PARADE ORDER (No 1(HKI) Wing Parade 2013)















1.  No 1 (HKI) Wing Parade

The Passing Out Parade is one of the major events of No 1 (HKI) Wing . The Parade incorporates the passing out ceremony of Recruit Cadets as well as certificate presentation to the overage cadets in the year 2013. All members under the Wing are obliged to take part in this important event and show their support. With the generous support from the Family Council of the Home Affairs Bureau, parents and family members are also cordially invited to witness the remarkable event.

2.  Parade Events

Date / Unit / Time / Event / Venue / Dress
4 May 2013 / All / 1300-1600 hrs / Rehearsal / 106 Sqn / Corps tee for cadets
Corps polo-shirt for officers
11 May 2013 / All / 1300-1600 hrs / Rehearsal / 106 Sqn / No 3A
18 May 2013 / All / 0930 – 1000 hrs
1000 – 1200 hrs
1330 – 1415 hrs
1415 – 1530 hrs / Roll Call
Refreshments / Lei Yue Mun
Park and Holiday
Village / Uniform
(para 9 refers)

3.  Order of Parade

1300 Hrs Officers arrive

1315 Hrs Guests be seated

1330 Hrs Parade marches on

Standard & Guards march on, General Salute

1345 Hrs Arrival of the Reviewing Officer

The Reviewing Officer will be escorted on Parade by the Escorting Officers

The Parade will give the General Salute

The Reviewing Officer will review the Parade

The Parade will March Past

The Parade will Advance in Review Order and give the General Salute

The Reviewing Officer will address the Parade

The Reviewing Officer will present certificates

The Parade will March Off

The Reviewing Officer will be escorted off the Parade by the Escorting Officer

Guests are requested to stand:

(a) When the Wing Standard is escorted by the Guard of Honour march onto the Parade ground;

(b) When the Reviewing Officer arrives on Parade and acknowledges the General Salute;

(c) When the Wing Standard is escorted by the Guard of Honour march past the dais;

(d) When the Parade Advances in Review Order for the General Salute; and

(e) When the Reviewing Officer leaves the Parade ground.

4.  Organizing Committee

Advisers / Squadron Leader Vickie Yuen Kwan AU
Squadron Leader Alan Kwok Lun NG
Warrant Officer WU King Yeung Boris
Project Manager / Flight Lieutenant Salina Ching LUI
Members / Flight Lieutenant Eric Sai Chung CHIU
Flight Lieutenant Claudia Chor Sze LAM
Flight Lieutenant Connie Sze Chung MUI
Flight Lieutenant Daisy Tik Yan PANG
Acting Warrant Officer HAU Sing Park

5.  Parade Positions

Reviewing Personnel

Reviewing Officer / Mr Yu Lap Fun, Peter
The Principal of Aberdeen Technical School
Escorting Officers (w/sword) / Flight Lieutenant Roy Wing Cheong TANG
Flight Lieutenant Kevin Tsz Wai KOK

Parading Personnel

Parade Commander (w/sword) / Flight Lieutenant Eric Sai Chung CHIU
Parade Adjutant (w/sword) / Flight Lieutenant Claudia Chor Sze LAM
Parade Warrant Officer
(w/pace stick and sash) / Acting Warrant Officer HAU Sing Park

Wing Standard Party

Standard Bearer (w/sword) / Flying Officer Sunny MAK
Standard Warrant Officer
(w/pace stick and sash) / Warrant Officer LAI Yiu Chung Ryan
Standard Escorts (w/rifle) / Cadet Sergeant FUNG Ho Bun
Cadet Sergeant Poon Lai Lok
Guard Commander (w/sword) / Flight Lieutenant Daisy Tik Yan PANG
Guard Junior Officer (w/sword) / Flying Officer Queenie Wing Shan LEUNG
Stick Orderlies (w/orderly cane) / Cadet Sergeant TO Long Wai
Cadet Corporal LAU Chi Leuk
Squadron Commanders / Flying Officer Queenie Man Wai KAN
Flying Officer Ken Ka Kin CHAN
Squadron Warrant Officers (w/sash) / Sergeant Instructor WONG Chi Cheong Dominic
Sergeant Instructor LAM Ka Che Basil
Flight Commanders / Flying Officer Dickson Ning LEUNG
Flying Officer Simon Chung Tak YU
Pilot Officer Wang Hei CHUNG
Pilot Officer Vickie Yuen Yee SIU
Pilot Officer Jackie Wai Kit LAM
Acting Pilot Officer Yuk Yan WONG

