Please complete all the sections below.

If the answer is yes or no, please clearly write YES or NO.

Please TYPE your answers. Unfortunately, we cannot accept hand-written documents.

Once completed please save and email the file to

Stress Free VisasReservation Reference (starts with 7)

Title, name, surname

Date of entry in Russia

Date of departure from Russia

Country where you are applying for visa


Russian Visa Application Questions

  1. Nationality (If you formerly had a USSR or Russian Nationality, please indicate when and why you lost it)
  1. Surname (as in passport)
  1. First and middle names (as in passport)
  1. Other Surnames used (maiden name, pseudonym, holy orders, etc.). If you do not have any other Surnames please type NONE
  1. Sex
  1. Date of birth
  1. Country of birth
  1. Place of birth
  2. if born in Russia or USSR, please indicate when and what country you emigrated to
  1. Marital status – please confirm the option
  2. Married
  3. Single
  4. Divorced
  5. Separated
  6. Widowed
  7. Civil partnership
  8. Dissolved partnership
  1. If not SINGLE you must answer the following specifying questions of your partner. Note: you must provide answers to your spouse details even if widowed.
  2. Surname
  3. Name (names)
  4. Sex
  5. Birth Date
  6. Birth Place
  7. Current address
  8. Nationality
  9. Will your partner be travelling with you?
  1. Your passport
  2. Number
  3. Date of issue
  4. Date of expiry
  5. Issued by
  1. Do you have National Insurance Number?
  2. If yes, please specify the number
  1. Have you ever been issued a mandatory medical insurance?
  2. If yes, please specify the insurance provider and date of policy issue
  1. Who will pay for your trip to and stay in Russia?
  1. Have you ever changed your surname, name (names)?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Previous surnames
  4. Name (names)
  5. Date of change
  6. Reason for change
  1. Do you hold or have you ever held any other nationality or nationalities?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Nationality
  4. Passport number
  5. Issuing authority
  6. Date of issue
  7. Date of expiry
  1. Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offence?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Date conviction
  4. Place of conviction
  5. Reason
  6. Imposed sentence
  1. Have you been refused entry to Russia on arrival?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Date
  4. Where
  5. Reason
  1. Have you been refused a visa to Russia or any other country?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Date
  4. Country
  5. Reason
  1. Have you ever been deported or removed from Russia or any other country?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Date
  4. Country
  5. Reason
  1. Information about employment in organizations (governmental or non-governmental) of the following categories: armed forces, government or municipal administration authorities, judicial authorities, lawenforcement authorities, private security companies.
  2. Have you ever worked at any of such organizations?
  3. If yes, please specify:
  4. Name of organization
  5. Position
  6. Date from
  7. Date to
  1. Have you ever been involved in armed conflicts, either as a member of the military service or a victim?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Conflict name
  4. Country name
  5. Date from
  6. Date to
  1. Have you ever been suspected of any war crimes or crimes against humanity?
  1. Have you ever been a member of an organization recognized as terrorist organization?
  1. Have you ever by any means publicly expressed views that justify or glorify terrorist or extremist activities?
  2. Have you ever by any means publicly declared for dismantling the constitutional system or territorial integrity of the Russian Federation?
  1. Have you ever been charged with criminal or administrative offence (including traffic violation) in Russia or in any other country?
  1. Have you ever broken migration laws and regulations of Russia or of any other country?
  1. Have you ever been afflicted with a communicable disease of public health significance or a dangerous physical or mental disorder? Have you ever been a drug abuser or an addict?
  1. Have you ever used drugs or have been a drug addict?
  1. Level of Russian language skills. Please choose:
  2. Do not speak
  3. Fluent
  4. Can have a simple conversation
  5. Understand but do not speak well
  6. Read and translate with a dictionary
  1. Have you ever visited other countries in the past ten years? You must list all countries you have visited in the past ten years
  2. Country name
  3. Date from
  4. Date to
  5. Purpose of visit
  1. Have you visited Russia in the last 10 years?
  2. Date from
  3. Date to
  4. Purpose of visit
  1. Is it your first British passport?
  2. If you obtained British passport earlier, you have to indicate information of up to three previous passports:
  3. Passport number
  4. Issuing authority
  5. Date of issue
  6. Date of expiry
  7. Passport status (ran out of free pages, in my possession, lost, stolen, spoiled, expired)
  1. Information about your father
  2. Surname
  3. Name (names)
  4. Birth Date
  5. Birth Country
  6. Birth Place
  7. Nationality
  8. Did your parent die? (When? Where?)
  1. Information about your mother
  2. Surname
  3. Name (names)
  4. Birth Date
  5. Birth Country
  6. Birth Place
  7. Nationality
  8. Did your parent die? (When? Where?)
  1. Your permanent residential address
  2. Your permanent address
  3. Your mobile phone number
  4. Your fax
  5. Your email
  1. Your current employment status
  2. Employed
  3. Not working
  4. Self employed
  5. Retired
  6. Other (please specify)
  1. Current/latest place of work. Please indicate your current place of work, if retired / not working indicate your previous place of work
  2. Company name
  3. Position
  4. Company address
  5. Company telephone number
  6. Company e-mail
  7. Date of joining
  8. Date of dismissal
  9. Work telephone
  10. Work fax
  11. Work email
  1. Information about your financial situation:
  2. Your overall monthly income from all sources
  3. Do you have any other sources of income including relatives and friends?
  4. Do you have any bank accounts, securities, stocks, other private property, including those in Russia?
  5. Name of bank or organization
  6. Total amount of money you are planning to spend for this trip/ stay/ visit to Russia
  7. How much of this amount are you planning to spend on accommodation and food?
  1. Do you currently have relatives in Russia?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Surname
  4. First name
  5. Relationship
  6. Date of birth
  7. Address
  8. Nationality
  9. Contact telephone number
  1. Will you accompany any children?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Surname
  4. First name
  5. Date of birth
  6. Your relationship to the child?
  7. Your relationship to the parents of the child
  8. Passport number
  9. Issuing authority
  10. Date of issue
  11. Date of expiry
  12. Nationality
  1. Do you have children?
  2. If yes, please specify:
  3. Surname
  4. First name
  5. Date of birth
  6. Place of birth
  7. Relationship to you
  8. Passport number
  9. Issuing authority
  10. Date of issue
  11. Date of expiry
  12. Nationality
  13. Will your child be travelling with you?
  14. Do your child reside at a different address than your current address?
  15. What is the current address of your child
  1. Have you ever been issued a temporary residence permit in Russia?
  1. Are you planning to apply for a permanent residence permit in Russia?
  1. Do you have a social network account?


Russian visa application questionnaire, country: United Kingdom, version: 21 July 2017