CNA Test

Written by Nancy Kimmel RN, PhD, CHMM, CPI(ACA), NHA

All materials copyright 2009

Diabetes/Blood Pressure/Pharmacology


  1. When taking a person’s blood pressure it is important to first assess the baseline pressure by which of the following steps…
  1. Find the radial pulse, pump the cuff until the pulse is occluded, then quickly release the pressure, next re-inflate cuff to 30mmHg above the point where the radial pulse was occluded, next let out the air from the cuff slowly listening for the first beat and the last beat.
  2. Find the brachial pulse, pump the cuff until the pulse is occluded, then quickly release the pressure, next re-inflate cuff to 30mmHg above the point where the radial pulse was occluded, next let out the air from the cuff slowly listening for the first beat and the last beat.
  3. Find the radial pulse, pump the cuff until the pulse is occluded, then slowly release the pressure, next re-inflate cuff to 60mmHg above the point where the radial pulse was occluded, next let out the air from the cuff slowly listening for the first beat and the last beat.
  1. Diabetes is a prevalent health problem in the healthcare environment, which of the following about diabetes is true?
  1. Diabetes is a viral immune disease. True or False
  2. Diabetes can be cured. True or False
  3. Diabetics are subject to many health complications such as heart disease, kidney disease and hypertension. True or False
  1. There are 100 Units in ______mL’s.
  1. A low blood sugar is …
  1. Less than 70
  2. Causes profuse sweating
  3. Lethargy
  4. Confusion
  5. Can be reversed by insulin
  6. Can be reversed by glucose
  7. All of the above
  8. a, b, c, d, and f
  1. High blood sugar can cause a condition known as.
  1. Diabetic Keto Acidosis
  2. Hypoglycemia
  3. Hyperthermia
  1. Your patient has a blood glucose of 105, you are ordered to give them 8 Units of Regular Insulin. You would.
  1. Give the insulin and monitor the patient for any ill effects.
  2. Do not give the insulin based on the low blood sugar results and report to the supervisor your reasoning.
  3. Give the insulin as ordered.
  1. You are to give 3 Units of insulin.
  1. Draw up the insulin using a 3mL syringe
  2. Draw up the insulin using a 100 Unit syringe
  3. Draw up the insulin in a 1 mL syringe
  1. Your take a manual blood pressure on a client and get a reading of 189/90. You would ….
  1. Retake the reading with a monitored cuff
  2. Report your findings to the nurse
  3. Retake the blood pressure manually on the opposite arm
  1. You are to give 35 Units of Lantus. You begin by drawing up..
  1. 35 Units of Lantus
  2. 35 Units of Homolog
  3. 15 Units of Lantus long acting and 20 Units of Novolog fast acting
  1. You are about to take a patient’s blood sugar. You would begin by doing which of the following…
  1. First Calibrate the glucose monitor, greet the patient and ask them if you can test their blood sugar, use a alcohol wipe on the finger of their choice, wait until it has dried then explain that they are going to feel a little poke, use the lancet at a 90 degree angle on the side of the finger and then wipe away the first drop of blood, gently pump until another drop of blood is expelled and hold the test strip at a 45 degree angle at the base of the drop of blood until the blood saturates the strip. Then insert the strip for reading, and cover the patients finger with gentle pressure until no further blood is observed from the site. Thank the patient and let them know their blood sugar level .
  2. First Calibrate the glucose monitor, greet the patient and ask them if you can test their blood sugar, wash your hands, and put on gloves, use a alcohol wipe on the finger of their choice, wait until it has dried then explain that they are going to feel a little poke, use the lancet at a 90 degree angle on the side of the finger and then wipe away the first drop of blood, gently pump until another drop of blood is expelled and hold the test strip at a 45 degree angle at the base of the drop of blood until the blood saturates the strip. Then insert the strip for reading, and cover the patients finger with gentle pressure until no further blood is observed from the site. Thank the patient and let them know their blood sugar level .
