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We Authors (undersigned) of the topic The role of time management as HR methodology in field of Health care & Practice- an emerging trends hereby declare this study is a true work by us and we have not sent to or already published the same in any other media.
Dr Sathya P,
Associate Professor,
Department of Physiotherapy,
PD D Y Patil University[1]
Dr Ramakrishnan.
Ass. Professor,
Department of Physiotherapy,
PD D Y Patil University[2]
Dr Sujata Yardi,
Professor and Director
Guide, Department of Physiotherapy,
PDD Y Patil University[3]
Topic:The role of time management as HR methodology in field of Health care & Practice- an emerging trends
Dr Sathya P, Associate Professor & Head, Dept of Physiotherapy & SPT, P D Y Patil University[1]
Dr Ramakrishnan. Ass. Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Pad, Dr D Y Patil University[2]
Dr Sujata Yardi, Professor and Guide, Department of Physiotherapy, Pad, Dr D Y Patil University[3]
Introduction: Skilled human resource is one of the most scarcest and important resources in health care. Therefore human resource planning is the key to any health care provision.
The objective of human resource (HR) policy is to
a) Attract, recruit, retain and develop competent personnel
b) Create a continuously learning health care organization.
The patient unquestionably is the focus of all health care personnel.
MATERIAL & METHODOLOGY;MaterialOnline Data, Off-line Data, Electronic journal, Print journal, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-SPSS Version 17Excel Graph Pad
Methodology;The statistical method is meta-analysis by combining the results of several studies that address a set of related research hypotheses. Data available online, off-line, electronic and regular journal were used.
The conclusions of this study is as we all know Time is our most precious resource. It cannot be bought, saved, or stored .The management of time is therefore essential for a balanced life. The above mentioned are the method that enhances time management as HR methodology in field of Health & Rehabilitation Practice
The role of time management as HR methodology in field of Health care & Practice- an emerging trends
Dr Sathya P, Associate Professor& Head, Dept of Physiotherapy& SPT, PD D Y Patil University[1]
Dr Ramakrishnan. Ass. Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Pad, Dr D Y Patil University[2]
Dr Sujata Yardi, Professor and Guide, Department of Physiotherapy, Pad, Dr D Y Patil University[3]
Skilled human resource is one of the most scarcest and important resources in health care. Therefore human resource planning is the key to any health care provision.
The objective of human resource (HR) policy is to
a) Attract, recruit, retain and develop competent personnel
b) Create a continuously learning health care organization.
The patient unquestionably is the focus of all health care personnel.
Owing to the scarcity of qualified & skillful professionals and the ever increasing need for healthcare for a burgeoning population, there is a severe strain on the medical professionals work life balance. On the other hand, some portion of populace who need timely medical attention, are sometimes deprived of the same for want of time.
Time is a unique resource. To the question “Do you have time”? Most of us answer - No and yet we have all there is. Time it self is not a problem how we manage it is a problem. Time is our most precious resource. It cannot be bought, saved, or stored .The management of time is therefore essential for a balanced life. The concept of time management is a misnomer. We cannot manage time, only ourselves with respect to time.
Time management in the consultation is a common problem voiced by doctors.
They describe problems in a number of ways
1. they cannot end the consultation
2. always running behind time
3. cannot get the patient out of door
4. cannot stop certain patients talking
Now a day’s not only doctors but also people are busy with their work. They don’t have time to visit doctor when they have health problem.
There are different ways how time management can be done. Few are listed below that help health professionals.
1. Telemedicine
2. Health management strategies
3. EMR system
It is crucial to manage time well and optimize its use for both consultants as well as patients. Some tips like at the entrance of the outpatient department (OPD) displaying the map of hospital with the proper marking of various departments. The details of doctors with their consultation timing has to be displaced. Related diagnostic departments must be close to the OPD. The appointment should be scheduled with adequate timing between each patient. Alternate appointment like email appointments, online appointment and SMS alerts should be utilized.
