Placement Location: PRECEPTOR(S):
Management (MGMT) is an 8-week module, consisting of 1-2 placements, designed to help prepare graduates for roles in the management of projects, programs and services related to dietetics. The primary emphasis is on food services management; however, the module contributes to the development of skills that may be applied in various areas of practice.
All program internship modules are based on entry-to-practice expectations for dietitians in Canada, as articulated in the Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice (ICDEP).
The majority of time in this module is allocated to applied projects that contribute to competency attainment. Observational and orientation activities are limited to those that prepare interns for applied activities related to the competencies.
To the extent possible, projects are chosen to address operational issues and needs of the placement setting. While both smaller and larger projects can be assigned, multifaceted projects can be an efficient means to address multiple aspects of the module requirements
There are 6 main sections to this module document: 1) Intern Placement Planning and Learning Activities Checklist, 2) Preceptor Evaluation Checklist, 3) Performance Assessment Guide, 4) Performance Evaluation, 5) Intern Goal Setting Sheet, and 6) Internship Coordinator Checklist
Module documents are designed for electronic use. Adjust zoom setting as needed for on screen viewing.
1. Use a separate module document for each scheduled placement.
2. Throughout the placement, complete the module requirements and learning activities as outlined in the Intern Placement Planning and Learning Activities Checklist
Interns are responsible for ensuring completion of module requirements and learning activities outlined in the checklist. / PRECEPTOR INSTRUCTIONS
1. Familiarize yourself with the module document prior to the intern beginning their placement.
2. 1-day prior to placement completion, complete performance evaluation as outlined in the Preceptor Evaluation Checklist
a) Should serious concerns about an intern’s performance arise during a placement, consult the Core Site Internship Coordinator (CSIC). The UBC Dietetics Practice Educator is also available as a consultant, if intern learning issues arise.
b) In compliance with Policy 1.07 Retention of Student Records, at the end of the internship year, destroy any locally saved intern evaluations.
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· Discuss module requirements with preceptor in each placement and with your site coordinator if difficulties arise in completing these requirements. There are options to defer some requirements to a future placement if they cannot be completed in a particular setting.
· Document module requirements that need to be deferred on Intern Goal Setting Sheet. It is an intern responsibility to document, monitor, and ensure all requirements are completed.
Review with preceptor the roles, structures and implications of privatized food services and contract management within the health care system CLICK HERE for more optionsDEFER to a future MGMT placementN/A - completed in a previous MGMT placement
Meet with and observe 1-2 other dietitians or other professionals working in management roles CLICK HERE for more optionsDEFER to a future MGMT placementN/A - completed in a previous MGMT placement
Observe preceptor providing group education (at least 2 in internship, in NC II, MGMT or PPH modules)
e.g. group chronic disease teaching, staff in-service, project plan proposal CLICK HERE for more optionsDEFER to a future MGMT placementDEFER to another moduleN/A - completed in a previous placement
Plan and provide group education (at least 2 in internship, in NC II, MGMT or PPH modules)
e.g. group chronic disease teaching, staff in-service, project plan proposal CLICK HERE for more optionsDEFER to a future MGMT placementDEFER to another moduleN/A - completed in a previous placement
With preceptor direction, develop education material(s) (at least 1 in internship, in NC II, MGMT or PPH modules)
e.g. patient handout or online material, policy document, staff training material CLICK HERE for more optionsDEFER to a future MGMT placementDEFER to another moduleN/A - completed in a previous placement
a) One week prior to the placement, contact preceptor to:
- Confirm the placement
- Obtain any placement-related readings and/or resources
b) Review module document
c) Save module document as follows: MGMT.intern last name.ddmmyyyy
d) Review any resources and tools provided as instructed by preceptor e.g., articles, policies and directives, regulations, guidelines CLICK HERE for more optionsN/A - none assigned
e) Self-assess to identify learning needs related to the placement:
- Review Goal Setting Sheet from past placement(s) to identify learning goals for this placement. Identify and bring forward any deferred module requirements, learning activities & performance indicators from prior placement(s) CLICK HERE for more optionsN/A - First placement in internship
- Document draft goals on the Goal Setting Sheet
Establish Plan for Successful Placement
a) Orient preceptor to module features and procedures, including Role Delineation document (see internship online folder)
b) Discuss and finalize goals for the placement. Adjust Goal Setting Sheet as needed to reflect discussion
c) Discuss schedule/plan to ensure module requirements and learning activities can be achieved, including any deferred from past placement(s)
d) Discuss project assignments (Note: see Management Project List document for suggestions). Projects should allow for opportunity to:
- Assess strengths and needs of programs and services related to dietetics
- Manage programs and projects
- Manage food services
Refer to the evaluation section of the module for additional details regarding performance indicators to be demonstrated.
e) Identify and schedule any essential orientation or observational activities relevant to assigned projects
f) Discuss placement setting hours of work, routines, dress code, appropriateness of electronic device use, methods of communication, preceptor supervision etc.
g) Negotiate performance-related expectations (e.g., workload, projects, level of independence, homework, personal accountability for learning)
h) Discuss preferences (e.g. giving and receiving feedback, learning styles, approaches to addressing issues)
i) Discuss weekly Thursday afternoon non- placement half-day with preceptor(s); determine how placement time will be planned to accommodate weekly half-day
j) Arrange meetings to revisit the placement schedule/plan and give/receive informal feedback throughout the placement
Orient to Placement Area
k) Tour relevant areas
l) Complete area specific safety orientation (as required)
m) Review job description and any other documents that clarify the preceptor’s role or schedule
n) Review any additional resources or tools specific to placement setting (e.g. articles, policies and directives, regulations)
Engage in Management Activities
o) Job shadow preceptor and relevant others
p) Initiate work on projects and activities, as discussed with preceptor
a) Complete assigned projects that will provide experience in the management of programs, projects and services related to dietetics. Refer to the Performance Evaluation section for details regarding performance indicators to be demonstrated.