  3. First Calibrate the glucose monitor, greet the patient and ask them if you can test their blood sugar, wash your hands and put on clean gloves, use a betadine wipe on the finger of their choice, wait until it has dried then explain that they are going to feel a little poke, use the lancet at a 90 degree angle on the side of the finger and then wipe away the first drop of blood, gently pump until another drop of blood is expelled and hold the test strip at a 45 degree angle at the base of the drop of blood until the blood saturates the strip. Then insert the strip for reading, and cover the patients finger with gentle pressure until no further blood is observed from the site. Thank the patient and let them know their blood sugar level .
  1. The cranial nerve that can affect the blood pressure is called…
  1. The vagus nerve
  2. The hypoglossal nerve
  3. The abducens
  1. You find a patient lying in bed, dripping profusely in sweat, the patient is lethargic and their mentation is obtunded. Knowing that the patient is a diabetic you would immediately..
  1. Adminster fast acting glucose in the form of a high glycemic snack, such as orange juice with sugar and then perform a blood sugar test.
  2. Administer the 11:00 AM dose of insulin that they missed at 10:00 AM
  3. Check their blood sugar first.
  1. Digoxin is a heart medication that requires…..
  1. The patient’s apical pulse to be checked prior to administration
  2. Regular blood draws to assess levels.
  3. Potassium level assessment
  4. All of the above.
  1. When giving beta blocker medication it is not unusual for the patient to have…
  1. Difficultly with respiration
  2. Lowered heart rate
  3. Increase in blood pressure
  4. All of the above
  5. A and B only
  1. A doctors orders reads… give catapress 1mg stat…for a BP of 197/89 Upon reading this order you would…
  1. Give the medication
  2. Recognize that the medication is too high a dose and would drop the patients blood pressure too low.
  3. Hold the medication, and consult the nurse due to the high dosage.
  1. Foods that are high on the glycemic index include all but which of the following..
  1. White bread
  2. Brown rice
  3. Soda
  4. Cookies
  5. Pancakes
  1. A long distance runner would benefit more from which of the following foods prior to their run?
  1. A dish of spaghetti
  2. A candy bar
  3. A glass of juice
  1. You have to take a blood pressure on a patient who has very large arms. You notice that your cuff is too small. Realizing this, if you were to take the patient’s BP with this cuff then the reading would be.
  1. Slightly elevated but acceptable since there are no other cuffs around.
  2. Elevated and you should use instead a large cuff of appropriate size
  3. Lower than normal
  1. Lisinopril is a blood pressure medication that is known as a ….
  1. Angiotensen conversion enzyme inhibitor
  2. Beta blocker
  3. Benzodiazepine
  1. Your patient’s blood pressure runs low. They stand up to fast and feel like they are going to pass out… this type of symptom is known as…
