ACFNATIONALS: Questions by Ike Jose, Billy Busse, Andrew Wang, and Austin ListerudPacket 02

1. These objects appear in the title of a game set in the newly-formed republic of Ishtaria and features the protagonist Ash Lambert. This is the last name of the user of the Gale Arc, Hisui, whose sister needs one of these repaired by entering a person’s SpiriaNexus. The goddess Noire has a black one of these in Hyperdevotion Noire. An attack named after these objects switches Ash’s mind with that of the title character of Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea. As a location, one of these in (*)Xenoblade Chronicles contains a boss fight against Disciple Lorithia and a portal to the final dungeon; in that game, these objects name private conversations between two of your party members. Manaphy’s signature move “swaps” these objects. “Vandal” ones of these objects title a PS1 tactical RPG. For 10 points, name these body parts which form the HP bar in the Legend of Zelda series.

ANSWER: hearts

2. In Radiata Stories, a dragon that embodies one of these thingsis called Aphelion and takes the guise of the servant Lucian.After Count Waltz transforms into a dragon, he teleports to the interior of another one of these, which is inhabited by green, red and blue flames. Inside another one of these things, Albert fights his uncle who uses a light sword and dark blade. That one of these is the body of the 108th fruit of the Divine Tree and is home to a boss whose multiple forms come in “Generations.” In (*)Eternal Sonata, a double reed tower inside one of these is the final dungeon. Zorn and Thorn are said to be “Jesters of” this entity in FF 9, while FuSoYa originates from one of these entities in FF 4, which is visited by the player at the end of the game using a namesake whale. For 10 points, name these celestial bodies, a grinning example of which threatens to crash in Majora’s Mask.

ANSWER: moons

3. The boss God-Beast Dangaard is fought while riding one of these creatures. One of these creatures is met at a mountain peak at Rolante and allows the player to get to the portal on the Island of Oblivion to access the Holyland. During a cannon attack on Mortmont, one of these known as the Guardian Beast arises out of the earth and saves Faye and Keldric. In a DS game, one of these creatures is used by the player to travel between Lorimar, Ishe, Wendell, Topple, and Jadd. The track “Flight into the Unknown” plays while riding one of these creatures, which can be summoned at any point using a(*) drum given to you by King Truffle of Matango. These creatures have a white or cream colored body with yellow or orange spiky hair and stripes of green and blue at the tips of their 4 wings. For 10 points, name these adorable flying dragons used for transportation in the Mana series.

ANSWER: Flammies

4. One remix of this song, titled “feel,” incorporates the lyrics “If everyone realized the pointlessness of dispute, a glittering sun would rise.” To decipher this song, arrange the syllables in a square and rectangle, do some hokey shit, and you’ll find that its lyrics translate to “forever and ever, grant us prosperity.” This song’s lyrics are recited by Trema as he casts Meteor in the Via Infinito. The only times you hear a harmonized version of this song are when all the world sings it per Shelinda’s request, and before you fight a boss who says “It is better for you to die in hope than to live in despair.” This song is (*) hummed by the protagonist during a flashback sequence, and another version of it can be heard when a sending is performed in Kilika. It is sung when one enters a certain chamber in every temple, such as the one in Besaid and one where you can find Yojimbo. For 10 points, name this song sacred to Yevon in FF 10.

ANSWER: “Hymn of the Fayth” [or Inori no Uta]

5. This noise is made by an inhabitant of the Cheagle Woods that is banished for a full cycle of the seasons. That character is tasked with translating human speech for the Liger Queen and is a blue animal that wears a sorcerer’s ring and makes this noise when shooting a fireball. That character, who has this noise as his name, is called “Thing” and told to shut up by (*) Luke fon Fabre in Tales of the Abyss. A stuffed animal with this surname is controlled by Shiki in The World Ends With You. Another animal that makes this noise appears in the Rainbow Cloud level of a game starring the photographer Todd - that animal, which makes this noise, resides in the Tree of Beginning in a movie which stars Lucario. That Pokemon, who has this noise as its name, was cloned to make another legendary Pokemon that can be caught in the Cerulean Cave. For 10 points, name the noise produced by the 151st Pokemon, or its name.

ANSWER: Mieu [or Mew]

6. In Wild Arms 1, an optional boss of this name will use “Trident” and can be found while onboard your ship. A place of this name is where one finds Gareth and fights the Roundworm while trying to approach the Mysidian Tower. In Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light, Brandt's party travels on Rolan's legendary creature Cetus to fight this boss near Liberte. In the GBA version of FF 6, this esper can be obtained by talking to a certain dude in South Figaro, then taking the ferry between South Figaro and Nikeah. Jona Jones summons a boss with this name on (*) Cuddiedig Cliff in Dragon Quest IX, a boss that you fight again in the postgame to obtain control of the Starlight Express. In FF 7, this summon can be obtained once the player defeats Godo at the top of the Pagoda of the Five Gods in Wutai. For 10 points, name this Biblically inspiredFF summon that will usually use the Tidal Wave attack.

