A. Preface

B. Purpose

C. Function

D. Meeting Format

E. Service Structure

F. Parliamentary Authority

G. Suggested Language


A. Elections K. Participants B. Financial L. Quorum

C. Literature M. Regional Donation

D. Meeting Lists N. Reimbursements

E. Minutes O. Removal of Officers

F. Motions P. Resignations

G. New Groups Q. Serenity Fest

H. Nominations/Elections R. Sunday Unity Meeting Delete/Obsolete

I. P.O. Box S. Voting

J. Prudent Reserve

III. TRUSTED SERVANT AREA POSITIONS: (Requirements and Responsibilities)

(See individual subcommittee for their requirements and responsibilities)

A. Chairperson

B. Vice-Chair

C. Treasurer

D. Alternate Treasurer

E. Secretary

F. Alternate Secretary

G. Area Service Representative (ASR)

H. Alternate Area Service Representative


A. General Guidelines for all subcommittees

B. Ad-Hoc Committee General

C. Special Events

Requirements/ Responsibilities General

D. Hospitals and Institutions Need copy of approved H&I addendum

Requirements/Responsibilities General

E. Public Information

Requirements/Responsibilities General




It is strongly recommended by World Service that one of the first things an ASC does upon its foundation is to complete a set of guidelines for its ASC meetings. With this in mind, an Ad-Hoc Committee was formed, especially to create them. A good set of area service guidelines protects and insures the equal representation of all involved. Conducting ourselves by a mutually agreed upon set of rules and guidelines allows this to happen. Utilized with understanding, these guidelines can prevent the manipulation and control of outcomes. The absence of guidelines may cultivate an atmosphere of self-will and manipulation, which is not the best climate for anonymity and a loving Higher Power to express itself. And what about the Traditions and Concepts? What role do they play in our guidelines? Everything included within these guidelines falls within the boundaries of the Traditions and Concepts. Our entire service structure is made possible by our Traditions and Concepts. The Traditions and Concepts awaken us to the need for guidelines and gave us the means to carry out the task. They are the foundation and purpose by which, and for which, we exist.


The purpose of this committee shall be to administer and coordinate the activities common to the welfare of the Narcotics Anonymous Groups within the boundaries of the Sun City Area, to support the needs of these groups, to provide a forum for communication between the groups of the Area, to serve as a link between the groups and the Carolina Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous, and to foster unity. For the purpose of these guidelines, the term "Narcotics Anonymous Group" shall be defined as stated in the approved service manual of Narcotics Anonymous. This committee exists solely to serve the Groups of the Sun City Area of Narcotics Anonymous.


The function of this committee is to carry out the purpose of the ASC as outlined in the following guidelines


1. Open meeting with moment of silence, service prayer.

2. Read the Traditions and Concepts

3. Secretary’s Report

4. Corrections and Clarification's of Minutes

5. Establish next ASC time and place

6. Roll Call

7. New Groups

8. Chair Report and Agenda

9. Treasurer's Report

10. ASR Report

11. Alt-ASR

12. Sub-Committee Reports Report

13. Group Reports & Serenity Fest Report

14. Old Business

15. Nominations and Elections

16. New Business

17. Final Treasurer Report

18. 20-minute open forum

19. Close - Serenity Prayer

Open Forum: That the ASC reserve the last 20 minutes of the ASC meeting for an open forum during which no seconds or motion forms be required. Matters will be brought for discussion only. (980202)


1. The Sun City Area Service Committee (ASC) of Narcotics Anonymous was formed in 1978

2. The Sun City ASC will be part of the Carolina Regional Service Committee (CRSC)

3. Mailing Address: Sun City Area of NA, PO Box 626, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 19578-0626.

4. "A Guide To Local Services in NA" will be used as the service guide for the Sun City Area of NA until the next conference approved service guide is distributed.

5. The Area will accept the Twelve Concepts of Service to enhance existing policy and procedure.

6. The ASC meetings will rotate through the groups in the area. This rotation will begin effective November 1995. The meetings will be held on Saturday or Sunday of the second weekend to be determined by the host group and announced at the preceding ASC (960801).

F. PARLIMENTARY AUTHOURITY: Attach copy of short version of Robert’s Rules

The rules contained in the short version of Robert's Rules of Order, as adapted by the WSC, shall be utilized to expedite the business of the committee in cases to which they are not inconsistent with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts, these guidelines and any special rules the committee may adopt.


In the spirit of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous, we ask everyone to abide by our traditions and help carry the NA message through using NA language identifying ourselves as "addicts" and addressing our recovery in terms of "clean time". We identify ourselves simply as addicts because it is all-inclusive with respect to all mood-changing and mind-altering substances. Our problem is not a specific substance, it is a disease called addiction.


A. ELECTIONS: (see Nominations and Elections for further information)

1. Chairpersons of Sub-Committees are elected by the ASC, and the sub-committee's will elect their own vice-chairpersons

2. During elections, nominees will be asked to leave the room during the discussion and vote

3. All open positions will be announced in July with nominations coming from the groups in August to be voted in September and begin serving in October.

a. All positions not filled in annual elections or as positions became open and filled during the fiscal year (October - September), will be served for the un expired portion of the term until September. (960302)

b. The Public Information Chair term will start in August. The end of term for Public Information Chair will be announced in May, Nominations will take place in June, Voting will take place in July, and the New Public Information Chair will be seated in August. (020406)

4. Trusted servants will announce two ASC meetings prior to their term being up that their position will be open.

a. This information will be carried back to groups for nominations.

