Councillors present: / Mr G Parker (Chair)
Mr A Griffiths
Mr A Whiteley
Mrs C Hubbard
Mr P Watkins
Mr P Fox
Mr P Nurcombe
Mr T Fawcitt
Mr I Standing

Public Meeting

Mr Phillip Inskip, a member of Railfuture attended the meeting. He talked about the proposal for the Cardiff Metro, which is planned to run through to Severn Tunnel Junction. The papers that have been produced on this matter are designed to instigate debate as to whether the public want it.

Mr Inskip also talked about Stagecoach withdrawing certain bus services from 21st July 2014. Newport buses are going to run some replacement services. The half hourly service through Portskewett will become an hourly service. To get to Spytty you will have to change buses at Langstone.

Mr Inskip talked about the electrification of the railways. Most of the bridges will have to be rebuilt to allow for it. There is a planned 4 month timetable for the work and according to the plan the bridges will be closed at the same time.

Mr Weaver asked who is responsible for emptying the rubbish bin inside the play park at Sudbrook. The response was the play park committee.

Mr Weaver reported that by the rubbish bin in the car park at Sudbrook, there are some big holes in the ground, which may have been caused by rats.

Mr Gary Turner thanked the Community Council for getting Harold’s Field cut so quickly previously, but pointed out that it needs doing again. He reported that there is a lot of dog fouling on the paths now and that the paths haven’t been cut back by the County Council. Neither have the areas around the bins and seats been cut back.

Mr Gary Turner reported that the fence needs replacing by the substation.

Mr Gary Turner also reported that the County Council have not cut the roundabout at Monument Close or the entrance to Treetops, also there are a lot of weeds in Treetops. Clerk to contact highways to get the areas cut. Action BY


The Attendance Book was duly signed.


All councillors were present at the meeting..



3 calls were received relating to Anti-Social Behaviour. One was of public interest, noise pollution from a loud quad bike.

There were 4 calls for Crime Related Incidents. Two were of public interest , theft of metal and theft of a vehicle from Parkwall.

13 calls were received relating to Public Safety and Welfare. The only one of interest was some suspicious males near the papermill in Sudbrook.

5 calls related to Transport Related Incidents. One of interest was reports of off road bikes around the Severn Bridge Industrial Estate.

The PACT priority remains speeding in the area.

On 2nd July a seat belt operation took place in Portskewett, working alongside the fire service and the local authority. Numerous drivers were stopped and were found to not be wearing a seatbelt. Drivers were given the chance to attend an educational seminar on the dangers of not wearing a seat belt.


It was proposed by Councillor Griffiths and seconded by Councillor Whiteley and agreed that the minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.


Notice Boards

Councillor Watkins has looked at the Sudbrook notice board and agrees that the backing needs replacing. The material which he had obtained to replace the backing is too thick to fit in the boards. Clerk contacted the manufacturer of the notice boards to see if replacement backing could be purchased. The cost of this for the two boards amounted to £111.77. Councillor Watkins has obtained an alternative backing and replaced that in both the Leechpool and Sudbrook Notice Boards.

Woodstock Waste

The Council received a complaint from Mr A Rowles who owns the property adjoining Woodstock Waste on the Severn Bridge Industrial Estate, Portskewett.

He has been complaining for the last 2 years about the amount of waste being held by Woodstock Waste on their premises. He has approached the Environment Agency and has attended site meetings with them, but despite the fact that they agree with him that there is too much waste, nothing has been done.

The Council wrote to Natural Resources Wales making them aware of the complaint but have not received a response yet Councillor Watkins followed this up and has a contact in Damien Bownes. He is due to get back to Councillor Watkins. Action PW


Mr Weaver is waiting for confirmation of the cost of changing the hosting.

Action MW

Cornfield Project

The Clerk has written to remind the Cornfield Project that they were due to repay the £165 loaned to them, on 1st April 2014. Nothing has been received yet. Councillor Parker will follow this up. Action GP

Donation to Citizens Advice Bureau

There is an agreed budget for a £750 donation to the Citizens Advice Bureau. No request has been received from them to date for this financial support. The Council agreed to wait and forward the donation once it was requested by them. Mr Counsell has now forwarded a request for the funding, along with details of where to send the payment. It was proposed by Councillor Griffiths and seconded by Councillor Hubbard that payment of £750 should be forwarded to the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Dog Fouling Scheme

Clerk contacted Alan Browne and obtained 8 signs, posters and spray chalk to proceed with the scheme. Mr Weaver has been given the spray chalk to highlight any areas where dog fouling has occurred. Clerk will put up the posters in Council notice boards and local shops. Councillor Parker will put up the signs and obtain permission where necessary from the landowner. Action GP and BY

Memorial Service

Councillor Standing reminded the meeting that this year sees the 100th Anniversary of WW1 and the 70th Anniversary of the D Day Landings. He suggested that the Council organises a Memorial service to commemorate both. It was unanimously agreed that this was a good idea, and that the school and Brownies should be invited to take part. Councillor Fawcitt will chair a subcommittee with Councillors Griffiths, Standing and Parker, to take this forward. Action TF

Rubbish Bins

Mr Weaver asked if it would be possible to have a new rubbish bin between the Green and the layby opposite the electricity sub-station. Councillor Griffiths requested that one be placed half way up Sunnycroft. Councillor Parker believes he has two bins so he will follow this up with Mr Weaver. Action GP

The Quest Roundabout

The roundabout at the Quest is sticking. Playdale installed it. Clerk to check if it is under warranty and ask for it to be looked at. Clerk contacted Darren Moore who said it would be looked at, nothing has been heard since. Councillor Fawcitt has checked the roundabout and it is now working properly.

