Marburg State School Newsletter
Principal: Kirrily Newton Ph: (07) 5464 4218 or Mobile 0477 749 447
Week 8 Term 3
Friday 2nd September 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
Information for Parents and Caregivers
Enrolment Details
Please make sure to contact the office in regards to any changes with family and student contact details.
Guided Reading
In week 7 of this term our school will be undertaking a whole school approach to guided reading in each classroom. Teachers and teacher aides will provide intensive teaching and support to small groups throughout the school from Monday through to Thursday during Literacy Blocks each morning. The advantages of this program will be the intensive teaching of reading strategies to small groups of students on a regular basis. There will be minimal movement and transition for the students as it will be the staff who will rotate to each group. We are very excited at the prospect of improved outcomes for everyone from Prep through to year 6.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the school photos have been delayed until later in the year. We have a new company this year, Advanced Life Photography, and these will now take place on Friday 28th October.
On Friday 9th September our school will participate in the Small School’s ballgames carnival at Haigslea State School. Students will travel to and from the carnival by bus at a cost of $5 per student. A permission note has been sent home outlining the details and cost. This is a half day event and students will return to school for the afternoon session. Thank you.
Student Absences
There has been an increasing number of unexplained student absences. Arriving to school late is recorded on the roll, as well as any absences. If your child/ren are to be absent from school for any reason, please let us know the reason on or before the day. Simply a note, a text or a phonecall from you, the parent/guardian. This term a new system will be put in place for ALL state schools regarding daily notification of student absences. This will be in the form of an automated notification system if your child is not marked to be in attendance when the roll is checked at commencement of the school day.
Student Attendance – Same Day Absence Notification
The safety and wellbeing of students are the highest priorities for the Department of Education and Training and for the Queensland Government.
At present, Marburg State School staff make contact with a parent or carer via text message or phone call when a student’s absence is unexplained for more than 2 days, as per DETE requirements.
As home and school work together, student safety will be increased. Here are some guidelines to make this process more efficient:
· Notify the school by phone call, text or email before 9:00am if your student is going to be absent or late that day. Please give a brief explanation for the absence.
· If you receive a message regarding an unexplained absence, please respond promptly.
· Please ensure your mobile phone number and other contact details are up-to-date on the school records. This is critical, as we need to be able to contact you in case of emergency.
Electricity Safety Week 5-9 September
Our students will be busy learning how to behave safely around electricity and electrical equipment next week as part of the Safety Heroes educational program delivered state-wide to primary schools this year!
“We hope kids will come home and share some valuable safety tips with parents and siblings – from being able to identify a dangerous electrical situation, right through to knowing what to do in an emergency.”
A safety reminder from Energex: Look Up and Live when working around your yard! Know where the powerlines are on your property and be aware when moving equipment like ladders and poles so you do not come in contact with overhead powerlines.
More electrical safety information available at
Book Fair
Thank you to all the people who purchased books at our Annual Book Fair. Total takings were $1172.50 with $352.00 commission, which our school was able to purchase 58 new books for our library!!
Well done also to the students for their lovely artworks we used in our Book Week displays.
Prep-1 NEWS
The class has been really focussed on their tasks. I am so pleased with how the Preps are decoding any word I ask them to. We are now making sure that the high-frequency words are starting to be recalled automatically. This will help the students to read more fluently. The Year Ones will have to continue putting more effort into learning their spelling. I will send home the new speed sound chart for the holiday and would ask that all the students read them every day. A big thank-you to Mr Hill for adjusting my boards in the classroom and Mrs Hill for the very colourful cushions. It was very kind of you both to give up some of your weekend time to help us out. I am off to Vietnam on Sunday. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your children in September. We will all have lots of stories to share in October.
Until then, Ciao Gail Ducci
2-3 NEWS Hello Everyone, Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who attended the annual science fair. It really gives the students a boost of pride, motivation and enthusiasm to have an adult audience for their presentations. The students have put a lot of hard work and effort into their science experiments, posters and procedures. Be sure to check out all the photos in the newsletter.
Should your family be leaving early for the holiday please let the school administration, or myself, know. Please be aware that I will be on long service leave the first week of term 4. Mrs Sue Marshall will replace me for this time.
A reminder that Gala Day is Thursday 15th Sept. Parental transport is required on that day. There will be no staff at school on this day so should your student/s not be attending please make alternative arrangements for their care.
Thank you to those parents who regularly return notes and permission slips as this means better organisation for all. Parent-Teacher interviews occur for the next two weeks. Have you not received your timetable request please let me know. It is a proven fact that when the school and parents work together the student has the best chance of academic and social success.
NAIDOC day was held yesterday and the students learned a lot about the First Australians, people, including those from the Torres Strait Islands, while participating in art, sport and story sessions. It was terrific to see all the various coloured clothing worn to celebrate this annual event.
Until next time Marina K
4-5-6 NEWS
Well hello to all the parents of students in year 4/5/6 and we hope you have had a fantastic fortnight.
