Meeting Agenda 12.14.16
1. Role call
· Julia W, Nicole N., Richard R., Kristin C., CariAnn L., David S., Amanda W., Jamie D., Liz A., Leiselle, J. Wilcox, Josh
2. Welcome
3. Review/approval of minutes: Nicole moves, Richards second, no opposition, minutes approved
4. Welcome new members: check out groups/tiers!
· Amy Hobbs
· Julia Davis
· Julia Wilcox
What tier would you like to join?
5. Movement Summit Update (Jamie Dyson)
· Mini HOD, what will roll out as a system of practice
· Common denominator of helping people move better
o Goal: have consumers think of us improving “how people move”
o Hate consumers asking for massage
o Inter-define what it is that PTs do, development of more consistent language, using ICF including ventilation
o Other countries in ICD-11 which has a functional or movement component to every diagnosis
§ Ex. LBP with no impact on movement, minimal > mod > max impact on mvmt
6. Medicare CPT Code Changes
· Resources (Nicole Nicholas); charges for evaluations effective 01/01/2017
o Compliance course/CPT course through APTA; highly recommended; Word document attached to email; PT Magazine with a pocket guide
o 3 new codes to replace 97001: low, moderate, high complexity evaluations and re-evaluation codes
§ Typical times: low (20’) Moderate (30’) High (45’) Reevaluation (20’)
§ RE-eval when you need to CHANGE plan of care
§ Reevaluation code up from 0.6 > 0.75
§ Currently, no potential to get more money for more complex codes
o 4 different categories must be documented to justify which code complexity you pick; if all four categories are not met for a higher complexity, you must down scale your complexity (ie. If 3 codes suffice a high complexity but one category fits moderate complexity you pick the moderate complexity code)
§ History (medical and functional) – MUST BE EFFECTIVE COMORBIDITY, not diabetes affecting TKR
§ Examination (impairments, activity limitations, participation restrictions)
§ Clinical presentation (stable and uncomplicated; evolving and predictable; evolving and unpredictable)
§ Clinical decision making
o Complexity high complexity must be met in all four categories or will be placed in moderate categories
o Also required: pts ability to make needs known, consciousness, orientation, learning preferences and emotional response, personal factors affecting POC (ie. Exercise habits, fear avoidance etc)
§ If personal factors do not impact POC they do not affect the level of the case
o Definitions:
§ Body regions: head, neck, back, UE, LE, Trunk
§ Body systems: musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular and integumentary
§ Also required: pts ability to make needs known, consciousness, orientation, learning preferences and emotional response, personal factors affecting POC (ie. Exercise habits, fear avoidance etc)
§ If personal factors do not impact POC they do not affect the level of the case
o No PQRS but new system where you stack up in notes that you’ve reviewed medication. Higher accountability. Pay for performance. Not affecting us until 2023
o Word document with hyperlinks found in email sent this evening. Can also search in APTA learning center and up on the website banner.
7. Old Business (CariAnn)
· Website updates – board positions, buttons moved around, thank you Liz!
· Ortho SIG – Tomas Eberle brought up at Fall conference
o Anyone involved? No
o Like their Facebook page
o Live session Ortho SIG review, would like to have increased involvement in their journal club compared to EPSIG journal club
§ Richard volunteers to be in contact with Tom Eberle
8. Teir Updates
· Membership (Nicole Nichols)
o #balancewithEPSIG challenge update from Sept 2016
§ limited participation compared to last year (currently 10 submissions)
§ please add hash tag to friends’ posts to better recognize
§ add name to forum in EPSIG to better track
§ “the odds are in your favor,” time to post everyone
§ Liz will post a blurb in the next/last 2016 FPTA weekly update
§ Will run through the end of the month and draw names/winner in January 2017
§ Tag/challenge all PT friends
· Mentorship (Carly Autrey) - not present on the call, CariAnn has contacted several times without reply, cannot contact for Big/Little program delegation
o Working with leadership programs in the FPTA
o Amanda W. volunteers to be tier leader
· Professional Development (CariAnn Litz)
o Journal club is up and going > AWESOME!