Strimmer for Caretaker

Councillor Watkins made the Council aware that the Council’s strimmer is too big and heavy for the caretaker to use. Councillor Parker has looked into prices for a new one and a Stihl from Mincost would amount to £440, for the machine and 2 attachments. It was unanimously agreed by the Council that one should be acquired. Councillor parker to obtain it. Action GP

Coastal Path Overgrown

Councillor Watkins reported that the coastal path is overgrown with briars up to 5 foot high, from the play park to the style. Clerk to contacted Helen Howlett to get it cut, and was told a programme of cutting was in place so it should be done soon.

Overgrown Hedge

Councillor Fawcitt reported an overgrown hedge on the left as you come out of Wedgewood Drive. (Mr and Mrs Willis, 18 Main Road, Portskewett) Clerk reported to highways to get it cut. No action has been taken yet, clerk to follow this up. Action BY

BBQ at Portskewett Inn

Councillor Griffiths brought up that the Council had been asked to provide a BBQ for an event at the Portskewett Inn on Sunday 3rd August. After some discussion the Council agreed to provide a free BBQ for the event. It was agreed to spend £150 on providing the food, with the Chairman having discretion to spend up to £175 if necessary. The BBQ will start at 3pm. Councillor Hubbard reported that Darren Hunt from Warburtons was donating 300 burger rolls and 150 hot dog rolls for the event.

Overgrown Footpaths

Councillor Nurcome reported that the footpath is overgrown from Station Road to Laburnham Terrace. Councillor Parker reported that the footpath is overgrown from Pill House to the Cornfield. Clerk reported to highways but no action had been taken yet, clerk to follow up. Action BY

Storage of Historic Council Papers

The clerk asked what should happen to old Council papers. She has 5 boxes of old files that have not been required in 5 years that she is currently storing. Clerk contacted SLCC for advice on how long papers need to be kept but has received no response. Councillor Fox advised to contact Gwent Archives.


Councillor Parker has received a brochure from the firework company ready for bonfire night. If an order is placed now a saving of 10% can be made on the cost. Councillor Parker has drawn up an order, which the Council unanimously approved, coming to a cost of £761.10 after discount. Clerk to send off the order with payment. Action BY


Mr Weaver has begun to compile a list of gardens for consideration in Portskewett. Councillor Parker will judge with Mr Weaver from the shortlist. Dai Sweeney is looking at the gardens in Sudbrook.


Councillor Hubbard reported that Mr G Murphy will be leaving ARW School on 12th April 2015.

Attendance at the school overall was 97.3%, with the majority of children obtaining 98% attendance.

Councillor Griffiths attended a meeting of the Wentloog Drainage Board. This has now been taken over by Natural Resources Wales and they are looking for committee members.


Councillor Watkins asked what was the most recent update on the Papermill Site in Sudbrook. Councillor Fox replied that he had heard nothing recently.

Councillor Fox reported to the Recreation Hall Committee that there is a Japanese Knot Weed in their grounds. It has been reported to the County Council to be treated.

Councillor Fox reported that the Pollinator Policy was well taken up and good positive feedback had been received from the public.


The County Council had forwarded a letter outlining plans to make economies by reducing the street lighting times in certain areas of the authority. The map supplied did not show any areas of Portskewett or Leechpool being affected.

Papers were received from the National Grid informing the Council of the latest developments relating to Hinkley Point. Receipt of the papers was noted.

Councillor Fox raised the issue of pavements on Black Rock road further to emails circulated to all Councillors on 1st July 2014. It was unanimously agreed by the Council, that as the residents were happy for the pavement s to go ahead, that this matter should be progressed by the County Council. Clerk to formally respond to the County Council to this effect.

Action BY

Planning Applications Received
00664 22 Monument Close, Portskewett Retention of gates to driveway

00714 9 Station Road, Portskewett Two storey side extension

Planning Applications Approved

00166 2 Laburnham Terrace, Portskewett Demolition of conservatory and build 2

storey side extension and front porch

00474 21 Leechpool Holdings, Portskewett Garage Conversion and single storey

glazed link

00710 Sudbrook Non Political Club Advertising Panel

00664 22 Monument Close, Portskewett Retention of gates to driveway

00714 9 Station Road, Portskewett Two Storey Side Extension

Planning Applications Refused

Planning Applications Withdrawn

00688 Castlegate Business Park, Portskewett Erection of class 1 foodstore and retail



Councillor Watkins reported that some big stones have been washed out of corner of the wall at Black Rock, where the steps go down onto the mud by the viewpoint. It is a retaining wall and will eventually fall down if nothing is done. It is owned by Gloucester Docks. Clerk to contact them and ask them to repair it. Action BY

Councillor Watkins reported that the hedge needs cutting back opposite number 17 Black Rock road. Clerk to report to highways. Action BY

Councillor Watkins brought to the meetings attention that there is a disused telephone box at Leechpool that is an eyesore. Clerk to contact BT and ask them to remove it. Action BY

Councillor Watkins raised the issue of parking in Sudbrook. From the start of the garages down to the mill gates people are parking on the pavements and you cannot walk by. Clerk to contact Paul Keeble and request double yellow lines be put there. Action BY

Councillor Watkins requested a site meeting, at the Camp in Sudbrook, of the Community Councillors, to look at what the camp has to offer in case the Community Council are offered it in the future. After some discussion it was decided that the Community Council were not sure that they would want to adopt the site. Item to go on the agenda for discussion in September.