
by Laurie Halse Anderson

American History Project

Option 1:Freedom and Liberty

The American Revolution was about Freedom and Liberty, but the characters in the novel have different points of view of what Freedom and Liberty means. Select four characters from the novel and do a “case study” on the theme of Freedom and Liberty.

Must answer the following questions:

  • How do the patriots define Freedom and Liberty (use quotes from novel to support your answer)
  • How do the Loyalists define Freedom and Liberty (use quotes from novel to support your answer)
  • How do slaves or free blacks define Freedom and Liberty (use quotes from novel to support your answer)
  • How does the idea of Freedom and Liberty drive the actions of the four characters you have selected?

(when using quotes from the novel, make sure you include the page from which the quote can be found)

Option 2: Chains

Isabella says, “I was chained between two nations”. In addition to this, chains are mentioned several times throughout the novel. Describe the many ways Isabella is torn between three worlds (the Patriots, Loyalists, and African slaves) and assess whether you think Isabella makes the right choice at the end of the novel.

Must answer the following questions:

  • Describe the use of the terms chains in the novel. Is it a metaphor? If so, what for? (give examples from the text to support your answer)
  • In what way does Isabella believe she would benefit by siding with the Loyalists? (use at least 3 specific examples from the story)
  • In what ways does Isabella believe she would benefit by siding with the Patriots? (use at least 3 specific examples from the story)
  • What decision does Isabella make at the end of the novel? Do you think she made the right decision? Why or why not?

(when using quotes from the novel, make sure you include the page from which the quote can be found)

Option 3: A Slave’s Life

How was life different for slaves on big plantations, small farms, and in the cities? Compare and contrast the quality of life a slave may have had depending where they lived. Must include:

  • Description of slave life in all three situations: plantation, small farm, and city
  • Use specific quotes or summary of scenes from the book to support your description
  • An explanation of which type of slavery you think gave slaves the highest quality of life and the lowest quality of live (give supporting details why from the book)

(when using quotes from the novel, make sure you include the page number from which the quote can be found)

Product Options:(select one way to present your work)

  1. Presentation board: On a tri-fold presentation board display the information relevant to topic selected.
  2. Google Slide Presentation

Each of these product options must include:

  • Pictures (printed or drawn if artistically inclined)
  • Correct spelling/grammar
  • Neat presentation
  • DUE on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 2017!! (Google presentations will be turned in during the first day of class)

Chains Project Rubric

Assignment Chosen:______

Organization / Focus / Accuracy / Creativity
(25 Points) / Extremely well organized; logical format that is easy to follow; organization enhances the effectiveness of the project / Project is completely aligned with the description of topic student selected to work with. Any information provided not related to topic only enhances the audiences understanding of the topic / Ideas and facts presented are completely accurate; all facts were precise and explicit / Was extremely clever and presented with originality; a unique approach that truly enhanced the project.
Partially Mastered
(19 Points) / Thoughtful presentation; signs of organization and most transitions easy to follow, but at times ideas are were unclear / Project is mainly aligned with topic. Some information is added to topic description, but does not distract from topic / Mostly accurate; a few inconsistencies or errors in information / Thoughtful presentation with many unique qualities
Not Mastered
(15 Point) / Choppy and confusing; format difficult to follow; transitions of ideas was abrupt and seriously distracted the audience / Project is not on topic; audience is distracted by the format and facts presented / Significant inaccuracies; several facts in the project were misleading to audience. / Very little evidence of creativity; project was predictable
Points Earned / /25 / 25 / /25 / /25