Name: ______Date: ______Period: _____

Protists Lab: Animal-like (Protozoa) and Plant-like (Algae) Lab

Objective: To observe organisms in the Kingdom Protista and, using a dichotomous key, identify 4 protozoa and 4 algae.

Procedure: There are two tubes for viewing under the microscope. One is a mixed culture of protozoa labeled “P” and the other is a mixed culture of algae labeled “A.” Place one of these tubes on the microscope stage and observe the organism under low power. Once you have seen them under low power (10X), move to high power (40X) and sketch the organisms. Even though many organisms are in the same field of view, you will only draw one at a time.


Find and identify 4 different protozoa in the tube using the microscope. For each:

1)  Sketch the protozoa in the circle below

2)  Identify it using the dichotomous key

3)  Describe its movement and color

4)  For 2 of the protozoa, locate and identify them to Mrs. Boys

1. Name: 2. Name:

Movement and Color: Movement and Color:

3. Name: 4. Name:

Movement and Color: Movement and Color:

Algae checked by Mrs. Boys: ____


Find and identify 4 different algae in the tube using the microscope. For each:

1) Sketch the algae in the circle below

2)  Identify it using the dichotomous key

3)  State whether its structure is unicellular or colonial

4)  Describe its movement and color

5)  For 2 of the algae, locate and identify them to Mrs. Boys

1. Name: 2. Name:

Structure: Structure:

Movement and Color: Movement and Color:

3. Name: 4. Name:

Structure: Structure:

Movement and Color: Movement and Color:

Algae checked by Mrs. Boys ____

Dichotomous Key to the Protozoan Survey Mixture

1.  a. White or colorless…………………………………………………….go to 2

b. With color…………………………………………………………….go to 4

2.  a. Rapid swimming, lacks pseudopods………………………………….go to 3

b. Slow creeping, shape varies by changing feet (pseudopods)…………Amoeba

3.  a. Organ of motion is long whip-like flagellum, no cilia………………..go to 6

b. No flagellum, cell covered with short hair-like structures (cilia)……..Paramecium

4.  a. Green………………………………………………………………….go to 5

b. Blue……………………………………………………………………Stentor

5.  a. Spherical colony………………………………………………………Volvox (plant-like)

b. Elongate, single colony……………………………………………….Euglena (plant-like)

6.  a. Cell elongate with narrowed posterior………………………………..Chilomonas

b. Elongate with a broad rounded or truncate posterior end during locomotion, highly plastic when stationary, often appears to vibrate when in motion………...……Peranema

Amoeba Paramecium Stentor

Volvox Euglena Chilomonas Peranema

Dichotomous Key to the Algae Survey Mixture

1.  a. Cells single, not grouped in a colony or filament………………………go to 2

b. Cells grouped in a colony or end to end in a long filament…………….go to 3

2.  a. Cells are golden-brown, narrow, much longer than broad; from the top view the tips taper to rounded points while from the other side view the tips are blunt and squared…………………………………………………………………….Synedra (diatom)

b. Cells are bright green, long and slightly crescent shaped; round vacuoles at each tip may be filled with granules; a row of doughnut shaped bodies (pyrenoids) run from the tip to a central clear area…………………………………………………………………..Closterium (Desmid)

3.  a. Cells joined end to end in a long filament……………………………...go to 4

b. Cells as clusters, aggregates, or spheres, but no as filaments…………..go to 6

4.  a. Cells with obvious chloroplasts and distinct internal structures; cell at least 3 or 4 times as long as broad; cells bright green in color……………………………………….go to 5

b. Cells without obvious chloroplasts or distinct internal structures; interior of cell dense and granular; filament interrupted by large, thick walled structures (heterocysts); cells dark green or blue green in color……………………………………………………...... Anabaena (Blue-green)

5.  a. Filaments narrow; cell with the chloroplast covering only a small area leaving a large empty space; chloroplast concentrated in a band pressed against the cell wall.....Ulothrix (green)

b. Filaments fairly wide; cell nearly filled with chloroplast; large clear areas are not present in young cells; large, dark, round spheres (female structures) larger than the cell may be interspersed along the filament……………………………………………Oedogonium (green)

6.  a. Colony small and composed of 3 to 24 cells; not motile; one cell thick….go to 7

b. Colony large, round, hollow ball composed of 500 or more very small cells; motile, swimming with a rolling motion………………………………………………………Volvox (green)

7.  a. Colony a flat plate of 6 to 24 polygonal cells; colony somewhat circular...Pediastrum (green)

b. Colony usually of 4 spindle shaped cells connected side by side; the tips of the cells often have long spines…………………………………………………………………..Scenedesmus (green)

Synedra Closterium Anabaena Ulothrix

Oedogonium Volvox Pediastrum Scenedesmus