Corporate Property Standards and Guidance

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Produced by the Children and Young People's Directorate of Somerset County Council

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PA/SA/Corporate Property Standards and Guidance.doc

November 2010

The Corporate Property Standards have been reviewed and amended in light of recent changes to legislation and SCC standing orders. The Corporate Property Standards (‘The Standards’) are a key source of information for those people with responsibility for property assets, typically the ‘Premises Manager’.

The Standards advise Premises Managers and other responsible persons of the requirement to comply with legal and corporate policies, procedures and standards. They provide essential guidance when planning, commissioning and implementing works to maintain or improve property. They apply to all property owned or maintained by the Council, including all schools.

Please see next page for document.

Please note this document consists of 56 pages.

Page - 17

Somerset County Council

Corporate Property Standards and Guidance


Key Contacts

Principal Contacts

Contact / Name / Telephone / Email
Somerset County Council (SCC) – Property Client Team / Brian Allwood / 01823-356882 /
Somerset County Council (SCC) – Southwest One Property Services Provider
(also Corporate Surveyor Role) / Andrew Tucker / 01823-356979 /
Directorate Contact – CYPD Schools / Steve Aelberry / 01823-355980 /
Directorate Contact – CYPD, Non Schools / Steve Gale / 01823-355979 /
Directorate Contact – Communities / Sam Skinner / 01823-356760 /
Directorate Contact – Environment / Sarah Diacono / 01823-355619 /
Corporate Health and Safety Unit / Brian Oldham / 01823-355089 /

Specialist Areas

Area / Name / Telephone / Email
Guidance on Implementation of works / Brian Allwood / 01823-356882 /
Planning & Statutory Approvals / As Detailed within the Guidance
School Design Standards / Steve Aelberry / 01823-355980 /
Health and Safety / Corporate Health & Safety Unit / 01823-355089 /
Planned Preventative Maintenance / Helen Acreman / 01823-355528 /
Council’s Financial & Procurement Regulations / Somerset Direct / 01823-273588 /
Disability Discrimination / Michelle Howell / 01823-355815 /
Sustainable Development / Mike Fackrell / 01823-355310 /
Insurances, CYPD / Becky Price / 01823-355469 /

Version Control

Document Name: / Corporate Property Standards and Guidance 2010-11
Document Number:
Date: / 13 October 2010
Release: / Final
Author: / Southwest One
Owner: / Corporate Property, Resources Directorate

Note: This document is only valid on the day it was printed.

Revision History

Date of next revision:

Revision Date / Previous Revision Date / Summary of Changes / Changes Marked


This document requires the following approvals. A signed copy is maintained by the SCC Corporate Property Team.

Name / Signature / Title / Date of Issue / Version


This document has been distributed to:

Name/ Group / Title / Date of Issue / Version
Premises Managers
Southwest One
Directorate Contacts

Distribution of Standards

Each premises occupier provides a named individual who has accountability for the application of these standards – formally identified as ‘Premises Manager’. Standards are accessed through the Council intranet, and through the Schools internet site.

Process for Update

SCC Corporate Property Team (Client), and Southwest One Property Services Provider maintain these standards under regular review, considering changes in legal requirements, corporate requirements, and management processes.


