Twenty-second Sundayin Ordinary Time

August 30, 2015

Humbly welcome the wordthat has been planted in youand is able to save your souls.

— James 1:21b


All boys and girls in 4th grade and up are invited to be Altar Servers! You must have your parent’s permission, have already received your First Holy Communion and attend the meetings on the following dates: September 2nd - September 4th from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in the church. We invite students from all of our public and private schools.


Child Safety Training

A VIRTUS, Safety of Children training session will take place on Thursday, September 3rd, from 6:00 - 9:00PM in the parish hall. All parish ministers and groups members whose activity brings them into contact with children and teens, and all school volunteers must be VIRTUS trained. All other parishioners are cordially invited to participate. You will find the session interesting and informative. The training is offered in both English and Spanish. No children please! Please register by calling the rectory at (818) 365-3967.

Ministry Formation Center

Recommended for Catechists, RCIA teams, all Catechetical leaders, Liturgy teams, and adults interested in ongoing faith formation. Topics include revelation, scripture and tradition, sacraments, morality, Catholic Teaching and development of faith. You can pick up a registration form at the Rectory. The cost is $50 before the registration deadline of September 10th.


The Life Group Bible Application Study meets every Thursday in Room 7 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Everyone is welcome!!

A new Life Group Series called Following Jesus, begins Thursday, Sept 10th.This study is a seven-week series designed to help us become better followers of Jesus. Over the seven-week series, we will study what it means to be a follower, to have faithfulness, to be committed, to Love, to have Compassion, to experience Revival, and to live with Purpose. For more information about the series please contact Ruben Aguilar at(818) 648 6251

Registrations for Confirmation

Registrations for Confirmation (Ages 14-18)

Monday - Thursday 5:00 pm-8:00 pm (Youth Ministry Office or Rectory)

September 9- Parent Orientation 6:00pm English/7:00pm Spanish in the Parish Hall

August 30-is the last day to register

September 15- First Day of classes 6-8 pm in the hall.

You need a copy of the Baptism Certificate and First Communion. The registration fee is $225, a $50 deposit is required on the day of registration. Payment Plan is available.

Confirmation is a two year program, candidates meet every first and third Tuesday of every month in the hall.For more information about the program please contact Carol Cervantes at(818) 361 1814.

First Communion Program

Two year Program

·Grades 1stto 5th -Wednesday 3:30pm to 4:45pm

· All grades – Saturday 10:00 am to 11:30am

· Attend all classes

· Attend Sunday Mass

· See calendar for other important dates

· Mandatory Child Retreat (second year)

·Mandatory Parent Focus First and Second Year (dates in calendar)

Registration Hours

September 8 and 9 1pm to 7pm

September 10 and 11 9am to 3pm

September 12 9am to 1pm

September 13 9am to 3pm (Last day)

You need the Baptism certificate to register your child.

Registration Fee $135.00 for one child, $30.00 for each additional child of the same family. Payment Plan Available.

It is required that each family participate in selling at least 25 tickets of $1.00 each for a raffle of an Ipad. The raffle will be held on November 1st, 2015.

Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another as well as a gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance -and renew your sacrament by attending the next WWME weekend Sept 11-13 in Winnetka or Nov 14-15at St. Jude in Westlake Village. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at Wehelpmakegoodmarriagesbetter.

Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Agosto 30, 2015

Acepten dócilmente la palabra

que ha sido sembrada en ustedes

y es capaz de salvarlos.

— Santiago 1:21b


¡Nos gustaría invitar a todos los niños y niñas del 4to grado para arriba a ser monaguillos! Solo necesitan el permiso de sus padres, haber recibido la Primera Comunión y asistir a las reuniones en las siguientes fechas: septiembre 2 a septiembre 4 de 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. en la Iglesia. ¡Invitamos también a todos nuestros estudiantes de las escuelas públicas y privadas!



Una sesión de entrenamiento VIRTUS para adultos, referente a la prevención de abuso infantil y el mantenimiento de un ambiente seguro para los niños y jóvenes, se llevará a cabo en el Salón Parroquial, el jueves 3 de septiembre de 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Todos los ministros, empleados y voluntarios, que tengan contacto con los niños y jóvenes en el transcurso de su ministerio, tienen que haber participado en una sesión de VIRTUS. El entrenamiento será ofrecido en español e inglés. ¡No niños por favor! Por favor inscríbase llamando a la rectoría al (818) 365-3967.


