January 27, 2007

Volume Twenty-one, Number One

TOWNSHIP ELECTION The township election will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2007. There will be an election for one supervisor position this year; it is for a three-year term. JoelKjome and LarryOtto have filed for this position.

VOTING INFORMATION The polling place for the township election is the town hall located at 3039 Dague Avenue S.E., Buffalo. The hours on Election Day are7 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Absentee ballots will be available from our office. You may either stop in or submit a written request for an absentee ballot. The office will be open for absentee voting on Saturday, March 10, 2007, from 10 a.m. - 12 noon.

TOWNSHIP ANNUAL MEETING After the polls close at 8 p.m. on March 13, the Annual Meeting will be held at our township hall. Attendees will hear the election results and hear the 2006 Treasurer’s Report. Theregistered voters in attendance at the meeting will vote on the recommended tax levy payable in 2008. The Supervisors will recommend a levy amount, but it is up to the registered voters at the meeting to approve the final amount. In the past, attendees have recommended additional amounts for projects they felt were important. Township government is the only form of government where the people in a taxing district have a direct say in the amount of taxes they pay. There mayalso be a report on possible revisions to our Land Use Plan.

In case of bad weather, the alternate date for the annual meeting and election will be Tuesday, March 20. If the election and meeting date is changed due to weather, there will be a message on the township answering machine.

ANIMAL IMPOUND Our Townshiprenewed its contract with Crossroads Animal Shelter (763/684-1234) for impounding of nuisance and lost dogs. If your pet is missing, check with the shelter. Some strays would be returned before impounding by the people finding them if owner identification was known. One of the best ways to do this is to write a phone number in permanent marker on a nylon collar.

REMINDER ABOUT SNOW !!! State Law (M.S. 160.2715, a, 1) says it shall be unlawful to obstruct any highway or deposit snow or ice thereon. Please, do not plow snow onto or across a public road or leave snow piles on the road or in the right-of-way. This snow may cause a hazard for the traveling public, our road crew, and equipment. If accident or equipment damage were to occur, you may be liable. The township is sending letters to violators and the sheriff may be asked to issue a citation for repeat offenders.

PAVING PROJECT UPDATE This Fall, Halsey and Hamilton Avenue, 7th, 8th, and 9th Streets in the Lake Charlotte/Martha area have been blacktopped. The final lift will be applied this year, and the assessment amount will be determined. Assessments hearings for property owners affected by the improvement will be held this year. The board wishes to thank you for your cooperation during the construction period.


Rockford Township Hall Phone: 763/682-3499 3039 Dague Avenue S.E. Fax: 763/682-6256 Buffalo, MN 55313

SUPERVISORS: Chair, Dennis Beise – 763/972-2880; Vice-chair, Greg Eckblad – 763/477-5036; Larry Otto - 763/972-3196;Karen McDougall – 763/477-5484; John Deitering – 763/682-3662

CLERK/TREASURER: RachelleL.McDougall (e-mail: )

OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 7 a.m. – 11 a.m.Noon–3:30 p.m.

MEETINGS: Please call the office to be placed on the agenda; we meet the first and third Tuesday of each month. To speak at a meeting you have to be on the agenda, or fill out a public comment form available at the meeting. The board may not act on items not on the agenda.

AGENDA DEADLINE: The deadline for getting on the agenda is the end of office hours on the Wednesday before the scheduled meeting.

HALL USE: If you would like to use our town hall for a gathering, call our office. Information about our hall is on the website.


The 2007Recycling Calendar is on the back of this newsletter,

Please take advantage of this program that you are paying for.