ANSWER: Leviathan [or Lleviathan]

7. Helping an archaeologist from this race explore a ruin is done to obtain a technique which removes buffs from and inflicts a damage-over-time status on affected enemies. After chastising another party member for his poor fishing skills, one member of this race is reminded that his wife will get angry at him if he does not bring home 14 fish to feed his 14 children. Members of this race cook and eat Pollen Orbs, and they refer to a certain type of enemy as a (*) “Dinobeast.” One member of this race can prevent the party’s tension from dropping using Hero Time, and specializes in damage-over-time based attacks such as Bitey Bitey. Dunga is the leader of this race, whose members live in Frontier Village, which lies in the heart of Makna Forest. For 10 points, Riki is a playable member of what race of furry characters from Xenoblade Chronicles?


8. One video game company whose name is inspired by that of this country’s lore developed a game in which Gwenchaos, leader of the evil Zoa Empire, prays to the devil to revive the dark god Gerzel. American audiences were afforded the exquisite opportunity to play Magic Knight Rayearth and Cosmic Fantasy 2 since a man with this last name created the company Working Designs. In Tales of Vesperia, a city destroyed by an earthquake that is inspired by this country’s lore is named Bocram, and is one where can find the (*) Brionac. An esper from Garamscythe Waterway that is known as the “King of the Impure” has a name taken from this country’s mythology. After leaving Intelligent Systems, Shouzou Kaga created a company with a name inspired by this country’s lore to produce Tear Ring Saga. For 10 points, name this country whose lore contains the realm of Tir Na Nog.

ANSWER: Ireland

9. In Eternal Sonata, a trade quest involves giving a member of this profession a certain item for his long johns. In the J-shooter Project Sylpheed, every sun system but the solar system is named after members ofthis profession. In Rakugaki Okoku 2, the Devil’s son Tablet gives Prince Pixel a wand that will help him do stuff as if he was a member of this occupation. A protagonist of this profession uses the spell Crazy Comet and carries the Soma Thiers with her - that is Beryl from Tales of Hearts. In Star Ocean 2, members of this profession are able to create a weapon called (*)Judgment Day that when used, summons the demons of hell to decimate monsters. Members of this profession are patronized by the obese Owzer in FF6; and in another universe of games a species that parodies this profession is able learn attacks by sketching. For 10 points, name this type of artist exemplified by Smeargle.

ANSWER: painters [prompt on “artist”]

10. Shu Ryorin from Saiyuki: Journey West does this prior to attacking Sanzo’s party. The knight Ashe from Blazing Heroes has the ability to do this using a certain type of magic. A certain type of gem allows this to happen to Aelia during her special attacks in Valkyrie Profile. A spell that does this to its caster is sometimes called Puff and is the most reliable way to kill liquid metal slimes since your attacks ignore their infinity defense bullcrap in the (*)Dragon Quest series. Several blue-haired protagonists named Ryu possess the ability to do this in one series of RPGs. The Wise One causes this to happen to both Agatio and Karst at the bottom of the Mars Lighthouse; in the first Golden Sun game, this happens to both Saturos and Menardi after they ignite the Venus Lighthouse. For 10 points, name this type of transformation that lets you breathe fire.

ANSWER: transforming into a dragon [or obvious equivalents]

11. In FF 13-2, this kind of link provides the name to a song that plays after you beat Atlas at Lake Bresha. This adjective describes an anomaly from a parallel universe that employs Sahariel, Kokabiel and takes on the avatar of Satanail as it tries to siphon the life force of the world. This adjective also appears in the name of an ultimate weapon that does more damage as more AP is put onto it. In addition to describing the "Procedure" from Star Ocean: The Last Hope and the Score that is Barrett's ultimate weapon, a game in which the villain tries to melt Antarctica by using Hafta-Have it (*) hairdryers features this adjective in its title. This adjective also appears in the name of a Bird and Normal type Pokemon that comes with Water Gun, Sky Attack, and Water Gun and can be found off the coast of Cinnabar Island. For 10 points, give this type of number that appears in the name of a glitch Pokemon.

ANSWER: Missing

12. One attack based on this element is Disaresta, which is Ein’s execution level skill in Riviera: The Promised Land. Alexei Dinoia's cataclysm mystic arte and his dragon attack make use of this element. In the original Phantasy Star games, the main spell of this element is Grants. The Cheer Staff can be used to obtain a summon affiliated with this element in Final Fantasy Tactics A2. Calista has this elemental alignment in The Last Story. The Queen of this element rules Lemuria in a video game in which Aurora, the title character, is the (*) "Child" of it. The Jumbo Flan is only weak to the non-elemental type and this element. The summon Madeen or Maduin from various FF games is affiliated with this element, as is the summon Alexander. Dark enemies are often defeated using, for 10 points, what other element, its counterpart?