1 Introduction to the Standards 7

1.1 Introduction 7

1.2 Summary of Key Points 9

1.3 Asset Management Planning 10

1.4 Roles & Responsibilities 11

1.5 Council Approvals & Monitoring Compliance 13

2 Guidance on Implementation of Works 16

2.1 Principal Work Stages 16

2.2 Consultation with the Corporate Health and Safety Unit 16

2.3 Commissioning and Approvals 17

2.4 Sources of Funding – Schools Only 17

2.5 Council Standing Orders 17

2.6 Appointment of Consultants 18

2.7 Appointment of Contractors 19

2.8 Use of Handymen/caretakers/ parent or volunteer labour 22

2.9 Operations on Site 22

2.10 Handover of works 22

2.11 Disposal and/or Acquisition of Land 23

3 Statutory Approvals 24

3.1 Key Contacts for Statutory Approvals 24

3.2 Planning Permission 24

3.3 Listed Buildings and Conservation Area Consents 25

3.4 Scheduled Ancient Monument Consent 25

3.5 Building Regulations 26

3.6 Party Wall etc Act 1996 27

3.7 Prescribed Alterations – Statutory Consultation Process and School Organisation Committee Approval 27

3.8 The Education (School Premises) Regulations 27

3.9 Water supply regulations 28

3.10 Public entertainment licensing 28

3.11 Landscape issues 28

3.12 Other statutory and legal issues relevant to a site 29

4 DfE and Somerset County Council Design Standards 30

5 Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) 31

5.1 Funding of Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) 31

5.2 Planned Preventative Maintenance and Servicing 31

5.3 Plant and Equipment Testing and Servicing 38

5.4 The Building Maintenance Indemnity Scheme (BMIS) for Schools 40

6 Council’s Financial Regulations, Contract Standing Orders & Procurement 43

7 EU Procurement Regulations 44

8 Disability Discrimination 46

8.1 Introduction 46

8.2 The meaning of disability 47

8.3 Required action – employment 47

8.4 Required action – access to goods, facilities and services 47

8.5 Reasonable Adjustments 48

8.6 Making ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ in Practice 49

8.7 Education 50

8.8 Safeguarding Requirements 52

9 Council’s Requirements for Sustainable Development 53

10 Health and Safety 54

11 Insurances 55

1 Introduction to the Standards

1.1 Introduction

Purpose of the Standards

The Corporate Property Standards (‘The Standards’) are a key source of information for those people with responsibility for property assets, typically the ‘Premises Manager’.

The Standards advise Premises Managers and other responsible persons of the requirement to comply with legal and corporate policies, procedures and standards. They provide essential guidance when planning, commissioning and implementing works to maintain or improve property. They apply to all property owned or maintained by the Council, including all schools.

The Standards should be read in conjunction with the documents named within them, and appropriate professional advice should be sought where necessary. There is no substitute for seeking support from experienced and competent consultants professionally qualified in their various specialised disciplines.

In the case of Schools, good stewardship is a joint responsibility of the schools and the County Council, with the exception of Academies and Free Schools where there is no retained Council responsibility. The delegation of budgets and responsibilities for school maintenance brought about significant changes to roles. Schools now have an increased and vital role to perform in discharging good stewardship, and these standards should support this role.

Whist Foundation and Academy schools are outside of the Local Authority remit the statutory and legal requirements within this document would still apply. (refer to ‘Position Statement on Academies, September 2010’).

The Premises Manager

The Premises Manager is formally identified for all properties through the use of the F02 form under the corporate Health & Safety policy.

In the case of Schools, Head teachers and School Governors also carry responsibility for legal and corporate compliance and should be aware of these requirements.

Guidance Provided

The Standards provide guidance on implementing works to maintain and improve premises. Links to external sources of information are provided at appropriate points within The Standards. These will be reviewed and updated periodically

The Standards sit alongside the full set of Health and Safety guidance that is provided by the Corporate Health and Safety Unit (CHSU) and is available on the corporate intranet. The CHSU information includes essential guidance on a range of areas, and of particular relevance when implementing works to premises are Health and Safety at Work, CDM Regulations, Asbestos Removal & Remediation, Water Hygiene, Fire Risk and Risk Assessments.

A summary of the areas of guidance provided within The Standards is provided below:

