Greek Hero Project

This is a research project about Greek Heroes. You and your partner will choose your hero at random (this is a collaborative assignment so you MUST work with a partner).

After your research you will create a power point, highlighting you findings.

Power point requirements: *Note you may use Slides from Google Drive or

  1. Minimum 5 slides plus a title slide with your hero's name and you & your partner's names.
  2. Chosen fonts and backgrounds must legible: i.e. appropriate size, not too dark or too light/bright, no pictures overlapping text, etc.
  3. You must have a minimum of one graphic per slide (you must give credit for where you found the graphic unless it is Google Images).
  4. Grammar, spelling and punctuation must be correct (1 point deduction for each error)

Content of slides:

  1. Hero's background (parents, prophecies, politics, etc.)
  2. Conflicts/road of trials/adventures
  3. Associates - i.e. Hercules and Hera, Hercules and Iolus, Odysseus and Achilles, etc.
  4. Outcomes

Written component:

  1. Each pair must submit a written summary of what the planned presentation will share.

*You may choose to do this in an essay format or an outline format.

  1. A works cited page must be included (where did you get your information/graphics)
  2. Grammar, spelling and punctuation count (1 point deduction for each error)
  3. Create and submit a 5 question quiz (you choose the format) and answer key.
  4. Must be typed.


  1. Both members must present.
  2. Eye contact counts. Do NOT read from the slides or stand with your back to the audience.
  3. Dress appropriately, comfortably but casual - you don't have to wear a suit or dress but look nice.
  4. Voice projection: you must be able to heard in the back of the room; if you need the mic ask for it.
  5. Do not be too fidgety but feel free to walk around, use hand gestures, etc.
  6. Do not lean or sit on furniture or walls.
  7. REHEARSE, REHEARSE, REHEARSE - you will be given at least part of a period to do this.Practice pronouncing names and locations correctly - give it some effort.
  8. *Audience participation is part of this score.
  9. Hold all questions until the end.
  10. No talking, sleeping or working on other assignments during presentations - it is simply rude.
  11. Polite applause is acceptable but you should not be acting out. Conduct yourself like young adults.


Power point -

Correct number of slides and content ______/25

Layout/design (attractive/creative)______/10

Grammar, spelling, punctuation______/15Subtotal: ______/50


Summary is complete and enhances

the presentation.______/25

Works cited, complete, accurate______/15

Quiz and answer key______/10

Grammar, spelling, punctuation______/10Subtotal: ______/60

Summaries turned in not typed automatically lose 5 points.


Eye contact/voice projection______/10

Appropriate dress/body language______/10

Rehearsed and "easy" speaking______/10

Ability to respond to questions______/10

Audience participation______/10Subtotal: ______/50

Total score: ______/160 Letter grade: _____