We’re seeking content submissions for our event on 11 July 2017 in London.
Find out more about the event.

The event will be interactive, fun, busy and informative –we want to make sure the content and how it’s delivered reflects this so we’re looking for your ideas on formats and topics.

We have spaces for:

  • breakout sessions (presentation and Q&A)
  • interactive activities and games
  • PechaKucha-type sessions (quick fire presentations – find out more)
  • fishbowl sessions (good for discussion – find out more)
  • world café-style conversations
  • bite-sized learning workshops.

If you have other format suggestions, please tell us more in the form below.

Submit your completed form to by5pm Friday 16 June.

Please complete the form below with as much detail as you can – the more specific you are, the more likely we can include your content in some way.

We’re looking for content that fits into one of these three content types:

  1. Case studies
  • Sharing your stories – these could be improvement projects you’re delivering in your provider, or part of a national programme facilitated by NHS Improvement or another organisation (or run with support from us or others).
  • No project is too big or small, and we’re particularly keen to hear about what you’ve learned when things didn’t go to plan.
  • Please include detail about the process as well as the topic – for example you might include how you engaged patients and board members, how you measured your improvement, how you used data effectively, etc.
  1. Bringing QI to life – all methodologies welcome and we’re looking for fun sessions: eggames, workshops, using infographics, bite-sized teaching sessions to help increase understanding of improvement methodologies.
  2. Discussion forums

Your chance to propose a discussion on a knotty topic that you need help with, or that you feel would benefit from a closer look. You may want to host it yourself or we can help you find a facilitator. These could be table discussions, whole-room conversations, or a poll question you’d like to ask. If you’re unsure, we can help you work out the best way to do it.

Provider name
Your name
Your job title
Team you work in
Your email
Your contact number
Proposed title of your session
Which category would your session fit in? / ☐Case study ☐Discussion forum
☐QI skills☐Other (provide more details below)
Briefly describe the format and content of your proposed session
Please tell us how you will bring your content to life! If you know you have great content but need a hand with format, please make a note in this section of the form and we’ll help you.
Proposed speakers
We realise this may need to be confirmed but please indicate who you would invite to speak (it may be you!).
How long will you need for your session?
NB: we may not be able to give you the full time requested
What are the proposed learning outcomes for delegates?
What audiences will your workshop be aimed at?
Please be as specific as possible. For example your session might be better for people new to improvement, or those working in mental health.
Do you have any links or online resources where we can find out more?
It’s not essential so please don’t worry if not!