/ Section / Content / Links /
1 / Introduction / Introduction, Asset Management Planning, Roles and Responsibilities, Approvals and Compliance monitoring.
2 / Implementation of Works / Project Lifecycle, Commissioning of Works, Appointment of Consultants, Appointment of Contractors, Use of Handymen, Handover of Works. / Link to Council Standing Orders.
3 / Statutory Approvals / Planning, Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Building Regulations, Party Wall etc Act, Prescribed Alterations, Water Supply Regulations, Public Entertainment Licensing, Landscape Approvals. / Links for Building Regulations, and the Education (School Premises) Regulations.
4 / Design Standards / Requirement to comply with the DfE and Council Design Standards / Link to DfE Design Standards
5 / Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) / Funding of PPM, PPM requirements, Plant & Equipment Testing, the BMIS scheme for Schools.
6 / Council Financial Regulations (including Standing Orders) / Requirement to comply with the Council’s Financial regulations, including Standing Orders. / Link to regulations on SCC website.
7 / Compliance with EU procurement / Requirement to comply with the European Union Procurement Directive and Regulations for implementation within the UK. / Link to OGC
8 / Disability Discrimination / Requirement to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 and the Special Educational Needs & Disability Act 2001.
9 / Health and Safety / Requirements to comply with the Corporate Health and Safety Policy and Manual and signpost to other guidance. Link to the guidance provided by the Corporate Health and Safety Unit, available on the corporate intranet. / Link to site for Corporate Health and Safety Unit (CHSU) guidance.
10 / Sustainable Development / Requirement to comply with the Council’s policies on sustainable development. / Link to Sustainable Development guidance.
11 / Insurances / Requirement for insurance of premises.

1.2 Summary of Key Points

·  All building work to Council property, including work to schools, is regulated by corporate and statutory requirements irrespective of the source of funding. The Standards should be consulted when planning, commissioning and implementing any works to maintain or improve Council owned property.

·  Premises Managers, the County Council, School Head Teachers, Governors and Contractors all have legal responsibilities in relation to building projects, including responsibility for the safety of public, pupils and staff.

·  Professional advice should be sought, either through the property services provider Southwest One or through private consultants.

·  The Corporate Health and Safety unit should be consulted at the inception of projects, and in particular will advise on Health and Safety considerations such as fire safety and CDM.

·  Council Corporate Property Client approval must be obtained for all projects (including changes of use), regardless of their size or type. Approval for projects must be sought via the directorate’s Asset Management Group or designated manager. Approval processes are already established for CYPD properties - see page 13.

·  Guidance is provided for the appointment of Consultants and Contractors where schools are delivering work through devolved funding. Appointment must be made in accordance with the Council’s procurement and financial regulations (Standing Orders). Note. County Council Standing Orders do not apply to Academies or Free Schools.

·  It is important to establish the competence of any Consultant or Contractor, and to ensure that they comply with all statutory requirements, including mandatory health and safety regulations.

·  Any works undertaken by Handymen, Caretakers, Parent of Volunteer labour must be undertaken to the same standards, and with the same level of due care and diligence, as would be exercised by a specialist contractor. Any proposal to undertake work using this type of labour should be treated with extreme caution, and CRB checks must be undertaken where appropriate.

·  Statutory Approvals for works must be secured where necessary, including Planning approval and Building Regulation approval.

·  Works will be monitored by Southwest One on behalf of the Council to ensure compliance with statutory and standing orders. The Council’s Corporate Surveyor will monitor compliance with corporate and legal requirements.

·  It is essential to comply with Corporate Health and Safety Policy, in particular for the use of the Asbestos Register and for appointment of a CDM co-ordinator (where required by regulations).

·  It is advisable to keep the Building Surveyor informed.

The Corporate Property Client is available to advise on any aspect of information contained within this guidance.

1.3 Asset Management Planning

The Asset Management Planning (AMP) process is owned by the Corporate Property Client, and normally involves the Property Client, Directorate, and Building Premises Occupier. The AMP process is used to establish priorities for investment, and is summarised in the diagram below.

Schools Asset Management Planning

The DfE has issued guidance advising how premises’ requirements should be established against locally agreed priorities. Asset management planning depends on the data, analysis, reports and policies put in place to meet these objectives. Information to support asset management planning activity can be consulted at This process should involve partnership between local authority, schools, diocesan authorities and other educational stakeholders.

Schools are required to produce a School Development Plan, and this should include a Property Development Plan which takes account of issues such as:

·  Curriculum requirements

·  Changes in school roll

·  Condition of buildings

·  Occupancy of buildings

·  Suitability of buildings

·  Funding availability

The School Development Plan will help schools to plan and prioritise work. The plan will help school governors meet their premises responsibilities. It will also assist them when discussing accommodation proposals with Council officers and advisers.

1.4 Roles & Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities for those groups with responsibility for property assets are summarised below:-