Online Resource 1. Taxa Used in Phylogenetic Analyses.
Taxon / LSU / SSU / Ref.
Acaromyces ingoldii Boekhout, Scorzetti, Gerson & Sztejnb. / AB185158 / — / a
Arcticomyces warmingii (Rostr.) Savile / AF487380 / — / b
Cintractia amazonica Syd. & P. Syd. / — / DQ363302 / c
Clinoconidium bullatum Syd. / AF487383 / — / b
Conidiosporomyces ayresii (Berk.) Vánky & R. Bauer / — / DQ363303 / c
Coniodictyum chevalieri Har. & Pat. / DQ334805 / — / d
Dicellomyces scirpi Raitv. / AF487385 / DQ363304 / b,c
Doassansia hygrophilae Thirum. / — / DQ198788 / e
Drepanoconis larviformis Speg. / GU586973 / — / f
Entyloma ficariae A.A. Fisch. Waldh. / HM046473 / DQ198790 / g,e
Exobasidium vaccinii (Fuckel) Woronin / AF009858 / DQ198792 / h,e
Graphiola cylindrica Kobayasi / AF487400 / D63929 / b,i
Jamesdicksonia dactylidis (Pass.) R. Bauer, Begerow, A. Nagler Oberw. / — / DQ363310 / c
Kordyana celebensis Gäum. / AF487401 / — / b
Kordyana tradescantiae (Pat.) Racib. / AF487402 / — / b
Laurobasidium lauri (Geyl.) Jülich / AF487403 / — / b
Malassezia obtusa Midgley, J. Guillot & E. Guého / — / EU192365 / j
Meira argovae Boekhout, Scorzetti, Gerson & Sztejnb. / AB367529 / — / k
Meira geulakonigii Boekhout, Scorzetti, Gerson & Sztejnb. / GQ917050 / — / l
Meira cf. geulakonigii / HQ670760 / — / m
Meira miltonrushii Rush & Aime / JX432962 / JX432964 / this study
Meira nashicola F. Yasuda & H. Otani / AB185157 / — / a
Meira sp. IMUFRJ 51942 / FN424110 / — / n
Microstroma juglandis (Bérenger) Sacc. / — / DQ363313 / c
Muribasidiospora indica Kamat & Rajendren / AF352058 / — / o
Sympodiomycopsis paphiopedili Sugiy., Tokuoka & Komag. / — / D14006 / p
Tilletiaria anomala Bansdoni & B.N. Johr / — / AY803752 / q
Tilletiopsis flava (Tubaki) Boekhout / — / AB045703 / r
Volvocisporium triumfetticola (M.S. Patil) Begerow, R. Bauer & Oberw. / — / DQ875384 / s

aYasuda F, Yamagishi D, Akamatsu H, Izawa H, Kodama M, Otani H (2005) Fruit stain of Japanese pear caused by the basidiomycetous, yeast-like fungi,Acaromyces ingoldii and Meira sp. Japanese J Phytopathol 71:156–165

bBegerow D, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (2002) The Exobasidiales: An evolutionary hypothesis. Mycological Progress 1:187–199

cBegerow D, Bauer R, Koeber S, Oberwinkler F. Unpublished.

dMaier W, Khoza T, Harmse N, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ (2006) A disease epidemic on Zizyphus mucronata in the Kruger National Park caused by Coniodictyum chevalieri. Stud Mycol 55:279–288

eOberwinkler F, Kirschner R, Arenal F, Villarreal M, Rubio V, Begerow D, BauerR (2006) Two new pycnidial members of the Atractiellales: Basidiopycnis hyalina and Proceropycnis pinicola. Mycologia 98:637–649

fPiepenbring M, Espinosa J, Saldana L, Caceres O (2010) New records, host plants, morphological and molecular data of Exobasidiales (Basidiomycota) from Panama. Nova Hedwigia 91:231–242

gVánky K, Lutz M (2010) Entyloma majewskii sp. nov. (Entylomataceae) on Ranunculus ficariae from Iran. Pol Bot J 55:271–279

hBegerow D, Bauer R, Oberwinkler,F (1997) Phylogenetic studies on nuclear LSU rDNA sequences of smut fungi and related taxa. Can J Bot 75:2045–2056

iSugiyama J, Inamura T, Okada G, Sjamsuridzal W, Kawasaki H, Hirata A (1995) Divergence and molecular evolution among basidiomycetous yeasts with the tropical and subtropical genus Graphiola. Progress in Microbial Ecology: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 173–180

jPaulino LC, Blaser MJ. Unpublished

kTanaka E, Shimizu K, Imanishi Y, Yasuda F, Tanaka C (2008) Isolation of basidiomycetous anamorphic yeast-like fungus Meira argovae found on Japanese bamboo. Mycoscience 49:329–333

lJin Q-Y, Peng H, Li H-B, Li N, Hua –Q (2010) Isolation and characterization of two Meira geulakonigii strains with different colony morphologies from Phyllostachys edulis. Mycosystema 29: 879–885

mDayo-Owoyemi I, Pagnocca FC. Unpublished

nGarcia KM (2007) Differential media applied to bioprospecting for yeasts in the restinga bromeliad Neoreglia cruenta. Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

oBegerow D, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (2001) Muribasidiospora: Microstromatales or Exobasidiales? Mycol Res 105:798–810

pSuh S-O, Sugiyama J (1994) Phylogenetic placement of the basidiomycetous yeasts Kondoa malvinella and Rhodosporidium dacryoidum, and the anamorphic yeast Sympodiomycepsis paphiopedili by means of 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Mycoscience 35:367–375

qMatheny PB, Hibbett DS. Unpublished

rTakashima M, Nakase T (2001) Tilletiopsis derxii, Tilletiopsis oryzicola and Tilletiopsis penniseti, three new species of the ustilagionomycetous anamorphic genus Tilletiopsis isolated from leaves in Thailand. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 80:43–56

sBegerow D, Stoll M, Bauer R (2006) A phylogenetic hypothesis of Ustilaginomycotina based on multiple gene analyses and morphological data. Mycologia 98:906–916