Briefing package v7 – 6 April 2010

Meeting of the Heads of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)

Friday April 9th 2010

European Investment Bank

98 - 100, bvd. K. Adenauer

L2950 – Luxembourg

Room: EKI 4118


·  African Development Bank

o  Donald Kaberuka, President.

o  Graham Stegmann, Special Adviser to the President.

o  Kalidou Gadio, General Counsel.

·  Asian Development Bank

o  Haruhiko Kuroda, President.

o  Shuichi Hosoda, Chief Advisor of the President

o  Kazu Sakai, Director General, Strategy and Policy Department.

·  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

o  Thomas Mirow, President.

o  Hans Peter Lankes, Director of the President’s office.

o  Piroska M. Nagy, Senior Adviser.

·  European Investment Bank

o  Philippe Maystadt, President.

o  Martin Curwen, Director General, operations outside Europe.

o  Dominique de Crayencour, Director, Institutional Affairs.

·  Inter-American Development Bank

o  Roberto Vellutini, Vice-President for Countries.

o  Luis-Alberto Giorgio, Chief of Staff, Office of President.

·  International Monetary Fund

o  Murillo Portugal, Deputy Managing Director.

o  Hugh Bredenkamp, Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy and Review Department.

·  World Bank Group

o  Robert Zoellick, President.

o  Keiko Miwa, Assistant to the President.

o  Traci Phillips, Adviser.

o  Lars Thunell, CEO, International Finance Corporation.

o  Andrea Engel, IFC Brussels office representative.

LUNCH (13:00-14:30) – participants only Heads or Representatives of each Institution (accompanying officials and advisers will have a side lunch)

1. Progress on negotiations for MDBs' capital increases and soft window replenishments.

-  This topic will be discussed informally in a “tour-de-table” format.

2. Compliance issues: Anti-Money Laundering, Off-shore Financial Centers, anti-fraud and corruption, tax and development.

-  Objective is to learn from each other about the current practices and the main challenges in these areas. World Bank would introduce the topic of anti-fraud and corruption, EIB would introduce its OFC policy.


-  “Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions”

MEETING (14:45-16:00) – participants Heads +1 + Advisers

1. Macro-economic outlook, to be presented by the IMF.

-  Presentation by IMF.

2. Post-crisis challenges, including climate change post-Copenhagen, and MDB future evolution of activity.

-  After the IMF presentation, each MDB would provide, starting with the WB, its perspective on the main challenges in the post-crisis framework, focusing on climate change post-Copenhagen, but also on other key issues relevant for MDB activity.

3. Mutual reliance between IFIs/MDBs when co-financing projects.

-  The topic is a follow-up on the previous two meetings (Tunis, Istanbul). The EIB could introduce the subject, followed by IFC on its experience with the private sector group, and a discussion on recent experience and future developments in each MDB.

4. Respective responsibilities in the G20 mutual assessment process (the role of MDBs in contributing to the assessment of the development impact in their particular regions).

-  Discussion expected to be short. The IMF will introduce the topic and report what it is doing, and then the WB will report what it is doing in this area.

5. Any other business

Next Heads of MDBs meetings:

-  October 2010, hosted by WB, Washington;

-  Spring 2011, hosted by ADB, Manila.

Annexes: Briefings

WB bullet points on climate change

Lunch item 1. Status of capital increases’ process (each MDB)





World Bank Group

Lunch item 2. Compliance issues and OFC policies






World Bank Group

Meeting item 1. Macroeconomic outlook (IMF)