Material and methodology is as follows
● ü Online Data,
● ü Off-line Data,
● ü Electronic journal
● ü Print journal
● ü Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-SPSS Version 17
● ü Excel Graph Pad
The statistical method is meta-analysis by combining the results of several studies that address a set of related research hypotheses. Data available online, off-line, electronic and regular journal were used.
Result, Tables and Graphs
Condition that can be diagnosed by Tele medicine & Frequency of Patients
Graph 2
No of People using various Portal E Medicine in form of Internet & Telephone, Figure in thousand as of 2009
Table 1
Data of Number of patient Use Tele-medicine as a part of Time saving or Management in a leading Government Hospital in USA
Graph 3
NCHS Health E-Stat
Electronic Medical Record/Electronic Health Record Use by Office-based Physicians: United States, 2008 and Preliminary 2009 by Chun-Ju Hsiao, Ph.D.; Paul C. Beatty, Ph.D.; Esther S. Hing, M.P.H.; David A. Woodwell, B.A.; Elizabeth A. Rechtsteiner, M.S.; and Jane E. Sisk, Ph.D., Division of Health Care Statistics
Graph: 4
Statistical data showing eye surgery done leading eye hospitals in india 1. Aravind eye hospital, 2.Sankera nethralaya, 3. L.V. Hospital Hydrabad
The above data Graph 1,2,3 & Table-1,shows that there is increase in the use of telemedicine and e-medicine in health care professionals. The reason is it plays a major role in time management.
It is defined as medicine practiced at a distance. Telemedicine is the extension of health service, over time and distance using computer telecommunication technologies to expand reach, improve quality and control cost. It delivers health care over distance between a remote doctor and patient.[1] . Telemedicine is the most powerful tool which bridges geographical distance and brings quality healthcare to rural mass by
1. Offering expert consultancy from center of medical excellence through local health care.
2. Reduces the travel for sick patients
3. Acts as cost saving tool
4. Transportation charge of patients can be reduced
Indian space research organization (ISRO) has successfully linked hospitals and health care centers in remote rural areas with specialty hospitals in cities through INSAT. Through telemedicine, a specialist doctor can study perform diagnosis, interact with the patient and suggest the patient, the appropriate treatment during video conference. Think of a patient who requires immediate specialist consultancy and no specialist is available. Telemedicine could be of immense use to such patients. ISRO’s telemedicine endeavors remote areas like kargil and leh in north and islands like Andaman and nicobar & lakshwadeep.
Mobile telemedicine has also been widely used in the field of Tele -ophthalmology to perform eye camps & for improving community health through awareness health camps.
The statistical data Graph 4 shows that assembly line approach also plays a major role in time management
Assembly line approach at Aravind eye hospital, Madurai.[2]
With 2.4 million served, the Aravind Eye Care System in India is in a way the McDonald's of cataract surgery: efficient, effective, influential and -- rare for health care in the developing world -- a clear financial success.
Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy,( . Dr. V, as he was universally known) an ophthalmologist who created one of the largest eye-care systems in the
world, catering largely to the poor in Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India. He was inspired by the assembly-line model of McDonald's founder Roy Kroc -- learned during a visit to Hamburger University in Oak Brook, Ill.
Building on those lessons, he created a system for sight-saving cataract surgeries that produces enviable medical outcomes in one of the poorest regions of the globe. His model became the subject of a Harvard Business School case study, and is being copied in hospitals around the subcontinent. The Aravind system offers services that range from a simple pair of spectacles to optical oncology. The bulk of surgeries are to treat cataracts -- removing the cataract and replacing it with an artificial intraoptical lens. The assembly-line approach is most evident in the operating room, where each surgeon works two tables, one for the patient having surgery, the other for a patient being prepped. In the operation theatre, doctors use state-of-the-art equipment such as operating microscopes that can swivel between tables. Surgeons typically work 12-hour days, and the fastest can perform up to 100 surgeries in a day. The average is 2,000 surgeries annually per surgeon -- nearly 10 times the Indian national average. Despite the crowding and speed, complication rates are vanishingly low. Outside the operating rooms, conditions are as spartan as the tables at a fast-food restaurant: Often only a straw mat on a ward floor for postsurgical recovery. .
