Release Notes for

C300 Corpus ICS configuration files

Updated 2012-08-22

File / vers / Release date / Changed parameters
old setting within ( ) / Background / By
b_316985 Corpus C300 basic_v.icscfg / V3 / 080515 / 45 and 30 deg tilt changed pos in nodelist to correspond with subfiles and settings / Tilt 45 stops at 30degr / PEN
V4 / 080602 / Firmware 1983,Ui1991,Mo1991,see C350 for details / PEN
V5 / 080618 / External switch box supported, actuator inhibit possible from J8 connector / PEN
V6 / 080708 / Backrest limitations corrected in model / PEN/JÅF
V7 / 080904 / Indication of Backrest and Tilt was in Layout C was corrected / Indication from back and tilt was switched in layout C / PEN
V8 / 081029 / Removed 20deg restriction on tilt / To fulfil market requirement / PEN
V8 / 081030 / id(108) 150 (120)
id(109) 181 (135)
id(111) 50 (20) / PEN
V9 / 081111 / added id(117)=80 and id(118)=180 to icscfg file / Legs was locked out after write settings in WB / PEN
V10 / 081111 / model 2430
id(30),id(31),id(109),id(110) as dropdown / PEN
V11 / 081210 / SB firmware 2454, fixes issue with “dead” SB in production. A dead SB can be brought back to life with this update and a “firmware update” in WB / PEN
V12 / 090226 / Switchbox firmware 2653
Generalmodule firmware 2644
Seatactuator firmware 2635
Altswitchbox firmware 2607 / New release of micro controller in the nodes made them stop working / PEN
V13 / 091104 / Model 2837
Id(26)=0(-500) & id(27)=2000(500) Parameters implemented in model which allows tweaking of end stop.
This also gives correct indications in JSM and on SB in lowest position, arrow down removed. / Issue found by Jeremy
SB did not turn off the lift when tilted because system thought down was available. / PEN
V14 / 100126 / Master FW-2897, no change in driving status when actuators are idle / Will handle driving in slopes without interfering with drive restrictions / PEN
V15 / 100223 / Tilt max stroke length changed to always allow tilt to reach switch 4550 (4520) / Issue in production / PEN
V16 / 100223 / Tilt max stroke length changed to always allow tilt to reach switch 4550 (4520) / Issue in production / PEN
V30 / 101207 / Release of ICS v3 / See separate document for details / PEN
V31 / 101215 / Model: No tilt had 90deg as default
UI: Invert Back UI3-L was missing / Only chassis order made it not drive / PEN
V32 / 110202 / GM fw 3489, VSmart fw 3469
Option3, Seat belt is now same as C400 (function type 2) / Fixes issue with filtering position at start up / PEN
V33 / 110301 / GM fw 3556
UI-3566 / Fixes issue with glitches in error report
Layout 10 fix / PEN
V34 / 110418 / Master fw 3658
Updated default values for opt1-4 GM, so they can be used without sensor out of the box
UI adapted to use the FW build in feature of invert JSM / Fixes beep issue
V35 / 120210 / Master fw – 3728
Fix issue 1252, 1255, 1256 / Adaptation fix after reports from the field / PEN
V36 / 120712 / Added default pos and errorcode to be able to get errors on non-installed nodes. / Missing nodes at first start up didn’t show an error. / PEN
c_316986 Elevator C300 Corp 200mm / V1 / 100226 / First release / PEN
V2 / 120712 / Added C300S / PEN
c_316987 Elevator C300 Corp none / V2 / 100309 / No operation is 0(1) / Does not P&P if set to 1 / PEN
V3 / 120712 / Added C300S / PEN
d_316988 Recline C300 Corp angle_stop / V2 / 081112 / id(31) 1800 (900) / v10 of icscfg uses this value to stop tilt and recline / PEN
