Frankfort, KENTUCKY
Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time.
Sheriff Chuck Korzenborn called role. Sheriff’s absent: Sheriff Eaton, Sheriff Blackburn, Sheriff Cain, Sheriff Wright, and Sheriff Whittaker.
Sheriff Korzenborn certified a quorum.
Motion was made by Sheriff Hampton and seconded by Sheriff Peoples to excuse the absent board members. Motion was approved unanimously.
Motion was made to approve the February 8, 2012 minutes made by Sheriff Matthews and seconded by Sheriff Hampton to approve the minutes of the prior meeting as written. Motion was approved unanimously.
Guest: Retired Sheriff Mike Leaverton representing the University of the Cumberlands.
Retired Sheriff Leaverton addressed the board on the program that the University of the Cumberlands has for law enforcement personnel wanting to get their masters degree. (See Attached).
Denny Nunnelley KACo thanked Jerry Wagner and Bill May during the past Legislative session and for their part in being members of the KACo Legislative team.
Director Nunnelly passed out coloring books on Local County officials for 3-4 grade students to be taught at Schools. Contact KACo for copies.
02/07/2012 through 04/10/2012
Paid bills per President Sparrow or Board Approval at KSA Meeting
KSA Operating Account Balance as of 04/10/2012 $ 68,562.79
KSA Savings Account $ 131,550.18
KSA Scholarship Account as of $ 453.91
KSA Convention Account as of $ 13,963.59
Dues Collected for the Year of 2012
The totals dues billed for the year 2012 are $121,598.00. As of 4/10/2012 $115,516.00 for a total of (95.00%) has been collected. That leaves an outstanding balance of $6,082.00
See attached for Check and Deposit Detail.
Motion to Accept Sheriff Coffey
2nd Sheriff Hampton
KSA Executive Director Wagner $1,327.28
Motion to Accept Sheriff Peoples
2nd Sheriff Roberts
KSA Executive Director Wagner Report
KSA Executive Director Jerry Wagner- copies of the February Financial reports were distributed to the board.
Motion was made to approve the KSA Boys and Girls financial report made by Sheriff Hampton and seconded by Sheriff Coffey. Motion was approved unanimously.
Barbecue on the river will be held on September 27, 28, and 29 in Paducah. If anyone would like to help please contact Director Wagner.
Constables- the KSA will be working with Legislators in the interim to try to resolve this issue.
H.B. 232 relating to fire fees and fire dues passed the both houses and has been signed by the governor. This will allow sheriff’s to negotiate their fees for the collection of emergency services that are placed on their tax bill.
Court Security Fee-The KSA is still working on this issue.
NSA Conference Opryland Nashville TN, -
06/17/2012-06/20/2012; The KSA has block of Rooms Contact KSA Director Jerry Wagner or Corky Wagner before February 28. See attached form;
KSA Conference September 16-21 director Wagner will make reservations for board members.
Sheriff Aubrey reminded all members to submit their awards nominations as soon as possible.
Chief Deputy Bob Noble Oldham County- asked the board if other counties where having trouble with their jails not accepting prisoners on out of county warrants and for minor medical issues. Several board members had experience some issues with this problems in reference to the jail issues.
Sheriff Peoples showed the KSA board a new design of the KSA web site. The new site should be up in a month.
I-Patrol- Sheriff Coffey informed the board of this new application for I-phones that can be down loaded and deputies certified in Link/ NCIC can get this for their phone. There is a cost for this application.
Sheriff Coffey thanked members of the KSA during their time of need with the Tornados in their county. Sheriff Coffey stated to the board that the KSA look for at a special response team for the KSA to come and help Sheriff’s in need. Sheriff Coffey advised the board that sheriff offices can be reimbursed even though they do not have a FEMA number for cost when a Emergency has been declared.
Impeico testing service for potential applicants for hiring. The KSA board has no interest at this time.
Sheriff Gaines addressed the board in reference to the relationship between the board and KACo as the strongest it has ever been.
Sheriff Korzenborn stated to the board that he as a board member is pleasantly surprised by KACo support for the KSA.
Sheriff Coffey informed the board of the lease program for vehicles that Sheriff’s can use and not go through their fiscal court.
Sheriff Cain sent his report to Director Wagner. Director Wagner stated that the General Assembly took $17 million from the KLEFPF.
Director Wagner also addressed the board on Sheriff Cains wishes to support the Special Olympics with a donation again this year.
The next KSA Board Meeting will be May 8, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the KACo in Frankfort.
Motion to adjourn was made by Sheriff Hampton and seconded by Sheriff Peoples. Motion was passed unanimously.