MARCH 8, 2013
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Executive Board Meeting
March 8, 2013 - 10:00 am
Lawson State Community College – Bessemer Campus
10: 00 I. Call to Order
10:15 II. Presentation and Call of Vote for Minutes
10:30 III. Open Discussion
Spring Conference Program
New Aid Officers Workshop
Vendor Sponsorship
Spring Local Arrangements
Old Business
New Business
IV. Adjourn
I. Sharon Williams, President, called the meeting to order at 10:21 am. Members present at the meeting:
Sharon Williams, President
Kevin Ammons, President Elect
Vickie Adams, Past President
Phillip Nelson, Vice President
Stephanie Miller, Secretary
Ann Campbell, Treasurer
Tammy Spratlin, Sponsorship Chair
Jennifer Epperson, Spring Local Arrangements Chair
MARCH 8, 2013
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II. Sharon Williams, President, requested the reading of the minutes. Stephanie Miller, Secretary, read the minutes from the following meetings:
September 12 – October 8, 2012: 2013 Spring Conference Date Change Minutes
November 1, 2012: FY 13 Budget Approval Minutes
November 15, 2012: Transition Meeting Minutes Approval
November 16, 2012: Fall Workshop Business Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2013: Proposed Speaker Minutes
January 30, 2013: Nominations for the Buchanan and Padgett Awards
January 31 – February 22, 2013, March 6 – 7, 2013: Slate of Candidates Approval Minutes
February 12, 2103: 2013 SASFAA Conference Meeting Notes
February 22- 25, 2013: Giveaway Approval Minutes
Sharon Williams opened the floor for discussion after each of the minutes were read. The discussion of the minutes is as follows:
Fall Workshop Business Meeting Minutes:
Sharon Williams wanted to hear more information about the Fall Workshop Business Meeting Minutes in regard to the “plug” in the budget, most specifically why we have the “plug.” Phillip stated it was put in there when we lost the vendor/exhibitor sponsorship funding the last spring conference (2009) at Perdido Beach Resort so that AASFAA would not go under based on the contract that had been signed. Phillip stated that he thought we should take out some of the travel, especially for the NASFAA leadership conference. He felt that we didn’t need to send anyone, but the president elect to help the budget. The Board questioned what travel does the president elect and president really need to attend and who really needs to go? The Board discussed the current year’s travel and, in specific, what Sharon was able to attend or who she designated to go in her stead. Phillip suggested the for next year’s budget that we needed to look at the travel expenses.
Travel Expense Discussion:
Kevin Ammons stated that we need to determine if we need or should go to some things and not others. Vickie Adams said that she enjoyed meeting and networking with president elects at the NASFAA Leadership & Conference, but felt that it may not be a necessity to attend. The NASFAA Leadership Conference may not be something that we want to do in the future. Kevin Ammons is set to attend the upcoming conference. He will report to the Executive Board if it is still cost effective to attend. Sharon made a request from last year’s Executive Board to be able to go with Kevin to the NASFAA Conference this year due to her special circumstance last year.
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Budget Discussion:
The Board decided that it was not good policy to have short term investment to balance the budget. We should either show ways to create more money or decrease expenses. Kevin Ammons, Phillip Nelson and Stephanie Miller suggested increasing the membership fee from $15 to $25. Phillip Nelson volunteered to be on budget committee next year to help with some of the items that need additional attention such as the conference fee, vendor fees and etc.
Giveaway Minutes Discussion:
Sharon Williams gave the total expenditure for 250 lapel pins - $590.64. The Board voted to change the quantity to 200. The Board viewed and approved the pin mock up and is attached to this report. Sharon Williams emailed the company for the change to 200. It was noted that SASFAA had cute gift bags for vendors – water, peanuts, chocolate and other snacks. The Board decided that Tammy Spratlin would be in charge of vendor/exhibitor sponsor gift bags and that vendors would receive the gift bag with the lapel pin rather than an AASFAA Bag. It was noted that Greenwood and Hall, vendor, would be purchasing the cups. Stephanie Miller was asked to check with Inceptia about notebooks for the Executive Board and to see if we have enough AASFAA notebooks from last year to give to the New Aid Officers Workshop Attendees.
