The Good News
Green Valley Baptist Church
John Guillott – Pastor
Ron Hood – Music Pastor
1111 N. La Cañada Drive– Green Valley, AZ 85614 – Phone: 520-625-3600
May 2016
A Word from Pastor John. . .
After having served over sixteen years as a North American Mission Board missionary – I have been blessed to meet many home and foreign missionaries. I have had the opportunity to learn many things from them…here are some lessons l have learned…
The world is still lost. I know that truth – but missionaries who weep over non-believers remind that I sometimes take that truth for granted. I don’t care about the lost like I should.
The gospel is costly. I know that, too, in my head, but I don’t live among people who face persecution and death because they follow Jesus. Many missionaries do.
I’m not nearly as important as I think I am. I’m just one person in over 7 billion people in the world.
God works miracles outside my worldview. I don’t often see healings and exorcisms. Some missionaries speak of these kind of experiences.
Prayer support really matters. I often call for prayer only when I most need it. Many missionaries survive daily on the wings of prayer.
I have a tendency to judge other cultures in light of what I think is right in my culture. Sometimes I’ve judged the way others do church more according to my cultural standards than according to biblical standards.
Spiritual warfare is more real than I realize. I teach about spiritual warfare, but missionaries are on the frontline.
A pastor’s support of missions matters. If the senior pastor of the church isn’t passionate about missions – more than likely – the church won’t be either.
American culture is generally busy…and loud…and big. I don’t think about this stuff until missionaries come back from the field and struggle adjusting. We go non-stop. Some of us don’t operate well unless we have noise in the background. We overdo it.
God always takes care of us. It strengthens my faith when I hear it from the family that has given up everything to follow God to the ends of the earth.
We are blessed to have the opportunity to pray, financially support, and encourage missionaries around the world. Thank you for being a strong, mission-giving church.
Pastor John
Notes from Pastor Ron ¯
I praise the Lord for His many blessings and unfailing love. Ps. 147. We could never praise Him enough for His mighty power to us. How good it is to sing praise to our Lord.
This time of the year we start losing members of our choir to their homes in the east and north. The choir is starting new music for our July 5th musical, “America, Keep Singing.” This musical is an encouragement to all Americans to keep singing the songs of liberty and justice for all and for believers to continue singing the songs of salvation, of redemption through Jesus Christ and Him alone.
God bless you,
Pastor Ron
Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 8
May 2016
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Thank YOu
Dear Pastor John,
I want to extend to you my sincerest appreciation for the hospitality and grace demonstrated to the children and staff of the Ugandan Kids Choir during their recent visit to your church!
You may already be aware, but your congregation profoundly blessed us with their generosity. Your church donated $1,293.00 to children in need and sponsored 8 children! We praise the Lord for the lives that will be changed because of your wonderful gifts.
May God richly bless you and your congregation for caring so much!
Vickie Mickelson
Choir Ministry Coordinator
Ugandan Kids Choir
* * *
To my loving Church Family,
Thank you for your prayers, calls, cards, visits, food and flowers that have given my family the peace and comfort needed during these last few months. God is so wonderful. May He bless and be with all of you.
Love to all,
Patti Wood
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering®
Green Valley Baptist Church Goal:
Total Received: $10,516.00
Praise God!!!
There are many changes afoot in the Children and Youth Ministry at GVBC. Our long time leader, Alicia Newkirk, has stepped down as the Chair of our ministry. We want to thank Alicia and Dan for their steadfast leadership over the past years! They worked together as a team reinvigorating the Youth ministry at GVBC and keeping the Children’s ministry alive and strong. They also worked closely with the Nursery staff.
As you know, each week children age 6 to 5th grade are invited to attend Children’s Church following the choir special. Even when Children’s Church is not announced, we are always here, ready and waiting to serve your children and the Lord. Please keep us in mind when your grandchildren visit! We always enjoy children dropping in. We use Lifeway’s The Gospel Project for Kids as our curriculum. During May we will start a new book called ‘Power and Parables’ and a new unit called ‘Jesus is Powerful’ which covers: Jesus has Power over Creation, Power to Provide, Power over Sickness, Power over Evil, and Power over Death.
We need volunteer help in Children’s Church! Could that be you? If you think it’s something you’d like to try, please contact Sue Reed (399-1009, ). We need your help! We will train you to lead or assist, whichever you’re the most comfortable with. Our children will love you for volunteering and you will love them. They are the most wonderful group of God-loving children.
Also, we need children! Please encourage your family and friends who have children to start attending GVBC. This is a great place for them to learn about our Lord and to develop a personal relationship with Him!
Library News
Summer Hours
Beginning May 23 through Friday, August 5, the Library hours will be reduced for the summer. The library will be open on Tuesdays between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Sue Reed has volunteered to be in the library during those times. We hope you will stop by to browse the wonderful collection of books, DVDs and puzzles!
