To all members of Rothley Parish Council. You are requested to attend a meeting of Rothley Parish Council to be held in the Lecture Room of the Rothley Centre on Monday 16th July 2007 at 7.30pm to transact the following business.

The Planning Committee will meet before the full PC meeting at 7.15pm.

Robin Dent Clerk to Parish Council


Apologies for absence received from P Hartshorn, E Fothergill & S Greenwood-Brown

2  To agree Minutes of meeting held Monday 18th June 2007 (as noted on PC Website).

3  To receive Declarations of Interest by parish councillors to items on Agenda

4  Police Report (PC Steve Rhodes & PCSO Susan Hall)

·  June Police report circulated to parish councilors

·  Traffic issues on Swithland Lane (Speeding) & Mountsorrel Lane

5  County Councillors Report (Cllr Peter Osborne)

6  Borough Councillors Report (Cllrs Peter Osborne & Diane Wise)

7  Matters Arising (from previous meetings & not covered elsewhere on Agenda)

·  LCC Highways intend to reverse one way system in Howe Lane & revoke no left turn off of Woodgate & invite RPC’s observations.

·  Discuss CBC Options for Area Forums in Charnwood to formulate RPC preference.

8  Planning Committee Report (Chairman Brian Popple)

Planning Applications since June meeting

·  P/07/1671/2 36 Woodfield – form gable end to replace hipped roof & erect double garage to side of dwelling

·  P/07/1614/2 1057 Loughborough Road – 2m high boundary wall & new dropped kerb to front.

·  P/07/1676/2 35 Westfield Lane – single storey extension to front & rear

·  P/07/1648/2 64 Swithland Lane – first floor extension with 3 pitched dormer windows to the rear & pitched roof to garage to front.

·  P/07/1678/2 14 Templar Way – extensions to front, conservatory & dormer extensions to rear & roof extensions to side of dwelling

·  P/07/1861/2 90 Swithland Lane – two storey extension to side and single storey to both sides of detached house.

·  Proposals to change signage of Red Lion PH

CBC Approvals

·  P/07/1125/2 56 The Ridgeway (RPC Objected)

·  P/07/1392/2 Baptist Chapel – tree removal

·  P/07/1467/2 34 Fowke Street – first floor ext

·  P/07/1220/2 54 Templar Way – dormer extensions.

CBC Enforcement Officer writes re fascia sign 7 Woodgate – no breach of planning as permitted under Town & County Planning Regs 1992 Class 5.

9  Playing Fields Committee Report (Chairman Percy Hartshorn)

10  Village Hall Committee Report (Chair Elizabeth Fothergill)

11  Rothley Centre Management Trust (Chair Percy Hartshorn)

·  Financial Update

·  Planning Application & Funding Application(s) update

12  Rothley Cemetery Committee Report (Chairman Doug Sutherland)

13 Rothley Youth Matters (Olwen Jones)

14 Rothley Floral Decorations (Harold Wise)

15 Finance Committee Report (Chairman Percy Hartshorn)

(a)  To agree schedule of payments due for month.

(b)  Income & Expenditure against Budget

(c)  Month’s investment.

(d)  Recommend Direct Debit for BT bills – to save surcharge.

16 Publicity (Olwen Jones)

17 Correspondence

Received since June meeting

·  .Mountsorrel Quarry Liaison Committee – minutes meeting 27/3 attended by OJ on behalf of RPC. – next meeting 30/10

·  APLC – June 2007 Newsletter – forwarded to councillors.

·  Rothley Imps Junior FC advise new Secretary as Tina Shields of 20 Northage Close, Quorn

·  Letter offering to distribute newsletters/publicity @ £45 per 1000.

18  Any other business

19  Date of next meeting to be Monday 20th August 2007 @ 7.30pm

20  Confidential matters for discussion in closed meeting. If any

Rothley Parish Council – items received for July meeting after Agendas sent out (6/7/07)


P/07/2020/2 153 Swithland Lane – Lopping of 1 Silver Birch (TPO)

Approved by CBC

P/07/1427/2 104 Swithland Lane – Double Garage

P/07/1614/2 1057 Loughborough Road – 2m high boundary wall – AS ON AGENDA

P/07/1401/2 88 Mountsorrel Lane – Erect detached dwelling REFUSED


Joint Soar Valley Villages Parish Council Liaison Committee – Minutes of meeting held 11th April – next meeting 15th August, Rep required.

Hacker Young – Accountants – acknowledge our audit papers