After no further discussion, Phillip Nelson made a motion to accept and approve all of the minutes as read. Kevin Ammons seconded the motion. The Executive Board vote was as follows:
Sharon Williams, President - Approve
Kevin Ammons, President Elect - Approve
Vickie Adams, Past President - Approve
Phillip Nelson, Vice President - Approve
Stephanie Miller, Secretary - Approve
Ann Campbell, Treasurer - Approve
With an Executive Board vote of 6 of 6 to accept the minutes, the minutes were approved.
III. Open Discussion:
New Aid Officer Workshop – Phillip Nelson and Lissa Powell are currently revising and adding to the core workshop manual and PowerPoint presentation. Instead of five pieces, the manual will changed to three due to time constraints. The other pieces will be in the back of the book. The workshop will cover the most important parts, but the manual will still allow the registrant to be able to review the information and take it back to their offices. Lissa Powell, USA Funds, will print the manuals free of charge (at no cost to AASFAA) and bring them to the conference. Sharon Williams and Kevin Ammons will meet and greet the registrants at the beginning of the workshop.
Registration – Kevin Ammons stated that Spring Conference registration is online and active. Kevin asked that Ann Campbell open the registration desk earl for the New Aid Officers Workshop. It was also suggested that she find additional help for the registration desk since Amanda Sharp would not be in attendance.
Vendor Sponsorship – Tammy Spratlin stated that the following sponsors were scheduled to attend: Discover, American Student Assistance, KHEAA, Great Lakes, PNC, Suntrust, CMD Outsourcing Solutions, Wells Fargo, Edfinancial, Greenwood & Hall and Inceptia. Tammy said that some sponsors had not responded, but there was still time. Tammy will be send the email to all sponsors to bring flyers to put in the AASFAA Bags, as well as, ask for help to stuff the bags in the hospitality room (320) on Tuesday, April 30th, at 7:30. Tammy asked Stephanie to email the park with the shipping information. Tammy stated that she initially emailed vendors and said that it was $1000 with a banner. She then discovered that it should have read with one conference fee included. She emailed the sponsors with this information, she did not know about the meals attended would need to be paid separately. She asked the Board if she needed to make an amendment email to the sponsors. Stephanie Miller made the motion to amend the Executive Board decision on April 10th, $1000 Sponsor fee which includes one registration and no meals, to allow the $1000 conference fee with one conference registration and meals included for the 2013 Spring Conference. Kevin Ammons moved to accept and Phillip Nelson seconded Stephanie’s motion. Ann Campbell said that we need to make sure they pay the membership fee. Vickie Adams commented that the conference fee includes meals.
The Executive Board vote was as follows:
Sharon Williams, President - Approve
Kevin Ammons, President Elect - Approve
Vickie Adams, Past President - Approve
Phillip Nelson, Vice President - Approve
Stephanie Miller, Secretary - Approve
Ann Campbell, Treasurer – Approve
With an Executive Board vote of 6 of 6 to allow the $1000 with one conference registration and no meal payment, the motion was approved.
Tammy Spratlin commented that the website should be updated to include her information. Stephanie Miller suggested that we have generic format and contact to go on the website instead of specific information. Tammy agreed to update the information on the website
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Stephanie Miller made a motion for 2014 to keep the sponsor fee at $1000, but do not include the one conference or membership fee. Vickie Adams seconded the motion.
The Executive Board vote was as follows:
Sharon Williams, President - Approve
Kevin Ammons, President Elect - Approve
Vickie Adams, Past President - Approve
Phillip Nelson, Vice President - Approve
Stephanie Miller, Secretary - Approve
Ann Campbell, Treasurer – Approve
With an Executive Board vote of 6 of 6 to have the 2014 Sponsor fee remain at $1000 and not include the conference fee or membership fee, the motion was approved.
Spring Conference Program – Tammy Spratlin asked if we could ensure that the Conference Pocket Agenda had the list of sponsors. Stephanie Miller requested that Tammy get the sponsor logos for full conference program. Sharon Williams emailed Deborah to ask if someone needs to take over the program and Deborah said that she would appreciate it. Deborah asked Sharon about her conference fee being waived because at the time of the conference she will have retired. The Board agreed that according to the Executive Board vote on April 10th, Deborah would only need to pay for the meals that she attends.
The Spring Conference Program was discussed and set along with theme – “AASFAA: Celebrating 45 Years of Excellence”. It was decided that the Gadsden State singers would receive an honorarium of $300 and dinner the night of their performance. Sharon Williams and Vickie Adams made the following purchases for the Spring Conference: balloons, personalized mints and pencils.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.
--Respectfully Submitted by Stephanie Miller, Secretary