§ Thank you [Richard, Joshua, CariAnn] who have reviews up in the forum
§ Not a lot of comments
§ Encourage the EPSIG membership to look at the journal club, please respond and encourage discussion or offer constructive criticism to improve
§ Allowed and encouraged to share on the FPTA page, even tweet or email blast to members and non-members
§ Need volunteers to earn credits for article reviews
§ Liz planning on designing an email blast to check out the article review forum
o Shout out to Christine whose doing an awesome job with monthly member feature
· Leadership (Joshua Lewis)
o Work with leadership and mentoring committee to satisfy the student FA proposed
§ No meeting in 2 months, but continue to gather mentors and put together resources for students or anyone to access in case of wanting to go alternative route compared to formal mentoring
§ Submitted portion to Liz for review
§ Split into 7-8 different action items to work out
§ Roll out by 01/01/17 to role out to new members, NOT STUDENTS, working on new clinicians vs students which may overwhelm the system
o Positions available for EPSIG members on other boards (Richard R)
§ Updated membership list
§ Need: 3 people willing to be BIGs (Jill, Kristin, and Amanda volunteer)
§ Contact some of the board if they have room for an EPSIG member to sit in
· Need folks for advocacy > let Jamie know if you are interested
§ Organizational flow chart of FPTA to assist EPSIG members in moving through the ranks
o New FA for student loans
§ Met with “Fit Bucks” offering to do a talk at student conclave
· Jamie states that Kathy S. needs to be contacted to get a slot
· Student loan debt, credit card debt, assets and liabilities, involvement in sports/extracurriculars, how much is paid down monthly, public service loans, what is the best option for you?
· Just starting off without fully functioning platform
· Maybe do for early professionals vs students
o Maybe video conference
o Has his own setting to allow entrance to a video/conference chat
o Scholarships available for advocacy days – YES, go to events, advocacy days, register
§ Always sells out, do it (Jamie)
· Networking (Jillian Carney) – not present on call, Jamie speaking
o AZ, AL, and MA chapter interested in forming SIGs and working on assisting with various stages of development
o Running idea of passing around an item to take pictures with object
o Photos of Flat Stanley that is handed off or passed around to be taken at each networking event, cont ed event, PT pub night, advocacy days etc
o No opposition
9. New Business
· Student Conclave: Jan 13 & 14 at FGCU, EPSIG booth Jan 14th
o Richard volunteers, Paula, maybe Josh
o Jamie looking for speakers for IGNITE presentations
· Advocacy Days: Feb 20 & 21 in Tallahassee, FL
o Scholarships available
· CSM 2017: Feb 16, 17, &18 in San Antonio, TX
o CariAnn and Amanda will be present – EPSIG pub night
o APTA is working on early professional recognition and promoting networking at national events
o Work with Giselle and Jamie/Jillian for those interested in EPSIG event
· Spring Conference: March 31-April 1 in Orlando, FL
o EPSIG meeting
o “Journey in My Shoes” event, Jamie will contact interested party per recommendation
§ Josh on leadership tier
§ How many EPSIG member attend? Not as many as fall conference, but it is licensure year and attendance may be up; no data
o Financial advisor video conference at spring conference
· PT/PTA Program representatives (Jamie Dyson) – each spring they do grad talks, every year want to do as many PT/PTA programs to show what is available to them as new professionals (look for geographical assets); no dates set yet; about an hour talk of a prepped PPT
· 3 New Members need BIGs – see above
· Website updates? (Liz Aperauch) – see above
10. Questions/comments
· Next meeting time – end of February 2017, discuss spring conference
o Send out doodle poll early
· Mentorship application posted to end of forum
· Spring conference: cost is associated with con ed courses, found under events on far R of page without prices listed yet but will be
· Liz will put Amanda W to be co-chair with Carly as able
11. Adjourn- Kristin 1st, Richard 2nd, no opposition, adjourn approved