lShowjumping competition
Latvian Equestrian federation (LEF) competition
ORGANISER: „Sport De Lux”
DATE AND PLACE: 3.-5.05.2013, Latvia, Babite district, Trenču Ozoli, ~7th km of road Riga-Liepaja (aprox.20km from the center of Riga)
HONORARY PRESIDENT: Andrejs Ence – the Chief of Babite district
PRESIDENT of the EVENT: Kate Ansone
DIRECTOR: Ilze Plīkše
GROUND JURY : Dainis Līvmanis, Kate Ansone
COURSE DESIGNER: Ģirts Bricis, Egils Broks
Dimensions: 50m x 70m
Type of Footing: Sand
Dimensions: 30m x 70m
Type of Footing: Sand
STABLES : Size of boxes: 3 m x 4 m (50 euros during all competition days). Limited amount of boxes!
Hay: 3 LVL (5 euros) per day. Information about boxes: (Kate)
PARTICIPANTS: Athletes from three Baltic countries (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania) are invited. One rider can participate in one competition with any amount of horses.
ENTRIES: 25.04.2013 till 12:00 (e-mail: ; phone: +371 29491870)
Starting order at and at least two days before competition.
ARRIVING: from 2.05 16:00 (till each days 23:00).
Competition on-line: 05.05 (,
Sponsors: AS Agrofirma Tērvete, Ozoli Eko, Spilva, AS Jaunpils Pienotava, Baltic Taxi, Dansukker, medicīnas sabiedrība ARS, tehnikas noma Storent, Magnumveterinārija, Havens Latvija, Flisi, Cavalor, Alltech Latvija, Intrac, Pūre Chocolate, Klippan Saule, VetLine, The Donuts, Josera,, SWH, Eggersmann, Balbiino, Manitou, Piņķu lielveikals Elvi, Latvijas šķirnes zirgu audzētāju asociācija u.c.
- In all competitions all riders colect points for the main prize – The Best Rider of Event. The winner will get a special prize from Alltech.
2. In competition Nr.8B and Nr.11 - 5 year old horses colect points in both days for the main prize – The Best Youngster of BALTIC CUP 2013. The best 5 years old horse gets a special prize from JSC „Agrofirma Tērvete”.
3. „The Winner of BALTIC CUP 2013 Grand Prix” gets a cup. The winner horse gets horse rug. Special prize for the winning horse groom.
4. Prizes for athletes from Baltic Cup sponsors.
5. Prize money can be aded.
Saturday, 4.05.2013 after the last competition – afterparty and karaoke. Drinks for athletes for free.
5.05.2013 Ice cream Balbiino day.
5.05.2013 Danscukker party for children. Event hosted by Lauris Reiniks.
Friday, 3.05.2012. Starts at 12:00
Competition Nr. 1.
50cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 5.00 LVL
Six best riders get prizes.
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Competition Nr. 2.
80cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 5.00 LVL
Six best riders get prizes.
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Competition Nr. 3.
100cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Competition Nr. 4. SPILVA cup
110 cm. Open class. Two phases. Art.274.5.3.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Competition Nr. 5. DZINTARS kauss
120 cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Saturday, 4.05.2013, starts at 9:00
Competition Nr. 6.
50cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 5.00 LVL
Six best riders get prizes.
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Competition Nr. 7.
80cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 5.00 LVL
Six best riders get prizes.
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Competition Nr. 8.
100 cm. Two phases. Art.274.5.3.
A: EVEROL cup: Open class.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
Participing five years old horses.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
C: STORENT cup: Children till 16 y.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Competition Nr. 9. THE DONUTS cup
110 cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Competition Nr. 10.
115/120 cm. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
A: Participating juniors and young riders. 115/20cm, a handicap.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
B: Participating 6/7 years old horses. 115/120cm, a handicap.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
Open class. 120cm.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Competition Nr. 11. TORPOL GP qualification
130 cm. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1. Open class + Qualifier for Grand Prix. Athletes, who do not participate in this competition, will not be able to participate in Grand Prix.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Sunday, 5.05.2013, starting at 9:00
Competition Nr. 12. MAGNUMVETERINĀRIJA cup
80cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 5.00 LVL
Six best riders get prizes.
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Competition Nr. 13. CAVALOR cup
100cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Competition Nr. 14. A/S AGROFIRMA TĒRVETE cup
110 cm. One jump off. Art 238.2.2.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
Participing five years old horses.
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Competition Nr. 15. GRAND PRIX - „BALTIC CUP 2013”
135 cm. One jump off. Art 238.2.2.
Participating athletes from Comp.Nr.11.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
The Winner gets a cup. The winner horse gets horse rug. Special prize for the winning horse groom!
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Competition Nr. 16. BALTIC TAXI cup
110 cm. Open class. Against the clock. Art. 238.2.1.
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
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Competition Nr. 17. HAVENS LATVIJA cup
120 cm. Open class. Accumulator competition with Joker against the clock, without jump-off. Art. 269.5
Starting fee: 10.00 LVL
Welcome to Baltic Cup 2013!
Pointing system
16 riders 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
1st 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 6
2nd 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 3
3rd 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1
4th 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5th 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
6th 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7th 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8th 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
9th 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
10th 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
11th 6 5 4 3 2 1
12th 5 4 3 2 1
13th 4 3 2 1
14th 3 2 1
15th 2 1
16th 1
Points will be calculated from every competition by using next coeficents: 100 cm 0.25; 105cm 0,3; 110 cm 0.5; 120 cm 1.0; 130 cm 1.5; 135 cm 2.0.
All horses must have passports with the necessary veterinary examinations.
Each rider takes personal responsibility for possible accidents during the competition.