May 2016
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Senior Adults
The “Saints Alive” schedule for May is as follows:
Tuesday, May 3: Game Day. Bring your lunch to church at 11:30 a.m. After lunch, we will play table games. Lots of fun – plan to be there.
Tuesday, May 10: Lunch at Cattletown Steakhouse in Tucson. The bus will leave church at 10:45 a.m.
Tuesday, May 17: Another Game Day. Tuesday, May 24: Lunch at Little Anthony’s Restaurant in Tucson. The bus will leave church at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, May 31: We will not have a meeting this Tuesday, as there are many who will be unavailable.
As always, everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in our activities. We offer good fellowship and opportunities to get better acquainted with our fellow members.
For questions, comments or suggestions, call 777-7791 or email: .
Mike and Judy Mead
Sr. Adult Activities Directors
Felipe Rodrigues 2
Nancy Hardwick 3
Pam Green 5
Billie Morton 6
Yong Hui Ryden 10
Charles Young 13
Tami Freed 17
Monica Voorhees 17
Bill Green 21
Joyce Minatra 24
Isis Rodrigues 24
Jim Prim 25
Jestine Morris 27
Roy Bevers 28
Frank Molina 28
Burton Tingle 29
Pat Staeger 30
Shepherd’s Fold
“A Ministry of the Green
Valley Baptist Church”
Our annual fundraiser starts Monday, May 2 - Friday, May 6. Please stop by the Fellowship Hall to support the young artists of Shepherd’s Fold Preschool. The children’s art work will be available for a minimum of $20.00.
Again this year, the Preschool will be joining with the Green Valley Baptist Women On Mission in contributing to their annual “Ladies Luncheon” supporting the New Life Pregnancy Center. Shepherd’s Fold Preschool will be making a monetary donation to the New Life Pregnancy Center.
Our annual “Field Day” will be Friday, May 20. The children will get to tour the fire truck and even use the fire hose! As a special treat, we will be having eegee’s and hot dogs. All children and families of Shepherd’s Fold Preschool are invited, as well as any from the church who would like to participate. Just remember, prepare to get wet!
Please remember the Center, staff, children and their families in your prayers.
God Bless,
Shepherd’s Fold Staff
Have you noticed that Sunday School attendance is decreasing? Our winter visitors are leaving for their summer homes, and our attendance is reflecting their departure. Thanks for your efforts in inviting friends and neighbors to join in Bible Study. We are growing in our Lord through our studies, and our numbers reflect our efforts in “bringing in the sheaves.” Keep up the good work!
See you in Sunday School, and bring a friend!
Stuart Austin
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”
Proverbs 31:30
May 2016
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WMU News
We are winding down the GA’s for this season. The recognition will be Sunday, May 15, for both girls, Raquel Rodrigues and Isabelle Smith.
Mission Friends and Women On Mission will continue through the summer. GA’s will resume in August.
Corky Gregory
WMU Director
In His Mother’s Footsteps
It was a busy day in our Costa Mesa, California, home. But then, with 10 children and one on the way, every day was a bit hectic. On this particular day, however, I was having trouble doing even routine chores – all because of one little boy.
Len, who was three at the time, was on my heels no matter where I went. Whenever I stopped to do something and turned back around, I would trip over him. Several times, I patiently suggested fun activities to keep him occupied. “Wouldn’t you like to play on the swing set?” I asked again.
But he simply smiled an innocent smile and said, “Oh, that’s all right, Mommy. I’d rather be in here with you.” Then he continued to bounce happily along behind me.
After stepping on his toes for the fifth time, I began to lose my patience and insisted he go outside and play with the other children. When I asked him why he was acting this way, he looked up at me with sweet green eyes and said, “Well, Mommy, in Primary my teacher told me to walk in Jesus’ footsteps. But I can’t see him, so I’m walking in yours.”
I gathered Len in my arms and held him close. Tears of love and humility spilled over from the prayer that grew in my heart – a prayer of thanks for the simple, yet beautiful perspective of a three-year-old boy.
Davida Dalton
As told to JoEllen Johnson
(Copied from Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul, by Jack Canfield. . . [et all] ©1997)
VBS is coming soon, and volunteers are always welcome! Please consider joining the dive team as kids are submerged in God’s Word, to discover that Jesus saw people differently. He saw people for who they were deep down, not who they appeared to be on the surface. Kids will look below the surface to find the truth about how Jesus sees them.
The expedition will be from June 6 – June 10 from 9:00 a.m. – noon each day with a Family Night Celebration at 6:00 p.m. on Friday evening. Online volunteer or student participant registration is now available @ or pick up a registration form in the church office.
“An excellent wife who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life.”
Proverbs 31:10-12