  1. Low blood pressure side effects
  2. Orthostatic hypotension
  3. Orthorhombic hypertension
  1. The most important concept in understanding Alzheimer’s disease is to help maintain the patient’s.
  1. Body image
  2. Dignity
  3. Hair style
  1. If a patient with Alzheimer’s hits you while you are performing their ADL’s you would…
  1. Hit the patient back
  2. Continue to provide safety for the patient and then seek medical treatment
  3. Restrain the patient
  1. There are how many stages of decubitus ulcers?
  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 3
  1. A stage one decubitus ulcer will have what defining characteristics?
  1. Blister
  2. Red, erythmateous area
  3. Weeping, oozing sore
  1. Treating a stage 1 decubitus ulcer would include all but which of the following?
  1. Use a protective lotion
  2. Use a duoderm patch
  3. Use antibiotic ointment
  4. Turn patient every two hours and position patient so as to support boney prominences.
  1. A stage II ulcer has all but the following characteristics.
  1. Blister
  2. Skin tear
  3. Reddened area surrounding the blister
  4. Deep tissue wound
  1. Your patient abdominal incision has dehisced. This indicates…
  1. Wound edges have opened
  2. Blood is seeping out
  3. Patient is in pain
  1. While performing mouth care, the most important piece of information to find out from the patient is….
  1. If they are in pain
  2. Whether or not they have any sores in their mouth
  3. If they need anything prior.
  1. Perform AROM T.I.D. Ad Lib
  1. Passive range of motion, twice a day, after meals
  2. Active range of motion, three times a day as desired
  3. Active range of motion, every 12 hours, after meals
  1. Your patient needs Accu Checks AC and HS. This order indicates that you are to…
  1. Check their blood sugar prior to meals and when necessary
  2. Check their blood sugar before meals and at hour of sleep
  3. Check their blood sugar after meals and at nighte
  1. You are to take a patient’s vital signs, these include.
  1. Height, weight, and respiration
  2. Blood pressure, pulse, respiration
  3. Temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure
  1. Your patient has a loose stool. You would describe this using which of the descriptors.
  1. Color, consistency and odor
  2. amount
  3. time
  1. When emptying a Foley Catheter, it is important to …..
  1. Measure the urine on an even surface
  2. Clean the spout with alcohol prior to reinsertion into pouch
  3. Estimate the amount in a urinal
  4. A and B only
  1. Taking a diuretic causes which of the following in patient’s?
  1. Loss of fluids and electrolytes
  2. Confusion and or dementia if dehydration occurs.
  3. Light headedness
  4. All of the above
  1. When performing perineal care, it is important to do which of the following?
  1. Universal precautions,
  2. Maintain privacy
  3. Go from clean to dirty areas (from cephalo to caudal)
  1. Pt. has a Rx. For antihypertensive medication called Lisinopril. Which of the following is true?
  1. This is an ACE (angiotensin conversion enzyme inhibitor)
  2. Is a medication for high blood pressure
  3. Requires that their blood pressure is checked prior to administration.
  4. All of the above
  1. Performing Active Range of Motion helps the patient…
  1. Maintain muscle strength
  2. Help with circulation
  3. Help patient feel confident
  4. All of the above
  1. Your patients blood pressure is 160/90
  1. You would report this to the nurse as a high blood pressure
  2. Report this to the nurse as a low blood pressure
  3. Give the patient Catapress
  1. Record pts. I/O q shift includes all but which of the following?
  1. Fluids taken
  2. Urine
  3. Vomit
  4. Diarrhea
  5. sweat
  1. Pt C/O pain due to their Rt. BKA
  1. Complaint of , right below the knee amputee
  2. Complaint of, right lower extremity, nausea and vomiting
  3. Correct of, right lower extended, nausea and vomiting
  1. A soft diet includes which of the following?
  1. Corn on the cobb
  2. Mashed potatoes
  3. Fired chicken
  1. Helping a patient choose a nutritious snack with a decubitus ulcer would include…
  1. Peanut butter crackers
  2. Sugar free cookies
  3. Ice cream
  1. Your patient is on a mechanical soft diet. This diet includes.
  1. Mashed potatoes
  2. Food made with some type of processor
  3. meatloaf
  1. Give pt clear fluids at HS.
  1. Apple juice or fluid that is transparent of sleep
  2. Oxygen, at head of bed
  3. Water at hospital sink
  1. Raise pts HOB 45 deg
  1. Heart oxygen blood, degrees,
  2. Head of bed to a fowlers
  3. Head of bowel, degrees
  1. Perform ADLs and Cath care ad lib.
  1. Activities of daily living, catheter care, as desired
  2. Always do last, catheter, when needed
  3. Always do last, catheter, when tolerated
  1. Your patient has finished 20.6 oz of fluid. How many mL has the patient had to drink?
  1. 609 mL
  2. 618 mL
  3. 203.5 mL
  1. Your patient had an output of 500 mL of urine. This is the same as which of the following measurements?
  1. 500 cc’s
  2. 16.6 oz
  3. 300 oz
  1. Your patient can’t remember her name. You tell her which of the following?
  1. Ask her several times to tell you her name.
  2. Change the subject and redirect conversation.
  3. Show her what her name looks like on paper.
  1. Helping patients heal with decubitus ulcers include which of the following.