ANSWER: holy [or light]

13. In Atelier Meruru, if Meruru's popularity goes to below zero, she will be sent to her father who will chew her out and cause this to happen. Attacking Fargus in the chapter “The Port of Badon” in Fire Emblem 7 causes anincident of this type. A rather hilarious event of this sort occurs by refusing the Pure Heart three times at the beginning of Super Paper Mario. An incident of this type occurs if Mario reads the diary of the ghost (*) toad on the Excess Express. Sora will pout in the animation for these types of events, such as the one that might occur after the fight with Demyx in Kingdom Hearts 2. Stealing from the shopkeeper in Mabe Village and then returning to the same shop causes this kind of event to happen in Link’s Awakening. For 10 points, name these events that are induced by Doom in FF, and which also might be induced by Fissure and Horn Drill in Pokemon.

ANSWER: instantly getting a game over [or instantly dying or YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!]

14. Upon returning to Numara, General Kakanas from Lost Odyssey will fight the party using one of these items. A boss fight against one of these things features a man who summons drones called Frocks – that user of this item is the son of Centime named Lapen, who fights you using one of these named Gunarm. At the ruined reactor of Gongaga, the only enemy that can be fought is one of these objects that is shaped like a triceratops. After PSICOM tracks the party to Hope’s house in Palimpolum, Lightning must fight the Havoc Sky (*) one of these at the end of Chapter 7 in FF 13. One of these machines shaped like a dragon is fought on a bridge while escaping the dungeon of Guardia Castle in 600 A.D. in Chrono Trigger. The evolution of Stunky is partly named for one of these vehicles. For 10 points, name these vehicles that give their name to a cow Pokemon.

ANSWER: tanks

15. One of these figures is wanted for 188 crimes and will bribe the player with money to go away.The player meets figures like these named Riko in an add-on subtitled “evil in small doses.” In another game, one of these figures is in dire need of Superslick to oil a certain machine. One of these figures morphs into Maduin and grew up with its owner in Madain Sari. Another one of these figures teaches a blonde protagonist about the laws of engagement and eventually cedes leadership of (*) Clan Nutsy to Marche. In a different game, one of these figures issues the mission “Farewell to a Legend” and founded Clan Centurio so that one can eventually defeat Yiazamat. Recurring characters of this type include Artemecion, Stiltzkin and Montblanc, and they deliver letters to you in many games in the FF series. For 10 points, name these creatures who often say“kupo”, kupo.

ANSWER: moogles [or mogs]

16. CVagts and ThatsFairZack have speed-ran this location. Items exclusively found in this location include the Boom Turban, the Dragon Spear, and the Sizzle Sword. A lady in the basement of the tavern of the town near this location wants you to bring her 9 special treasures from here, but doing so gives you absolutely no reward at all. The final boss of this location does not attack you, but he must be defeated in (*) three turns, or he runs away and again you get absolutely no reward at all. This location contains the Iris treasures and the Master Jelly, and the only way to escape this place is to find and use the item Providence. Upon entering it, all your items, spells, and weapons are taken from you, forcing you to rely only on what you pick up in this location’s numerous red and blue chests. For 10 points, name this 99 floor randomly generated superdungeon from Lufia II.

ANSWER: Ancient Cave

17. In Arc Rise Fantasia, a town of this name is where one can find the hard boss Thanatos - that thousand year old village features inhabitants who have morphed into feldragons since they were poisoned by Hozone. In addition to naming some ruins inhabited by the Rogress Banchu, this is the name of a scientific effect that allows anti-Gnosis weaponry to pull Gnosis from their dimension into ours so that normal weapons can affect them in the Xenosaga franchise. A male character of this name must either battle Cilan, Chili or Cress and has a meeting on top of a (*) ferris wheel with the game’s antagonist. That protagonist of this name is the male counterpart to Hilda and grew up with his friends Cheren and Bianca in Nuvema town. For 10 points, give the shared name of these things, which is also the surname of the proposer of the Nullstellensatz theorem and 23 mathematical problems.

ANSWER:Hilbert [accept the “Ruins of Hilbert,” or the “Hilbert Effect”]

18. An enemy at this place attacks using a spring-loaded boxing glove which comes out of its belly. An NPC in this location challenges you to a contest to drink eight cans of soda within a short time by button mashing. A minigame here involves the player knocking three monsters back to stall for time to touch a blue light that will save a hostage from being lowered into a pit of flames. The Green Ambler and the G. I. Jogger are participants in a four man race in this location. A robot named (*) Gato in this location can be battled to earn 15 Silver Points, which can be spent at the tent of Norstein Bekkler. Performing good actions at this location like rescuing a child’s cat and not stealing an old man’s lunch increases your chances of being found not guilty of kidnapping Princess Nadia in a trial. For 10 points, Lucca sends Marle 400 years back in time during what event held in 1000 AD in Chrono Trigger?