The CNVC Certified Trainer Commission Fee is 10% of your net NVC income for the previous year. If you received less than 3000 USD in NVC income in the previous year, your renewal fee is 300 USD. (For those who were not certified in January of the previous year, the minimum trainer commission fee is 25 USD for each month in which you were certified.)
Please complete and send this form to CNVC with payment.
TRAINER COMMISSION FEE: Please print clearly
Attention: Certification Program Support 20___
For those newly certified in 2010: I was certified during the month of ______
Your name as listed on CNVC website______
Check (US checks only)# ______or Money order #______or
Credit card # ______Exp date ______
Paypal Confirmation #:______
Wire Confirmation #:______
Amount______(US dollars) Date of Payment ______
Signature______Date ______
Please make payment in US dollars.
1. By US check or money order:
We prefer payment by US check or money order payable to CNVC in US currency and mailed with the TRAINER COMMISSION FEE FORM (above) to
The Center for Nonviolent Communication
Attention: Certification Program Support 20___
5600 San Francisco Rd. NE Ste. A
Albuquerque, NM 87109
2. By credit card: For safety, please send your credit card information:
via Fax: +1.505.247.0414 or
via Mail: to the above CNVC office address or
via Skype conversation to user cnvc.adminsupport (Adriane Callinan, Admin Support)
For your own protection, do NOT send credit card information by email.
3. By wire transfer:
For safety we periodically change our bank information. The use of older bank information can result in difficulties including loss of funds.
For NEW wire transfer information, please contact Adriane Callinan
Phone: +1.505.244.4041
Fax: +1.505.247.0414
4. By PayPal online:
Payment can also be made safely in 16 currencies by PayPal.
Go to:
If you do not have a PayPal account, click on "Sign Up" and enter your information.
Complete the member log in.Click on "Send money" tab at the top.
To complete the form:
Recipient's email:
Amount: Enter in US Dollars
Category of Purchase:Service
Email Subject:Certification Program Support 20___
Complete and paste in Trainer Commission Fee Form.
PayPal is a secure online service for transferring funds between a variety of currencies. Like with all financial information, for security do NOT provide financial information through email links. Even when an email looks like it is sent by PayPal or a bank, it may not be.
Group Payment Instructions
To be able to stay in integrity with CNVC’s legal responsibilities and agreements, and for ease of procedural work at the CNVC office, we hold our business relationships with individuals only. We realize that it may provide you with ease to be able to submit payments in groups. We would like to support you by accepting group payments, but can only do so if accompanied by documentation and contact information. For mutual ease, support and integrity, we request that you follow these instructions when submitting group payments.
We request that the following information be included with each group payment:
1. Name of group/organization and contact information
2. Name of appointed representative for your group and their contact information
3. List of names of each individual contributing
4. Payment amount from each individual
July 2010 Page 1