b. Nominations will come from groups or floor of ASC one ASC prior to election.

c. Nominees must be present at ASC for the term of nomination, if absent, nomination dissolves (050403)

d. Each nominee may present an NA service resume at time of nomination

e. Chair will ask for pros and cons on nominations

f. Nominees will leave the room during elections

g. To be elected, a simple majority vote by closed or open ballot

5. In the event of a position opening prior to the end of the Trusted Servant's term (i.e. where this policy cannot be followed) ASC Chair may appoint an officer pro- tem. (This may be waived by chair in which case ASC will vote an officer pro- tem)

6. The only voting members are GSR's (or in their absence, AGSR).

B. FINANCIAL: (see Treasurer's responsibilities for further information)

1. The Sun City ASC will make donations to the Region.

2. All area events that will request a suggested donation and will require the expenditures of Area funds must be approved by the ASC prior to the event.

3. All treasury disbursements will be paid by check upon presentation of receipts.

4. To hold a budget meeting in conjunction with Learning Day in September. (990801)

4. Treasurers Report: From this month forward we would like the treasurer’s report to include and reconcile with monthly statement from bank. (980801)

6. The ASC will pay .02 per copy plus paper for schedules, ASC minutes and any other area business as required (960301) Need to revise, cost of living

7. Prudent reserve will be at least one month's expenses of the ASC (971101)

8. After all money issues are dealt with at the end of the ASC meeting, and monthly bills are paid, if the treasury exceeds prudent reserve, any funds over prudent reserve will be a donation to the Region/World:

a. To send region $150.00 instead of the quarterly $300.00 (990602)

b. 75% to the RSCNA and 25% to WSO. (March 2000)

c. That the Regional donation will be sent quarterly regardless of the RCM’s attendance of the Regional meeting. When sending the donation by mail, a receipt of the donation will be requested. (March 2000)

9. RCM will be reimbursed by Area Treasurer for gas and lodging expenses incurred in attending RSC, if the distance is 150 miles or over. For meetings less than 150 miles, RCM will be reimbursed for gas only, not to exceed $100.00, anything in excess of this amount will be presented to the ASC body for approval.

10. Alt-RCM will be reimbursed by Area Treasurer for gas and lodging incurred by attending RSC if the distance is 150 miles or over. Anything less than 150 miles, Alt-RCM will be reimbursed for gas only not to exceed $100.00, anything in excess to this amount is to be presented to the ASC body for approval.

11. See budget approval for other sub-committee travel reimbursements amounts.

12. Committee chairpersons and RCM's will be reimbursed for any long distance calls made on behalf of the Sun City ASC

13. All subcommittees and ASC trusted servants, who receive funds or expenses paid by Area treasurer, include in their monthly reports a detailed account of expensed and/or literature used for that month and exactly where it was used including receipts.

14. That the Area pay for the following meetings- ASC, SE, PI, and H&I held at the hosting facility (080102)


1. Literature can be purchased through the Region rather than WSO

2. Orders sent to the RSO for Area literature should not exceed income taken in each month from groups ordering literature

3. To not distribute any NA or Sun City Area non-approved literature or meeting list to our commitments, events or activities and to replace the info out there with approved literature. (981201)

D. MEETING LISTS: merged from standing alone to Literature

1. The Sun City Area, PI Committee will provide its groups with meeting lists.


2. A wheelchair accessible symbol will be included in the meeting list for those meetings that are handicap accessible.

3. A new meeting started by an existing group can be included on the meeting schedules immediately (980701)

4. To increase the size of the paper for the meeting schedules (981102)

D. MINUTES: (Basic Format For Minutes)

1. Treasurer, Sub-Committee Chairs, RCM, Ad-Hoc Committee Chairs, and all GSR's will submit written reports to be included in the minutes as written.

2. Date and location of meeting and time started and ended

3. Meeting opened by Chairperson (insert name of Chair), Service Prayer, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts

4 Attendance (Roll Call)

5 Old minutes reviewed, corrections made, and approved

6 Next ASC established: date, place, time

7 Reports: Vice Chair report, Treasurer report, Group reports, Sub-Committee reports, Ad-Hoc Committee reports (if any), RCM report

8 Old Business

9. Nominations/ Elections

10. New Business

11. An attachment of announcements (may include issues to be discussed)


1. All motions are to be made in writing to the secretary, using ASC motion forms.

2. All motion forms will be archived in a reference binder

3. Once a motion has been acted upon by the ASC body, the same motion cannot be reconsidered for a period of six (6) months. (951201)

4. Motions may only be submitted by GSR's (or in their absence, AGSR's) and by Sub-Committee Chairs (or their absence, Vice-Chair) NOTE: Sub-Committees may only submit motions pertaining to the function of their committee

5. Motion and intent of motion will be written on the Sun City Area motion form by the motion maker.

6. After a motion is read and has been seconded, the floor will be open for discussion on the motion.

7. Discussion on motions will take place as follows:

a. Following a second, Chair asks if there are any questions that are to be answered only by the Chair or the Motion-maker.

b. Chair asks for amendments or changes to motion.

c. If there are any, go back to previous statement

d. If there aren't any, continue with step below.

e. Chair asks GSR's if they are ready to vote.

f. If they are ready, motion and intent of motion will be read by Chair, vote is taken Chair will ask everyone if they understand the motion, Chair will ask for a moment of silence

g. Chair will then call for a vote

8. When vote comes back from GSRs, there is no further discussion on that motion. A vote will be taken, but a new motion can be made to take the issue back again. 9. Any motion can be withdrawn before it is voted on by the person who originally made the motion.