b) If relevant to assigned project(s), participate in interprofessional meetings CLICK HERE for more optionsN/A for assigned projects
c) If relevant to assigned project(s), work collaboratively with non-dietitian managers CLICK HERE for more optionsN/A for assigned projects
d) Discuss with preceptor their approach to management including:
- Development / refinement of policies related to dietetics services
- Dietetics-related service improvements
- Dietitian role in provision of expertise
- Dietitian role in organizational/ program-level decision making
- Roles and scope of practice of other dietitians working in management roles
e) Discuss with preceptor their approach to professional practice including:
- Strategies used to prioritize professional activities
- Approaches to addressing current challenges in the role
- Advocacy
f) Meet with preceptor at least once per week of placement to discuss progress. Update Intern Goal Setting Sheet ‘Outcome’ section as appropriate.
a) Self assess performance
- For each competency, assign a rating in the intern column using the Performance Assessment Guide, adding comments only as necessary to clarify ratings
- Document deferred module requirements, learning activities & performance indicators on Intern Goal Setting Sheet
b) Indicate whether or not placement requirements have successfully been met
c) Reflect on the placement experience to identify feedback and suggestions to share with preceptor
d) Complete Intern Goal Setting Sheet
e) Email completed module document to preceptor
f) Arrange evaluation meeting for final day of placement
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a) Assess intern performance:
- Once module document is received from intern (1-2 days prior to end of placement), save module document (MGMT.intern last name.ddmmyyyy)
- For each competency, assign a rating in the Preceptor column using the Performance Assessment Guide, adding comments only as necessary to clarify ratings
- Indicate whether or not placement requirements have successfully been met
- Prepare for evaluation meeting
a) Lead evaluation meeting with intern:
- Review and discuss intern performance
- In collaboration with intern, make any necessary adjustments to intern or preceptor performance ratings or comments
- Review and discuss the Intern Goal Setting Sheet
- Review and discuss intern feedback about and suggestions for enhancing the placement experience
b) Submit documentation:
- IMPORTANT: Immediately following the evaluation meeting, save finalized document and email to intern and the intern’s Core Site Internship Coordinator
- Alert Core Site Internship Coordinator if placement was not completed successfully or if there are any significant issues of concern
· Evaluation of each practice competency should be based on described performance indicators and reflect the intern’s skills as demonstrated at the end of the placement. As internship is a learning process, minor performance gaps can be expected as interns work towards performance improvement.
· Ratings of 2 and 3 meet program requirements for successful completion of the placement and/or module.
· A rating of 1 does not meet the requirements for successful completion of the placement and should identify a general lack of safe, effective or ethical practice. Should a rating of 1 be given, the situation will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the preceptor, CSIC, and UBC Dietetics Program coordinators. An intern cannot progress to the next module without achieving ratings of 2 and 3 in all practice competencies.
· Comments should be added only to clarify ratings.
Performance Criteria
Performance criteria are adapted from the ICDEP entry-to-practice proficiency definition. Use these criteria to assess intern performance.
Choose the rating that is MOST representative of intern performance.
Rating Level / DESCRIPTION
1 / · Has difficulty identifying relevant information, relies on rules and procedures, and requires significant direction when facing a new context or situation
· Makes repeated and significant errors in judgment and performance
· Requires extended periods of time to complete tasks
· Requires explicit direction or significant supervision in order to complete tasks. Is frequently unable to recognize situations that may be beyond his/her capacity and/or does not take appropriate steps to address the situation
· Does not demonstrate communication and collaboration or professional practice competencies
2 / · Begins to apply learning from previous experiences and demonstrates increasing independence
· Errors in judgment are minimal, is able to identify and interpret key aspects of an issue, situation, and skill most of the time
· May still require occasional assistance with prioritization, lack speed and flexibility, and seek direction when/if original plans fail or when presented with unfamiliar or complex situations
· Recognizes situations that may be beyond his/her capacity and takes appropriate steps to address them, which may include consultation, supervision or mentorship, reviewing research literature or referral to another care provider
· Usually demonstrates communication and collaboration or professional practice competencies
3 / · Consistently identifies and interprets key aspects of an issue or situation and applies practical knowledge from previous experiences/learning
· Is able to prioritize activities to achieve goals and establish outcomes within a reasonable timeframe, with minimal errors or omissions and with little or no prompting required from the preceptor
· Consistently recognizes situations that may be beyond his/her capacity and takes appropriate steps to address the situation
· Consistently demonstrates communication and collaboration or professional practice competencies
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1. Assess strengths and needs of programs and services related to dietetics
a) Utilize strategic and operational planning principles to analyze goals, objectives and activities of programs or services related to dietetics
b) Identify relevant assessment information
c) Obtain and interpret stakeholder perspective
d) Obtain and interpret financial information
CLICK HERE for more optionsN/A to placement setting - DEFER / e) Obtain and interpret relevant standards and compliance data
f) Obtain and interpret nutritional, cultural, physical and other demographic client information
g) Obtain and interpret stakeholder satisfaction information
/ h) Obtain and interpret human resource information
CLICK HERE for more optionsN/A to placement setting - DEFER
i) Obtain and interpret technical/ equipment information
CLICK HERE for more optionsN/A to placement setting - DEFER
j) Analyze or integrate information to develop goals and objectives for food and nutrition services and programs
INTERN Self Assessment
CLICK HERE to assess123
Comments: / PRECEPTOR Assessment
CLICK HERE to assess123
2. Manage programs and/or projects
a) Complete assigned projects aligned to module requirements / Projects completed: