron and Reggie respectively
2 / What were the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps more commonly known as? / ANZAC
3 / What are Essex Farm, Tyne Cot, Langemark and Thiepval? / War graves
4 / Which one is the German cemetery? / Langemark
5 / Name the two key fighter planes used by the RAF in the Battle of Britain / Spitfire and Hurricane
6 / 100 years ago the Easter Rising took place. In which city? / Dublin – precursor to Irish Independence.
7 / How many years ago was Shakespeares death? / 400 23 April 2016
8 / What do Battle of Hastings, Battle of the Somme, England's World Cup victory and Great Fire of London have in common? / Anniversaries celebrated in 2016. 950, 100, 50 and 350 respectively
9 / After the Battle of France was over, who said this; But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour. / Winston Churchill in June 1940 a month after he took over as head of an all-party coalition government.
10 / Some want his statues taken down, he was born in Bishops Stortford, made his fortune in diamond mining in South Africa and every year dozens of scholars come from the US to Oxford funded by his bequest to the university. Who is he? / Cecil Rhodes
Recent Conflicts – social, military, cultural
Question / Answer
1 / Which country elected its first female politicians, albeit at a regional level, in December 2015? / Saudi Arabia
2 / In which country is Helmand province a major conflict zone? / Afghanistan
3 / What religion has branches called Sunni and Shia? / Islam (Muslim)
4 / What is an IED? An extra point for stating what the initials stand for / explosive device – Improvised Explosive Device
5 / In which country are the towns of Aleppo, Raqqa, Homs and Palmyra / Syria
6 / Daesh is a derogatory Arabic term for which extreme political organisation? / IS or Islamic State
7 / Which country launched a long-range rocket and caused an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council in February? / North Korea
8 / The Pope endorsed contraception in the unique circumstances of a virus which causes serious birth defects. What is the virus called? / Zika
9 / What is FGM? / Female Genital Mutilation
10 / FARC was at war with the government of its country but reached a peace deal which was rejected by the voters in a referendum in October – which country ? / Columbia
Question / Answer
1 / Who wrote Les Miserables? / Victor Hugo
2 / Name four of Santa’s reindeer other than Rudolf / Dasher, Prancer,Dancer Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder(Donner, Donder) , Blixem
3 / Finish the saying “Red sky at night shepherds delight…..” / “….red sky in the morning shepherds warning”
4 / In photographic terms what is a slide? / a small framed transparency that can be projected onto a screen. Or Diapositive.
5 / Traditionally, what do couples do in Gretna Green? / Get married – specifically get married under age
6 / What is a continental quilt now more commonly known as? / Duvet
7 / You have heard of TED talks – what does T E D stand for? / Technology Entertainment Design
8 / Wadham, Kings, Gonville and Caius, Churchill, Somerville, Christchurch, Oriel, Downing, Balliol, Peterhouse – 5 Oxford and 5 Cambridge colleges. But which is which? / Oxford = Wadham, Somerville, Christchurch, Balliol, Oriel
Cambridge = Gonville and Cauis, Churchill, Kings, Downing and Peterhouse
9 / A meeting of universities was held in the Russell Hotel, Russell Square London in 1994. The meeting established a group of universities – what was the group called? / Russell Group – and the students formed the Aldwych Group after a meeting at the LSE based in The Aldwych!
10 / What does David Hockney do for a living? / Artist

World Leaders

Question / Answer
1 / Who is Tim Peake? / British astronaut on the International Space Station
2 / What is the colour of the Democratic party in the USA? / Blue
3 / Fine Gael (liberal conservative, Christian democratic)and Fianna Fail (republican)(sic!) are political parties in which country? / Republic of Ireland
4 / What does the hashtag POTUS stand for? / President Of The United States.
5 / Which position do the following have in common - Donald Coggan, Robert Runcie, George Carey, Thomas Becket and Justin Welby? / Archbishop of Canterbury
6 / Two films were distributed this year about the same world leader – they were Barry and Southside and Me. Who is the world leader featured in them? / Barack Obama
7 / Put the following in date order – they are all Brits (or living in Britain) who have been pioneers in the development of telecommunications
Sugar, Baird, Bell, Turing, Marconi and Berners-Lee / Marconi, (radio broadcasting), Bell (telephone), Baird (television), Turing (computing) Sugar (PCs for the masses), Berners-Lee (world wide web)
8 / Name the Democrat and Republican vice – presidents in the recent US Presidential election. / Tim Kaine (Democrat) and Mike Pence (Republican)
9 / Put the following in hierarchical order, most important first – earl, duke, baron, marquess, viscount / Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Baron – collectively known as lords
10 / What do Max Whitlock, Jason Kenny, Andy Murray and Justin Rose all have in common? / They all won Gold for Team GB on the same day in Rio – Sunday 14 August 2016

World Organisations

Question / Answer
1 / What did the Paris Declaration deal with after a conference in Paris of 196 countries in December 2015? / Climate change – agreeing to reduce /restrict global warming to 2 degrees
2 / Which UN Specialised Agency oversees the World Heritage sites? / UNESCO
3 / The International Olympic Committee allowed a team to compete under the Olympic flag in Brazil this year. Who made up the team? / Refugees
4 / How many EU countries are listed in the top 10 refugee receiving countries? / None – list top 10
Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Iran, Ethiopia, Jordan, Chad, China, Kenya, Uganda
5 / Name 5 of the colours of the LGBT flag? / Pink – sexuality (gone)
Red - life
Orange - healing
Yellow- sunlight
Green - nature
Turquoise – art (now blue)
Indigo – harmony (gone)
Violet - human spirit
6 / There are 47 member states and it is responsible for the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights. The UK is still a member. Its flag is blue with 12 gold stars in a circle. What is it called? / Council of Europe
7 / Which organisation is responsible for the European Court of Justice? / European Union
8 / Which disease is on the verge of eradication, existing as it does in only two countries, thanks to the help of Rotary International and the Bill Gates Foundation? / Polio
9 / Which UN Specialised Agency is leading the campaign against polio? / World Health Organisation
10 / According to UNHCR, the top three refugee – producing countries begin with the letters A and S – name them. / Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria

The World on your doorstep

Question / Answer
1 / What do Tim Peake and Helen Sharman have in common? / British Astronauts – Helen was the first but Tim was the first on the International Space Station
2 / ghd is a range of beauty products. What does it stand for? / Good Hair Day - hair straighteners etc
3 / What stopped the Daleks taking over the world? / Steps
4 / A company founded by Joseph Cyril Bamford in 1945 is now a leading multinational corporation manufacturing earth moving equipment. What is the company commonly known as? / JCB or JCB Excavators Ltd
5 / This is Olympic year – what sport are Nadia Comaneci and Olga Korbut associated with? / Gymnastics
6 / In terms of electrical wiring, name the two colours that represent ‘live’ / Red (old) and brown (new)
7 / MMR vaccine – what does MMR stand for? / Measles, Mumps and Rubella
8 / The oldest museum in the world is The Ashmolean – in which UK city is it? / Oxford
9 / Name 3 of the new Seven Wonders of the World / Christ the Redeemer Rio
Great Wall of China
Macchiato piccu Peru
Petra in Jordan
Pyramid Chichen Itza yuca tan peninsula, Mexico
Roman Colosseum
Taj Mahal
10 / What do lumens and candelas measure? / Two ways of measuring light

Tie Break

Name the five sports in the Modern Pentathlon


Running and shooting

Freestyle swimming

Show jumping

Name the 10 events of the Decathlon

Day 1

100 metres

Long jump

Shot put

High jump

400 metres

Day 2

110 metre hurdles


Pole vault



Tie Break 2

Name the 9 countries of the nuclear club?






India – post NPT

Pakistan – post NPT

Israel? – post NPT

North Korea – post NPT