ABC Lesson Plan 3

Practice Activity

Practice Activity: In the following video, identify the ABC’s for Tracy during the first half of the video and the second half. Then put your final summary of behavior, for Tracy’s problem behavior in to the Brief Behavioral Assessment-ABC form below. This is the form that will be used with the intervention team at your school.

First Half of the Vignette

During LUNCH , When (A)

student will (B) because .

Therefore the function of the behavior is to access / escape / avoid .

(circle one)

Second Half of the Vignette

During LUNCH , When (A)

student will (B) because .

Therefore the function of the behavior is to access / escape / avoid .

(circle one)


We have the most problems during …

(time of day/class/Activity/Routine)

Antecedent Problem Behavior Consequence Function/Pay Off

(Trigger/Predictor) (Student Behavior of concern) (Response that benefits student)

Complete the referral form below for Tracy – specifically focus on completing the possible motivation box.

Office Referral Form

Name: ____Tracy______Location

Date: ______Time: _12:30___  Playground  Library

Teacher: ______ Cafeteria  Bathroom

Grade: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  Hallway  Bus

Referring Staff: ______ Classroom  Other ______

Problem Behavior / Possible Motivation / Administrative Decision
  Inappropriate language
  Physical contact
  Defiance
  Disruption
  Property misuse
  Other ______
  Abusive language
  Fighting/ Physical aggression
  Overt Defiance
  Harassment/bullying
  Disruption
Other ______/   Obtain peer attention
  Obtain adult attention
  Obtain items/activities
  Avoid Peer(s)
  Avoid Adult
  Avoid task or activity
  Don’t know
  Other ______/   Loss of privilege
  Time in office
  Conference with student
  Parent Contact
  Individualized instruction
  In-school suspension (____hours/ days)
  Out of school suspension (_____ days)
  Other ______

Others involved in incident:  None  Peers  Staff  Teacher  Substitute

 Unknown  Other

Other comments: ______


 I need to talk to the students’ teacher  I need to talk to the administrator

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

All minors are filed with classroom teacher. Three minors equal a major.

All majors require administrative decision and parent signature.