Bendemeer Primary School

Primary 2 Holistic Assessment Plan 2018

Reporting System

The following table shows what you will be receiving as feedback for your child’s/ward’s progress.

TERM 1 / TERM 2 / TERM 3 / TERM 4
  1. Holistic Progress Report
  1. Portfolio
  1. Holistic Progress Report
  1. Portfolio
  1. Holistic Progress Report
  1. Portfolio
  1. Holistic Report Slip

Assessment Weightings

The assessment weightings for the various subjects are as follows:

Level / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Total
English / 10% / 20% / 20% / 50% / 100%
Mathematics / 10% / 20% / 20% / 50% / 100%
Mother Tongue / 10% / 20% / 20% / 50% / 100%

Holistic Assessment Schedule (Semester 1)

The assessment items, weightings for the various components, mark allocation, and dates of assessment for English, Mathematics and Mother Tongue for Terms 1 and 2 are listed below.

Subject / Types of Assessment / Weighting / Base Mark / Dates
English Language / Listening and Viewing
●Sound Discrimination
●Picture matching
●Dictation / 7.5% / 20 / Week 9
Writing and Representing
●Book Review / 2.5% / 8 / Week 8
Mathematics / Term Review 1
●Numbers within 1000
●Addition and Subtraction within 1000 / 10% / 40 / Week 9
Mother Tongue Language / Listening
Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil
Appropriate response to listening stimulus / 5% / 10 / Week 9
Language Use
Term Review 1
●Simple phrases with given graphic stimulus / 5% / 40 / Week 9
Subject / Types of Assessment / Weighting / Base Mark / Dates
English Language / Reading & Viewing
●Reading Aloud : Accuracy and Fluency / 5% / 6 / Week 5
Writing & Representing
●4-pictures Individual Writing / 5% / 12 / Week 6
Language Use
Term Review 1
●Comprehension / 10% / 40 / Week 7
Mathematics / Performance Task
●Length and Mass / 10% / 10 / Week 5
Term Review 2
●Add and Subtract within 1000
●Multiplication and Division
●Word Problems / 10% / 40 / Week 8
Mother Tongue Language / Speaking
●Choral Recitation
Malay/ Tamil
●Situational dialogue in authentic setting / 10% / 20 / Week 4
●Read aloud a simple paragraph
●Recognise and pronounce words and phrases/ Read aloud / 5% / 10 / Week 5
Language Use
Term Review 2
●Simple phrases with given graphic stimulus / 5% / 50 / Week 7

The non-examinable subjectsAreas of Learning in Semester 1 are as shown in the table below. Their performance will be assessed through rubrics that will be reflected in the holistic progress report.

Subject / Areas of Learning / Assessment
Physical Education / Gymnastics / Perform a sequence of two different movements with control, smooth transition and a clear starting and ending position
Dance / Perform a movement phrase with at least two locomotor and two non-locomotor movements using a combination of shape, pathway and force, in response to the stimuli
Outdoor Education / Explore movement across a variety of uneven ground surfaces and recognises hazard that may cause harm to self and others
Safety / Demonstrate safety and respect for self, others and the safe use of equipment
Art / Observe / Appreciate and record what they see in their surroundings. Appreciate and
record their experiences
Appreciate what they see, identifying the 7 elements of art and applying them
in their artwork
Create / Generate ideas from what is seen and explore various artforms in creating the
art work (2D art form)
Generate ideas from what is seen and explore various artformsin creating the artwork (Pop-up/relief/collage)
Connect / Talk about their artworks. Discuss about the artworks made
Music / Appreciation / Identify rhythmic symbols which are more than 1 beat
Identify various intervals between pitches at most 2 levels apart
Expression / Demonstrate rhythmic patterns through response, clapping and movements
Demonstrate various melodic shapes through response, singing and movements
Attitude / Show enthusiasm during music lessons
Social Studies / Curiosity / Identify the people living in Singapore
Identify the customs and tradition of different communities in Singapore
Appreciation / Show willingness to accept people from diverse communities
Appreciate different customs and traditions that are practised by the diverse communities in Singapore
Reflectiveness / Know that actions have consequences
Process information /data with the help of the teacher
ICT / Navigation / Identify parts of the computer and perform basic keyboarding
Navigate the LMS portal & web-base applications
Application / Perform keyboarding
Character Education / Passion
(Love for Family
and Learning) / Demonstrate appreciation towards his family
Demonstrate the eagerness to learn new things independently, in school
and at home
Resilience / Keeps trying even when one faces difficulties
Diligence / Be responsible in carrying out his role and duties at home