Over the last 2 weeks we have continued investigating tales and fables from across the world in our “Traditional tales from across the Globe” unit in English. Students are immersed in their written fables and we are looking forward to their presentations to the class next week. Students have been given the option of reading them with expression or actually performing them with the assistance of their peers as characters from their fable. The unit has provided many opportunities for the students to share their work as they compose and edit, and feedback from their peers has been an integral part of their finished product. We have begun discussions in regards to presentation evening at the end of the year and have decided on 2 plays/performances in which masks are already being designed and scripts being written. Students have had more input into what they would like to present this year and we are all looking forward to the night already.
Over the last couple of weeks we have been investigating and constructing 3D objects and their dimensions and their connection to real world mathematics. In the next few weeks we have ball games at Haigslea SS and in the last week of term Gala day at Rosewood SS so please be sure to read the information on all notes sent home so that you are aware of times/dates and cost for events. Parent teacher interviews will occur in week 9. An interview timetable has been sent home this week for you to make a time to discuss your child’s progress. If at any time you have any questions regarding your child’s progress please feel free to contact me at school or by email- Until next time, take care, Mrs N.
It is hard to believe we are already nearly at the end of this term. It has been great!
We are finishing off our learning about the First Australians in History and will then move onto the Gold rushes.
In Geography, we are learning about how countries and cultures are connected through things such as trade, tourism, politics, foreign aid and the media.
In Science we are nearly finished learning all about Chemistry. We know all about matter and materials, solids, liquids, gases and reversible and irreversible changes. Next term, we are studying light, electricity and forces in Physics.
I will not be here for the last week of school so this is my last newsletter for the term. I hope everyone has a restful break and returns full of excitement for all the learning in a new term! Mrs B.
Superstar Awards
Prep/1- Classroom - Aula
Playground – Jack
Year 2/3- Classroom – Tiger
Playground – Kyllan
Year 4/5/6- Classroom – Laura
Playground – Luke
SEPTEMBERMonday 5th – Friday 9th / Parent/Teacher Interviews (2 – 6)
Friday 9th / Ballgames at Haigslea SS
Thursday 15th / Gala Day Rosewood SS (2 – 6 )
Friday 16th / Last day of Term 3
Monday 3rd / Queen’s Birthday Holiday
Tuesday 4th / First day back- Term 4
Tuesday 11th / Swimming begins at Rosewood Pool
Friday 14th / Tuckshop- Pizza Day
Monday 17th / Student Free Day
Friday 28th / School Photos – Advanced Life Photography
Apologies that there have been so many notes and payments to be made in the last couple of weeks, but it’s that time of the year again when everything is happening! Thankyou all for your co-operation, but there are still a few outstanding permission slips and monies to be paid for Ball Games Carnival and Gala Day. If this relates to you, please have these payments made as soon as possible next week, or phone the office. Please note that permission slips still need to be returned even if your child is not attending.
Lowood State High School Date Claimers
Tuesday 29th November - Year 6 Parent Orientation 6pm – 7pm
Monday 5th December - Orientation Day
School Photos – Week 2, 2017
Year 7 Camp – End Term 1, 2017
P & C News
Lasagne Day last Friday was a great success! We raised approx $80 from the day. Thank you to all who ordered, we hope the children enjoyed their lunch!
Thank you so much to Peta, Jacky and Carly who have volunteered to help on the gate at the Pacing Association race days coming up. We are still in need of another 3 people to help, one person on the 8th October, and 2 people on the 12th November. If you can help with either of these dates please get in contact with Sam on 0418 733 638.
Trivia Night has been postponed, with a date in next term TBA. Watch this space, more details to come!
Thank you so much to the mums who have taken the time to cover reading books for our children! It really is appreciated, and many hands make light work. There are still more books to cover, so if you would like to help and haven’t contacted Sam yet, please do so (on 0418 733 638) and she will arrange books and contact for you.
We now have a Facebook page! This page will be used for communicating information on upcoming events and notices from the P & C committee to parents. It is a closed group, so please request an invite to the “Parents And Friends Of Marburg State School” Facebook page.
Our next P & C Meeting is on Friday 16th September. If there is anything that you would like to be brought to the table at our next meeting, please contact the P & C on email , contact any of the executives on the below numbers, or drop a note in the P&C Box outside of the office. All Parents and Caregivers are most welcome. Hope to see you all there!
President: Sam Platell – 0418 733 638
Vice President: Kellie Donohue – 0458 380 354
Secretary: Monique Meier – (07) 5464 4218 (school office hours)
Vice Secretary: Kathy Witt - 0427 588 317
Treasurer: Jo Campbell – 0400 340 526
Marburg State School P & C
Pacing Association Race Days
Date / Name / Phone Number17th September 10am-2pm
8th October 10am-2pm
12th November 10am-2pm
Please return to P & C Box asap