Creative & Cultural Skills
- Masterclasses for Experienced Leaders 2014-15
Creative & Cultural Skills (CCS) is inviting tenders from training providers who will work collaboratively with CCS to design and deliver a Master –class series for Experienced Leaders as part of our National Skills Academy for Creative & Cultural’s continuing professional development offer to industry.
CCS runs three distinct programmes: Master-classes for Experienced Leaders, Future Leaders (FLP) andFLP Alumni all of which aim to building on the success of previous leadership training programmes between 2008 and 2014 and deliver quality training experiences to creative and cultural sector professionals at different points in their career.
Creative & Cultural Skills (CCS)is the sector skills council for craft, cultural heritage, design, literature, music, performing arts and visual arts, working with employers to ensure that their skills needs are met. CCS delivers through its National Skills Academy for Creative & Cultural, which is a growing network of Further and Higher education members and industry supporters. Our current campaign is ‘Building a Creative Nation’ and our three core areas of activity are Careers, Creative Apprenticeships and CPD.
Our Creative Blueprint researchand the UK Commission for Employment and Skills both identify leadership, management and business skills as key priorities for skills development. CCS has secured Creative Scotland funding to support Leadership and Management programmes in 2014-15
Training Programme description:
TheMaster-class series for Experienced Leadersis aimed at established leaders in the creative and cultural sector, and there is the potential to work in collaboration with other CCS UK offices to offer places to leaders from the other nations to allow a broader dynamic and mix of experience.
Based on the recommendations from the evaluation carried out in 2012, consultation with existing leaders in Scotland and feedback from the participants in the first series in 2013-14, CCS aims to host two 2 day master-classes in the year ahead. The aim is to provide opportunities to reflect, inspire, stimulate high level debate and establish new contacts etc.
The master-classes will take the form of mini residential events. The programmeshould include guest speakers from within the creative and cultural industries and other business sectors, and could focus on internationalism, succession planning, resilience, best practice, technology, dealing with change, entrepreneurship, creativity in society etc.
The programme could accommodate approximately 16 -20 participants.
CCS use a number of venues around central Scotland for events for this nature and will identify appropriate accommodation for the group and the nature of the master-classes
Resources provided by CCS:
CCS is looking to work collaboratively with the successful training provider to design and deliver the programme. The CCS team is based in Edinburgh will provided project and budget management, marketing, manage bookings, administration, dealing with venues & catering, and support with programme content.
CCS also has a significant network of contacts thought the National Skills Academy and speakers and contributors from past leaderships programmes that can be drawn on for input.
The programme has budget allocations for training providers, course materials, speakers fees, marketing, venues, catering and bursaries to assist individuals where there are financial barriers to participating in the FLP programme.
Tender Specification
The response to this brief should provide:
- Proposed outline programme structure and nature of content/activities
- Knowledge and appreciation of working in the creative and cultural sector and the learning/skills environment
- Proven track record in delivering successful leadership & management training programmes on time and to budget
- Commitment to work closely with Creative & Cultural Skills
- Methodology and work plan including evaluation
- Statement on how quality assurance will be ensured, based on evidence of prior experience
- CV’s of individuals involved
- Contact details for two referees
- Ability and availability to work within the indicated timescale and meet deadlines
- Commitment to diversity and equality
- Number of days and fee including travel (incl. VAT)
Selection Criteria
The key criteria for selection will be:
-Quality of proposal (draft programme e.g. outline of content, potential speakers, methodology etc.)
-Customer focused
-Collaborative approach
-Value for money
-Demonstrable capacity
-Significant and relevant experience
-References from past employers
-Deadline for tender proposals: 17.00 on 11th July 2014
-Selection:14th July 2014
-Interviews: 16th July 2014(tbc)
-Initial development meeting:22th July 2014 (tbc)
-Marketing period: 28st July – 12th September 2014
-Approx. programme period: September 2014 – March 2015
Proposals should be for the attention of Norah Campbell and to be submitted by email to 17.00 on 11th July 2014