Please complete clearly in black pen or typescript for copying purposes. You must fill in all relevant sections as selection is made primarily from the application form accepted as supporting documents only for Search Committee and Interview Panel.
Please make sure that you state both the Title, Skype Account (for the further interview online)and the Position you are applying for / Position applied for :
How did you hear about this vacancy?
When do you start to work for this position? / (YY/MM)
What is your salary expectation in China? / RMB (Annually)
Title (e.g. Mr., Ms.): / Forename:
Middle Name(s): / Surname:
Nationality: / Date of Birth:
Contact Address:
Tel No. (Home): / Post Code:
Tel No. (Work): / Email:
Tel No. (Mobile): / Skype Account:
Please give us as much detail as you can, starting with your most recent education (high school).
Please put YES or NO under “Did you graduate?”
Please indicate if full-time(f/t) or part-time(p/t) / EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS
Date / High School/Further Education/College/ University/Professional & Trade Schools / Did you Graduate? / Degree Earned/Major
DISSERTATION TITLE (PhD or last degree)
PRACTICAL TRAINING(including apprenticeships)
Date / Practical Training Program
Date joined /admitted / Name of Association / Membership Status
Present or most recent Post
Only a summary is required here.
More detailed information can be given in the additional information section. / PRESENT EMPLOYMENT
From: / Employer’s Name:
To: / Department:
Current Annual Salary: / Position:
Supervisor's Name:
Please give a summary of the main duties and responsibilities
Reason for Leaving:
Notice Period:
Please give details of your previous work history (teaching / research experience) in reverse order. / PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT (Academic / Research related)
From: / Employer’s Name: / Department:
To: / Position: / Supervisor's Name:
Courses you taught or brief description of duties:
Reason for Leaving:
From: / Employer’s Name: / Department:
To: / Position: / Supervisor's Name:
Courses you taught or brief description of duties:
Reason for Leaving:
From: / Employer’s Name: / Department:
To: / Position: / Supervisor's Name:
Courses you taught or brief description of duties:
Reason for Leaving:
Please give details of your previous work history in reverse order. / PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT (Others)
From: / Employer’s Name: / Department:
To: / Position: / Supervisor's Name:
Brief Description of Duties:
Reason for Leaving
Please give us the details of your publications in your research area, starting with the journals which can be indexed by SCI/SSCI. / RESEARCH & PULICATIONS
Please give your reasons for making this application, including evidence that you possess the skills, knowledge and experience required by the person specification. / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Please simplify this part. / OTHER INTERESTS
Put an X in the relevant box. / WORK PERMIT (Do you require a permit to work in China?) / YES / NO
Please give an explanation where appropriate. / SICKNESS RECORD (How many days have you been absent from work due to illness over the past two years?)
The first referee should be your present employer.
The referees must be able to comment on your knowledge, experience and your ability to do the job you have applied for. / REFERENCES (Please give names & addresses of two people we can contact for references;)
Referee 1 / Referee 2
Tel: / Tel:
Fax: / Fax:
Email: / Email:
May we approach this referee prior to the interview?
Referee 1: / YES / NO / Referee 2: / YES / NO
*2 original references with autograph will be automatically taken up upon offer of appointment.
Put an X in the relevant box. / MARITAL STATUS
Are you: / Married? / Not married?
'not married' includes single, widowed and divorced
Name: / Name:
Nationality: / Nationality:
Relationship: / Relationship:
Put an X in the relevant box. / DISABILITY
The University welcomes applications from people with disabilities and aims to be supportive in their employment. We will be pleased to consider any special requirements, reasonable resources or facilities when applying to or working for the University.
Are you disabled? / YES / NO
Put an X in the relevant box. / CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS
Have you ever been convicted of any crime under another name(s)?
YES / NO / If yes, please state name(s)
Please just write your name in signature box. / DECLARATION
ü  Knowingly providing false or misleading information may disqualify you and if you have been appointed may result in dismissal.
ü  The answers I have given on this application form are true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: / Date:
Some of the data which is given on this form will be entered into a computer for the purpose of recruitment administration and equal opportunity monitoring.
Please mark the relevant documents you send by email. / NOTES
ü  Ensure that you have completed all sections of this form;
ü  Please Email the following attachments in a single email to: .
1. This form;
2. A copy of your last degree;
3. A copy of transcript (last degree) where appropriate;
4. A copy of thesis abstract of your Doctoral or last degree;
5. A copy of syllabus sample of three courses you have taught before;
6. A copy of research Interests if you apply Tenure Track (research orientated);
7. Other supporting documents where appropriate;
ü  3 references with autograph shall be sent to by your referees directly.
ü  The further interview online via Skype will be arranged after shortlisted.
ü  The on-site interview will be processed if appropriate after the interview online.

Human Resources Office, GIME