Be Thou an Ensample

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity (I Tim. 4:12).” The Bible is full of passages that speak of examples. Paul encouraged the Corinthians to look at his life as it is an example for them to live (I Cor. 11:1). We are all to be examples to those around us, or, rather we are examples to those around us. Whether we want them to or not, people are always watching. Let this bulletin serve as a reminded that the type of example you leave has a direct affect upon the salvation of your own soul.

Be an Example to the World

The world is watching you. Did you ever notice on the national media or on the national talk shows, the “Christian” interviewed is almost always the last person you want to represent the Christian world? Why is that? The person fails to be the example to the world that Christ would be pleased with.

The summer before my sophomore year at Florida College, there was a teacher for the Florida College Academy who was arrested for having an affair with one of her students. You can imagine the problems her example left in the community.

Paul wrote, “Give no cause for offence in anything so that the ministry will not be discredited (II Cor. 6:3).” We are to be the perfect example in our communities. He continues that passage with this point in mind; no matter what happens, do not let your attitude or your conduct discredit the ministry. Remain even as Christ was as He was nailed to the cross.

One of my favorite songs to sing is The World’s Bible. The second verse serves as a constant reminder how my example makes all the difference. “We are the only Bible the careless world will read. We are the sinner’s gospel. We are the scoffer’s creed. We are the Lord’s last message, given in deed and word. What is the type is crooked? What if the print is blurred?” What message are we sending to the world?

Be an Example to

Our Children

I first say this to the parents. It is a fact that most children will grow up to be just like their parents. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, however, are we willing to take that chance? What type of person do you want your child to be? Did you know that most elders and preachers were raised by elders and preachers? That is not because parents forced their children to follow that path, but because the children saw what was important in their parents’ lives. If you show your child that the world is most important then they will likely follow your example. Fathers, you are the spiritual leaders of the home as the head of the family. Lead in the right direction. Mothers, watch over your children. Let them see in you the love of Christ.

I also say to the congregation that we need to be a good example to the children. Children often have “spiritual role models” that are not their parents. You never know when a child is looking up to you. Make certain you live appropriately. I have seen nearly an entire generation of young people fall away from the truth. Is that entirely the children’s fault? Or, could there have been a lack of proper spiritual influence in that congregation?

Remember that the children are the future of this church. What direction do you want it headed?

Be an Example to

The Brethren

In context of the “proof text” this is exactly what Paul was referring to. He wanted Timothy to understand that no matter how difficult some Christians might make it on you (because you are young) do not stop being the example that you know God would have you to be. Paul gives five different areas that Timothy was to be an example in. I believe that these five areas are things each of us should show to be evident in us as we are among the brethren.

In Speech. Paul told the Colossians, “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man (Col. 4:6).” We need to be certain we bridle our tongue. James 3 teaches us that it can be an unruly evil and that with it great fires can be started. I have heard “great” gospel preachers use jokes to cut people down and laugh it off as okay. Others who would use blanket statements to condemn those whom they have never met.

In Conduct. How do you carry yourself? Are you abrasive, angry, or hateful? Or, are you kind, meek, and loving? This too can cause someone to fall away. There are Christians that know their Bibles like the back of their hand, yet they completely lack the ability to live their life in such a way that they do not “rub people the wrong way.” Yes, debating is okay. Yes, refuting error is okay. But, there is a proper way to do this and that way is the way, which Christ left behind.

In Love. Paul wrote in I Cor. 13:1-3 that love is a must. Paul could speak in tongues, give to the poor, and suffer for the cause of Christ, but if they were done without love, it profited him nothing. We also need to be certain that the love with which we love with is pure. Sadly, many love with partiality and hypocrisy. “I will love only those who are like me, make the same amount of money as me, etc.” That is partiality. Saying you love someone and then gossiping about him or her later is hypocrisy.

In Faith. Do not be a reed shaken in the wind. The weaker brethren really need the rest of us to be a good example.

In Purity. “Practice what you preach.” Live up to the standard that God has handed down. If the Corinthians can change, so can you. They were the dredges of society. Every evil thing done by man could be found happening there. Yet they changed. We can with the strength we get from God overcome.