No habrá reunión en el mes de septiembre. Nuestra próxima reunión será el día 5 de octubre.



El Grupo de Justicia Social de St. Ferdinand se reúne todos los martes de 6:00 – 8:00 pm en el Salón 7. Ellos te pueden ayudar a llenar tu aplicación de ciudadanía y también tienen clases de preparación para el día de la entrevista. Para más información visítalos el martes o llámales al (818)272-6849 o al (818) 210-2386.

Inscripción para Confirmación

(Edades 14-18)

Las inscripciones para la Confirmación ya comenzaron de lunes – jueves 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Oficina del Ministerio Juvenil o en la Rectoría)

Necesita traer una copia de su certificado de Bautismo y Primera Comunión. La cuota de inscripción es de $225, un depósito de $50 es requerido el día de inscripción. Hay plan de pago disponible. La Confirmación es un programa de dos años y los candidatos se reúnen cada primer y tercer miércoles de cada mes en el Salón Parroquial.

Septiembre 9 – Orientación para los padres, 6:00pm ingles / 7:00pm español en el Salón Parroquial.

Agosto 30 Último día de inscripción

Septiembre 15 Primer día de clases de 6-8 pm en el Salón Parroquial.

Para más información sobre el programa, favor de llamar a Carol Cervantes al (818) 361-1814.

Programa de Primera Comunión

Programa de Dos años

• Grados del 6to. al 8avo. (Primer año)- martes 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

• Grados 1ero. al 5to. – miércoles 3:30 pm a 4:45 pm o

• Todos los grados – sábado de 10:00 am a 11:30 am

• Asistir a todas las clases

• Asistir a la Misa dominical

• Ver calendario para otras fechas importantes

• Retiro Obligatorio de Niños (segundo año)

• Reuniones de Reflexión para padres, primero y segundo año (fechas en el calendario)

Horario de Registración

Septiembre 8 & 91:00pm-7:00pm

Septiembre 10 & 119:00am-3:00pm

Septiembre 12 9:00am-1:00pm

Septiembre13 9:00am-3:00pm (ultimo día)

Necesita el certificado de bautismo para registrar su niño/a.

Cuota de registración: 1 niño $135.00, $30.00 por cada niño adicional de la misma familia. Plan de Pago Disponible.

Es requisito que cada familia venda por lo menos 25 boletos de a $1.00 para una rifa de un Ipad, la rifa será el 1ero de noviembre del 2015.



All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2 Timothy 3:16-17 –

Sábado 5

5:00 PMEvyLevine & Mark Muñoz

Domingo 6

7:00 AMSara & Juan Moreno

8:30 AMKelly Nuckolls & Terry Barragán

10:30 AMSilvia & Luis Sánchez

12:00 PMManny & Maricela Gil

1:30 PM José Acevedo & Everardo Lomeli



Agosto 29, – Septiembre 4, 2015


5:00 PMRamón González (Birthday), Francisco y Susi Antunez (WeddingAnnivesary), Alice Orrante (RIP), Ernesto Cámara Jr. (RIP), Celia Urselay (RIP), Rosario Bedoy (RIP)


7:00 AM Juan Mejía (Cumpleaños), Familia Reyes Loza, Ignacio Ojeda y Carmen Ortega (RIP), Adrian Lepe (RIP)

8:30 AMJane Chavez (RIP), Marge Dyer (RIP)

10:30 AMJanette Navarro (Cumpleaños), Artemio Montero Huerta, Benjamín Puebla, Manuel Martínez (RIP), Familia López Hurtado

12:00 PMPro Populo

1:30 PM Ramón Rubalcaba, Daniel Romero (RIP)

LunesPro Populo

MartesOscar y Zoila (36th WeddingAnniversary), Francisco Mora (RIP)

MiércolesJessie Vicuña (RIP)

JuevesPro Populo

Viernes Pro Populo





5:00 PMLuis & Jill De La Cerda, Gerald De La Cerda, Esther Pérez, Gerado De La Cerda, Berta Arévalo, Charles Lloyd


7:00 AMLibrada Vásquez, Maricarmen Jasso, Rita Rubio, Martin Vásquez, Janet Corona

8:30 AMJosé & Rosie Cárdenas, Ben Cárdenas, Cristian Cárdenas, Rita Ontiveros,Kathy Smith, Estella Perallón, Ivonne LópezÁlvarez, JanBoker