V3 / 120712 / Added C300S / PEN
d_316989 Recline C300 Corp none v.icssub / V2 / 080515 / Default recline 250->255 (120degr to 90degr) / Tilt 45 only moved 30degr when using no recline / PEN
V3 / 080528 / 103:x7:y3 = 3 (0) / Require GM on back / PEN
Renamed :
d_316989 Recline C300 Corp man v.icssub / V4 / 101213 / Function type set to 1 to make it useful for manual back / Back GM show up as extra in v3 / PEN
V5 / 110228 / Added “Don’t monitor motor cable” / An error could be triggered when manual recline was installed and motor cables was monitored / PEN
V6 / 120712 / Added C300S / PEN
e_316990 Tilt C300 Corp 45degr / V1 / 080424 / First release / PEN
V2 / 100226 / Tilttype = 2 (1) / 30° was added as tilt type 1 / PEN
V3 / 120712 / Added C300S / PEN
e_316991 Tilt C300 Corp none / V1 / 100226 / First release / PEN
V2 / 120712 / Added C300S / PEN
f_316992 Legrest C300 Corp A / V1 / 100226 / First release / PEN
V2 / 120713 / Added C300S / PEN
f_316993 Legrest C300 Corp none / V1 / 100226 / First release / PEN
V2 / 120713 / Added C300S / PEN
e_317119 Tilt C300 PS 45degr / V1 / 120712 / Added C300S / PEN
b_318205 Corpus C300 basic_US_v.icscfg / V6 / First release / PEN
V7 / 081111 / model 2430
id(30),id(31),id(109),id(110) as dropdown
added id(117)=80 and id(118)=180 to icscfg file
id(108) 150 (120)
id(109) 181 (135)
id(111) 50 (20) / Legs was locked out after write settings in WB due to missing id(117) and id(118) / PEN
V8 / 081210 / SB firmware 2454, fixes issue with “dead” SB in production. A dead SB can be brought back to life with this update and a “firmware update” in WB / PEN
V9 / 090226 / Switchbox firmware 2653
Generalmodule firmware 2644
Seatactuator firmware 2635
Altswitchbox firmware 2607 / New release of micro controller in the nodes made them stop working / PEN
V10 / 091104 / Model 2837
Id(26)=0(-500) & id(27)=2000(500) Parameters implemented in model which allows tweaking of end stop.
This also gives correct indications in JSM and on SB in lowest position, arrow down removed. / Issue found by Jeremy
SB did not turn off the lift when tilted because system thought down was available. / PEN
V11 / 100126 / Master FW-2897, no change in driving status when actuators are idle / Will handle driving in slopes without interfering with drive restrictions / PEN
V12 / 100223 / Tilt max stroke length changed to always allow tilt to reach switch 4550 (4520) / Issue in production / PEN
V30 / 101207 / Release of ICS v3 / See separate document for details / PEN
V31 / 101215 / Model: No tilt had 90deg as default
UI: Invert Back UI3-L was missing / Only chassis order made it not drive / PEN
V32 / 110202 / GM fw 3489, VSmart fw 3469
Option3, Seat belt is now same as C400 (function type 2) / Fixes issue with filtering position at start up / PEN
V33 / 110301 / GM fw 3556
UI-3566 / Fixes issue with glitches in error report
Layout 10 fix / PEN
V34 / 110407 / Master fw 3658
Updated default values for opt1-4 GM, so they can be used without sensor, out of the box / Fixes beep issue
V36 / 120210 / Master fw – 3728
Fix issue 1252, 1255, 1256 / Adaptation fix after reports from the field / PEN
V37 / 120712 / Added default pos and errorcode to be able to get errors on non-installed nodes. / Missing nodes at first start up didn’t show an error. / PEN
b_321369 Corpus C300S basic / V36 / 120712 / First release
Same settings as C300 v36 / PEN
b_321370 Corpus C300S basic US / V37 / 120712 / First release
Same settings as C300 US v37 / PEN