Squadron Contingents No 101 Squadron

No 102 Squadron

No 103 Squadron

No 105 Squadron

No 106 Squadron

No 107 Squadron

No 108 Squadron

6.  Supporting Staff

Overall Commander / Flight Lieutenant Salina Ching LUI
Second-in-Command / Flight Lieutenant Connie Sze Chung MUI
Logistics Support Officer / Squadron Leader Alan Kwok Lun NG
Programme Book Editor / Flying Officer Sunny MAK
Design of Invitation Card and Programme Book Cover / Flying Officer Sunny MAK
First Aid / Medical Squadron
Catering Officer / Flight Lieutenant Salina Ching LUI
Photography / Photo Flight, Operations Support Wing
Video Coordinator / Photo Flight, Operations Support Wing
Reception Officer / Flight Lieutenant Connie Sze Chung MUI
Master of Ceremony / Acting Pilot Officer Aileen Ngar Lam CHAN

7.  Musical Performance

Red Guards

8.  First Aid

Medical Squadron, Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps

9.  Uniform

Senior Members No. 1 Service Dress Senior Members on Parade

No. 1 Service Dress or Supporting staff

No. 2 (Full)/2A Routine Working Dress

(as ordered)

Cadets No. 1 Service Dress (Ceremonial Order) Stick Orderlies

Standards Escorts


No. 2 (Full)/2A Routine Working Dress Guards of Honour

(as ordered) Squadron Contingent NCOICs

No. 3(Full)/3A Field Dress (as ordered) Other cadets on Parade

Members of Working Party


i.  Full-size medals, ribbons, lanyards are to be worn.

ii.  Escorting Officers, Parade Commander, Parade Adjutant, Guard Commander, Guard Junior Officer, Squadron Commanders,Parade Warrant Officer, members of the Standards Parties & Guards of Honour, Stick Orderlies and Orderlies shall wear white gloves.

iii.  Guards of Honour shall wear white belt with buckle.

iv.  Female members on parade with swords or rifles shall wear slacks.

v.  Blue-Grey sashes are to be worn by Parade Warrant Officer and Squadron Warrant Officers.

vi.  Name tags are not to be worn by members on parade.

vii.  No optional items in particular stable/purse belts are to be worn.

viii.  Female members are to keep their hair neat and tidy and above the collar of the shirt/tunic. No ponytails are allowed.

ix.  The remarks should be read in conjunction with Dress Regulations issued by HQ.

10.  Transportation

Coaches will be arranged for cadets from Shau Kei Wan MTR Station to Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village at 0800 hrs on 18 May 2013. Coaches will be arranged for guests from Admiralty and Chai Wan MTR Station to Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village at 1215 hrs and 1245 hrs respectively. Due to limited car parking slots, guests and Corps members are advised to use public transport or car parking facilities close to the parade venue.

11.  Assembly and Reporting

All members are to muster at the parade ground, Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village, and report to the Parade Warrant Officer at 0830 hrs on 18 May 2013.

12.  Catering Arrangements

Lunch will be provided by the Wing at the canteen. Members are reminded to bring along water for personal consumption.

13.  After Parade Refreshments

Refreshments will be arranged immediately after the Parade at the canteen for VIPs and other guests respectively.

14.  Bad Weather Arrangement

The arrangement for the Parade shall follow the regulations issued by HQ.

15.  Security

In view of the operational requirement of the parade venue, all Corps members and their guests are to stringently comply with the security and safety procedures in force within Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village.

Eric Sai Chung CHIU

Flight Lieutenant

Parade Commander

12 May 2013

Distribution CO


OC Ops Gp (I), OC Ops Gp (II), OC Trg Gp, OC IA Gp

All major units

Cc Mr Yu, the Principal of Aberdeen Technical School

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