A. Czarist Autocracy: The absolute power wielded by the Romanov czars came into question as the needs of the people were not addressed. Nicholas II (1894-1917) did little to alter the situation.

B. Russia backward: basically agricultural; peasants not far removed from serfdom

C. Discontent among the rising middle class and city workers

D. Rise of opposition political parties

1. Constitutional Democrats wanted constitutional monarchy

2. Social Revolutionaries: wanted democratically elected government and distribution of land to the peasants

3. Social Democrats: Marxists; believed revolution would be led by the urban working class; led by Lenin who became a revolutionary after his older brother was executed in 1887 for plotting to assassinate Alexander III; party split in 1903 a. Bolsheviks: Lenin and his followers; word means majority: wanted immediate revolution led by small group of Marxists who would establish a dictatorship of the proletariat until the people could take over b. Mensheviks: word means minority; preferred to move more slowly toward revolution until Russia was industrialized and the people were ready; actually more of these but name based on vote taken it 1903 party conference held in exile in London where Lenin won by one vote

E. Defeat in the Russo-Japanese War: 1904 Russia declared war on Japan. The two were competing for control in Korea. Russia's defeat increased unrest at home and led to the Revolution of 1905.

F. Revolution of 1905: 200,000 workers march to Winter Palace in St. Petersburg on Jan. 22, 1905 to ask for better working conditions (an 8 hr. workday and no less than $.50 per day), more personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. Government troops fired on the crowd and killed 500-1000. This event became Bloody Sunday. Strikes and riots followed. The czar issues the October Manifesto, which promised a constitution, civil liberties, and an elected parliament, the Duma which never had any real power. Soviets (elected workers' councils) were formed.

G. World War I: Thousands of Russian soldiers were killed. There was economic collapse in Russia: inflation, shortages of food fuel, and housing, strikes. Nicholas II made unwise military decisions. He left Czarina Alexandra in charge while he went to the front. She fell under the influence of the mad monk, Rasputin who gave very bad advice. Rasputin had apparently cured Prince Alexis of hemophilia and thereby won the confidence of the Romanovs. Russian nobles resented his influence. In December of 1916 he was killed although with great difficulty. (poison cakes, shooting, drowning) '


A. March. 1917 (Feb. in old Russian calendar) the people revolted. Troops called to quell the revolt joined it.

B. March 15, 1917 Nicholas II abdicated. He and his family were imprisoned. In July, 1918 they were executed.

C. The Duma established a provisional government under Alexander Kerensky. Many people opposed the decision to continue fighting in World War I.

D. Radicals did not accept the provisional government. Representatives were sent to the St. Petersburg Soviet which became very powerful.


A. The Provisional Government failed because it continued Russian participation in the WWI.

B. Germany helped Lenin return to Russia. He arrived in St. Petersburg on April 3, 1917 and began to promote revolution.

C. September. 1917 General Lavr Kornilov. commander-in-chief of the army, tried to seize power. Bolsheviks tore up tracks and diverted trains to prevent Kornilov's troops from advancing to St. Petersburg. They also organized Red Guard units to defend the city. Bolsheviks "saved'' St. Petersburg and gained popular support. Bolsheviks began to gain control of the soviets including the St. Petersburg Soviet led by Leon Trotsky, second in influence to Lenin

D. November 7, 1917 (October 24 in the Russian calendar): Bolsheviks take St. Petersburg under the slogan of Peace, Bread, and Land. The members of the provisional government were arrested. The new government was organized under begin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) and his side-kick Leon Trotsky who led the army.

E. Russia withdrew from World War I and signed a truce with Germany. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed in March, 1918. The government ordered all farmland to be divided among the peasants.

F. Elections were held for a national assembly. When the Social Revolutionary party won a majority the Bolsheviks closed the Assembly F. In 1918 the capital was moved to Moscow. The Cheka (secret police) was organized.

G. Bolsheviks organized the Red army.


A. 1918-1920 Communists (Reds) vs Anti-communists (Whites) who were backed by western nations including the U.S.

B. Communist victory