Functional Area: Accounts Payable / Create Auto Receipt
Use this procedure to execute and process/post auto receipts for certain shipping points.
Perform this procedure when a system generated (automatic) goods receipt is required due to a quantity related invoice verification block. An invoice has been entered in SAP for a PO where no goods receipt has been entered. An automatic goods receipt (based on the invoice quantity) will be entered. This practice will be limited to specific shipping points and all dollar amounts.
An invoice that meets the defined selection requirements is blocked due to quantity.
Menu Path
There is no menu path for this transaction.
Transaction Code
Business Process Information
When an invoice is entered in the SAP system without sufficient goods receipt entered before hand, the invoice is automatically blocked for payment (invoice verification block). The University has adopted an exception receiving practice to auto receive any invoice that is less than $10,000 for invoices assigned to purchase orders with a shipping point of either 1, 9, 10, 0, 4 or 5. The auto receive function will generate a system entered goods receipt based on the invoice quantity stated on the logistical invoice less any units already received. This ZAUTOGOODS process will create and post a goods receipt that is blocked until transaction ZMRBR is run if it meets this criteria.
It is important to note that typically this transaction will be executed according to a batch schedule, but can be executed online (by designated users in the Accounts Payable Dept). If the invoice has only a ‘quantity’ block, the auto goods receipt will correct the root cause of the payment block and therefore the invoice is a candidate for automatic invoice block release in the Invoice Release transaction (ZMRBR).
Helpful Hints
- The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
- On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
- If this transaction is to be executed online, prior to executing ZAUTOGOODS, execute ZMRBR (Invoice Block Release) with the automatically release option. This step is required to ‘clean up’ any invoices that were blocked due to quantity but since have had a manual goods receipt entered in the system. The ‘clean up’ step prevents duplicate goods receipts.
- After the ‘clean up’ step for the manual goods receipts, execute ZAUTOGOODS. The program will enter the required goods receipts for those invoices still blocked due to quantity (and that fit the other data selection criteria).
- After the automatic goods receipts have been entered, execute ZMRBR (again) with the automatically release option active. This step will ‘clean up’ the invoices that were blocked due to quantity but since have had an automatic good receipt posted.
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Accounts Payable / Create Auto Receipt
1. / Start the transaction using the transaction code.
/ If executing this transaction online, be sure to execute transaction ZMRBR (with automatically release option active) first.
/ It is important to note that the user does not have to enter any data selection critiera. The data selection criteria (described in the Business Process Overview) has been built into the logic of the transaction.
Release Blocked Invoices
2. / Click to view the goods receipt proposal list (based on blocked invoices in the system that meet the data selection criteria).
/ The program will execute the ZMRBR transaction (with the automatic release option) in order to ‘clean up’ any blocked invoices that have the required goods receipt entered manually after the invoice has been entered. The system message lets the user know if any invoices were released during this step. The example message above states that no invoices were automatically released (therefore no manual goods receipts have been entered).
Release Blocked Invoices (2)
3. / Click to create and post goods receipts for those invoices that are less than $10,000.00 against shipping points of 0, 1, 9, 10, 4 or 5.
Automatic Goods Receipt Posting
4. / Each invoice (by line item) that was on the goods receipt proposal list will be detailed in this report. If an automatic goods receipt was entered, the goods receipt document number is listed on the report. There are times when the system could not enter a goods receipt (quantity tolerance limits exceeded or invoice blocked due to reasons other than quantity, etc). These invoices and their block reasons are listed on this report. This report serves as a work list of blocked invoices with shipping points of either 1, 9, 10, 4 or 5. This worklist requires manual follow up. You can review transactions according to the following sort codes:
5. / Review the displayed information.
6. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
7. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: Rev 0 / 08_AP_ZAUTOGOODS_CreateAutoReceipt_0_APProcessorApprover_02.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/6
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Accounts Payable / Create Auto Receipt
You have executed and posted auto goods receipts.
Execute transaction ZMRBR (with the automatic release option active) in order to release any blocked invoices that have had an automatic goods receipt entered.
Ver: Rev 0 / 08_AP_ZAUTOGOODS_CreateAutoReceipt_0_APProcessorApprover_02.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/6