10:30 AMBielma Pérez, Alfredo Estrada, María Estrada, Jessica Mendoza, Eugene Torres,Oscar Mendoza, Idelisa García, Lupita Melgosa, Margarita Zúñiga, Adrian Gómez,Ramona Gómez

12:00 PMYolanda & Andrew Guerrero, Laura Asencio Real, Patty Pérez,John & Dalila Acevedo, Joe Torres

1:30 PMLuz María González, Ramona Figueroa, María Elena Águila, José Ceja, Elva Ceja,MirianAvarca, Petra Velarde, Salvador Velarde


Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-540-4000

Domestic Violence Hotline1-800-978-3600


S.F. Valley “Info Hotline:”1-818-501-4447

For questions on how to deal with difficult situations call the Victim Assistance Office, Los Angeles Archdiocese, Suzanne Healy 1-213-637-7650



Last Sunday you donated $8,862.11 to maintain our parish. The Building Fund received $481. Thanks to all for your generosity.


¡Gracias a todos por su generosidad!

WeeklyEvents /Eventos Semanales

Agosto 30 – Septiembre 5, 2015


6:00am Hombres de Fe, Library

8:30am Children’s Liturgy, Library

3:00pm Hora Santa, Church

6:00pm Bingo, Hall

6:30pm Youth Ministry, Church


7:00am Mass, Church

6:30pm Altar Servers Meeting, Church

7:00pm Oremus, Room 7


7:00am Mass, Church

7:30am ExposicióndelSantísimo, Church

6:00pm Social Justice, Room 7

7:00pm DivinaMisericordia, Church


7:00am Mass, Church

5:30pm Youth Ministry Training, Hall

6:00pm Altar Servers Class, Church

6:00pm Justicia Social, Salón 7

7:00pm Grupo de Oración, Salón 6


7:00am Mass, Church

6:00pm Altar Servers Class, Church

6:00pm VirtusTrainning, Hall

7:00pm Mariachi Practice, Library

7:00pm Life Group, Room 7


7:00am Mass, Church

6:00pm Altar Servers Class, Church


10:00am Baptisms, Church

4:00pm Confessions, Church

5:00pm Mass, Church

6:00pm Confessions, Church

6:30pm Cursillos, Library

75th Anniversary of St. John’s Seminary

Archbishop José H. Gomez warmly invites all Pastors, Administrators, Parish Life Directorsand parishes to celebratethe 75th Anniversary of St. John’s Seminary on Saturday, September 12, 2015at 6:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.

Dinner on the Plaza – Thyme Café will be catering

For information, please call: 213.637.7636. Come celebrate this milestone in the history of St. John’s!


Join others from your community to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ through Fr. Robert Barron’s new DVD-based Study Program. 6 Weekly Episodes on Wednesday evenings starting September 2, 2015 at 7:00 pm, at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Maclay.

Together in Mission


Unidos en Misión

Our Goal / Nuestra Meta$51,100

Pledged / Compromisos$60,416.71

Paid / Pagado$44,132.71

If you pledged to our 2015 Together in Mission Campaign, and have not have not finished paying, we ask you to do so. Thankyouforyourhelp and support.


Sí hizo una promesa a nuestra Campaña de Unidos en Misión 2015, y no ha terminado de pagarla le pedimos que lo haga. Gracias porsuayuda y apoyo.


Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (arrival time 8:30 – 9:00 am) at Holy Spirit Retreat Center, 4316 Lanai Road, Encino. Contemplative Prayer is God's personal and unique gift to each of us. If we are open to this gift it will profoundly affect our lives and relationships: with God, others and our world. This workshop is the first part of the introductory series and will continue with a follow up session on October 3. For more information and to register call 818-784-4515, ext. 3870. Fee: $35 (includes the cost of the continuation session on October 3)



El movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad te invita a su próxima ultrella mensual, el sábado 5 de septiembre a las 6:30 PM en la Biblioteca. Para más información favor de llamar a Gloria Vásquez al (818) 917-6722.

75 Aniversario del Seminario St. John

Nuestro Arzobispo José H. Gómez calurosamente invita a todos los Párrocos, Administradores, Directores de la Vida Parroquial y parroquias a celebrar el 75 Aniversario del Seminario St. John el sábado 12 de septiembre del 2015 a las 6:00 p.m. en la Catedral Our Lady of theAngels.

Cena en la Plaza – Thyme Café proveerá la comida

Para más información favor de llamar al 213.637.7636. ¡Venga a celebrar este gran evento en la historia de St. John!