Dr. V liked to say that his ambition was to stamp out needless blindness in India, and broaden his model all over the world.
The graph: 3shows the EMR use is increasing in health profession.
EMR system is an electronic medical record (EMR) is a computerized medical record that assists in delivering care for medical interventions , such as a hospital treatment and doctor's surgery.[3]
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) or simply 'medical records in an electronic format' is a complex system consisting of critical clinical information. EMR systems have the following key features:
● Patient's Clinical information: medical history, prescriptions, allergies, diagnosis, reports, etc.
● Clinical decision support databases: databases which help in making decisions during prescription writing, drug-to-allergy database, etc.
● Orders Management: order entry, retrieval, result reviewing, etc.
● Work flow management: managing processes like appointment viewing, check-in patients, review, etc.
● Security features: for maintaining security and confidentiality of critical information.
● Electronic Prescription tool: for writing and managing prescriptions
● Patient's financial records: service bills, receipts etc.
EMR is an evolving technology that is being adopted by healthcare facilities as part of an ongoing trend to maximize efficiency and streamline functioning. [4]
In India, the number of patients-to-hospital bed ratio is high, that is, there are far more patients compared to the number of hospital beds available. Hence process efficiency, i.e., quality care services in less delivery time are necessary. In this scenario, EMR benefits a hospital as it provides: this scenario, EMR benefits a hospital as it provides:
● Faster accessibility to records
● Less storage space
● Security of information
● Any time, anywhere accessibility (e.g., remote access from hand-held devices)
● Easy to manage as compared to paper based records
When paper records are stored in different locations, collating them to a single location for review by a health care provider is time consuming and complicated, whereas the process can be simplified with electronic records. This is particularly true in the case of person-centered records, which are impractical to maintain if not electronic. When paper-based records are required in multiple locations, copying, faxing, and transporting costs are significant compared to duplication and transfer of digital records.
Use of EMR system for storage and retrieval of medical records is a very useful tool for effective time management for patients as well as health care professionals.
The conclusions of this study is as we all know Time is our most precious resource. It cannot be bought, saved, or stored .The management of time is therefore essential for a balanced life. The above mentioned are the method that enhances time management as HR methodology in field of Health & Rehabilitation Practice
1. "Use of Electronic Health Records in U.S. Hospitals," New England Journal of Medicine, March 25, 2009
2. E-medicine in India: - Hurdles and future prospects By Gunjan Saxena and Jagannath Prakash SinghThe wall street journal August 5, 2006
3. Covey, Stephen (1994). First Things First. ISBN 0684802031.
4. Where Did Time Fly, John Swift, CreateSpace, 2010
5. The 4-Hour Workweek, Timothy Ferris, Crown Publishing Group 2007
6. The Principle of Relevance, Stefania Lucchetti, RT Publishing, Hong Kong 2010
7. Project Management Institute (2004). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). ISBN 193069945X
8. Buck, M. L., Lee, M. D., MacDermid, S., & Smith S. C. (2000). Reduced load work and the experience of time among professionals and managers: Implications for personal and organizational life. In C. Cooper & D. Rousseau (Eds.), Trends in Organizational Behavior (Vol. 7). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
9. Morgenstern, Julie (2004). Time Management from the Inside Out: The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule—and Your Life (2nd ed.). New York: Henry Holt/Owl Books. pp. 285. ISBN 0805075909.
10. Lakein, Alan (1973). How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life.. New York: P.H. Wyden. ISBN 0451134303.
11. "Time Scheduling and Time Management for dyslexic students". Dyslexia at College. Retrieved October 31, 2005. — ABC lists and tips for dyslexic students on how to manage to-do lists
12. Forster, Mark (2006-07-20). Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management. Hodder & Stoughton Religious. pp. 224. ISBN 0340909129.