Greek Hero Project
This is a research project about Greek Heroes. You and your partner will choose your hero at random (this is a collaborative assignment so you MUST work with a partner).
After your research you will create a power point, highlighting you findings.
Power point requirements: *Note you may use Slides from Google Drive or
- Minimum 5 slides plus a title slide with your hero's name and you & your partner's names.
- Chosen fonts and backgrounds must legible: i.e. appropriate size, not too dark or too light/bright, no pictures overlapping text, etc.
- You must have a minimum of one graphic per slide (you must give credit for where you found the graphic unless it is Google Images).
- Grammar, spelling and punctuation must be correct (1 point deduction for each error)
Content of slides:
- Hero's background (parents, prophecies, politics, etc.)
- Conflicts/road of trials/adventures
- Associates - i.e. Hercules and Hera, Hercules and Iolus, Odysseus and Achilles, etc.
- Outcomes
Written component:
- Each pair must submit a written summary of what the planned presentation will share.
*You may choose to do this in an essay format or an outline format.
- A works cited page must be included (where did you get your information/graphics)
- Grammar, spelling and punctuation count (1 point deduction for each error)
- Create and submit a 5 question quiz (you choose the format) and answer key.
- Must be typed.
- Both members must present.
- Eye contact counts. Do NOT read from the slides or stand with your back to the audience.
- Dress appropriately, comfortably but casual - you don't have to wear a suit or dress but look nice.
- Voice projection: you must be able to heard in the back of the room; if you need the mic ask for it.
- Do not be too fidgety but feel free to walk around, use hand gestures, etc.
- Do not lean or sit on furniture or walls.
- REHEARSE, REHEARSE, REHEARSE - you will be given at least part of a period to do this.Practice pronouncing names and locations correctly - give it some effort.
- *Audience participation is part of this score.
- Hold all questions until the end.
- No talking, sleeping or working on other assignments during presentations - it is simply rude.
- Polite applause is acceptable but you should not be acting out. Conduct yourself like young adults.
Power point -
Correct number of slides and content ______/25
Layout/design (attractive/creative)______/10
Grammar, spelling, punctuation______/15Subtotal: ______/50
Summary is complete and enhances
the presentation.______/25
Works cited, complete, accurate______/15
Quiz and answer key______/10
Grammar, spelling, punctuation______/10Subtotal: ______/60
Summaries turned in not typed automatically lose 5 points.
Eye contact/voice projection______/10
Appropriate dress/body language______/10
Rehearsed and "easy" speaking______/10
Ability to respond to questions______/10
Audience participation______/10Subtotal: ______/50
Total score: ______/160 Letter grade: _____