LegalCiteM TC

Date: December 16, 2015

Time: 10:00 a.m. EST

In attendance: D. Bennett, Dann, Francart, Joergenson, Knapp, Neuren, Niedringhaus, Palmirani, Parisse, Tabone, Vitali

1. Continued discussion of Fabio’s converters

2. Presentation by Thomas Francart of ELI implementation in Italy.

anonymous morphed into John Dann

anonymous morphed into Catherine Tabone

anonymous morphed into Michael Neuren

Melanie Knapp: Please record your attendance through the calendar. I will join the call in a couple of moments.

[redacted – much back and forth trying to connect people to the call]

Melanie Knapp: We are starting. Fabio is showing the ELI converter.

Fabio Vitali:

Daniel Bennett: @John Dann I see you added me. I have tried twice to call you to add you to the call

John Dann: I am connected in Skpye and accepted

Melanie Knapp: @John, wonderful!

Melanie Knapp: @Daniel, please try to connect jd3010 now. Thank you!

Melanie Knapp: Fabio is worried about specifying country in the syntax. NOne of the examples has one. See EU, France, Ireland on his converter page.

Melanie Knapp: How does the parser work? Create features in the source URI. The source features are mapped into the finished URI.

Melanie Knapp: Right now, there is no intermediate features list. Fabio would like to have one.

Melanie Knapp: WE need an official features list of LegalCiteM.

Melanie Knapp: The Rosetta Stone!

John Dann: Hi all, I give up - impossible to join - even over Skype ...

Melanie Knapp: @John. I'm very sorry. We will work on this for January.

Melanie Knapp: Point of Fabio: was able to take ELI examples and a little bit of mapping could create corresponding akn URI.

Daniel Bennett:@Fabio , I would point out that if you were to create a mapping of the URI templating you could end up with an XML doc with an XSD that could validate and constrain the URI. You could even add in the template into that XML to allow anybody to know how to create/machine the URI

Melanie Knapp: Talking about corrigendum now.

John Dann: To all : thanks for tring to connect us together ...

Melanie Knapp: Thomas now asking Fabio questions.

Daniel Bennett: @Fabio also note how the patterns look like XPATH.

Melanie Knapp: re ELI pattern does not contain jurisdiction, the patterns should follow the namespace URI and this will distinguish them so that they do not need to be disambiguated by a converter.

Melanie Knapp: Full ELI starts with a namespace.Fabio asks is the domain name officially part of the ELI? THomas says yes.

Melanie Knapp: Fabio things he can work with that.

Melanie Knapp: Daniel Bennett is saying that this is a long debate between URN and URL.

John Dann: Sorry can only follow the Chat: If you want to move into the Semantic world "linked open Data" HTTP URI will be essential ... as it looks more and more countries and instititions are heading that way ...

Melanie Knapp: @John, you may need to ask Thomas to summarize the debate happening between THomas, Fabio, and Daniel B right now. IT is very technical about domains, URIs, URL, and namespace.

Daniel Bennett: URIs should not be considered unique identifiers without a registration model, either centralized like DOI or decentralized with URL or URNs

Melanie Knapp: Thomas now about corrigendum: not something imposed by ELI, purely choice of office of publication. Driven by user oriented.

Melanie Knapp: Again, Thomas--objective of the converters? Demonstrating that it should be feasible to convert one identifier scheme into another by using a central features structure?

Melanie Knapp: Fabio says correct, but to restate: overall purpose of LegalCiteM to create a conceptial model (central features list) that would allow many syntaxes to be easily converted.

Melanie Knapp: Using AKN right no as a central features list, but LegalCiteM can use a different list.

Melanie Knapp: Thomas again: talking about converters for identifiers? Not reference?

Melanie Knapp: Fabio says references, not identifiers.

Melanie Knapp: Thomas has another point: ELI are identifiers, not references.

Melanie Knapp: Fabio says, exactly!

Joergensen: Exactly! ELI is a different project entirely.

Melanie Knapp: That is why ELI and LegalCiteM are compliments not competitors.

Fabio Vitali: complements

Melanie Knapp: Thomas will present his emailed examples now.

Melanie Knapp: Examples:

See the "Permalink" link at the top left of a legislation page that shows the ELI of the legislation.

Catherine Tabone: For a legislation publisher with any good strucutred URI/citation identifier scheme it's relatively easy to convert/support identifers/URIs to any other clearly defined scheme for their own content. To express citation identifers to an external source that will resolve and conform to external standard is more complex

Daniel Bennett: Want to mention a major announcement of the US Congress:

Thomas Francart:

Daniel Bennett: This is a system that uses citations/references in a haphazard way.

Thomas Francart:

Daniel Bennett: @Thomas thanks

Daniel Bennett: announcement?

Joergensen: I have to leave. Sorry! Thank you both for the presentations.

Melanie Knapp: @John, thank you. Merry Christmas.

Daniel Bennett:

Daniel Bennett: @all Happy New Years

Melanie Knapp: Happy New Year! I will be in touch about our meeting schedule in 2016. I need to talk with Fabio, and I need to work with OASIS about our telephone problems.

Daniel Bennett: Melanie. Either with Skype Skype/Out or Hangouts you could set up a call in through the Internet or a call in number, and if there is any money, being able to allow people to be called through Skype or Hangouts. And as I mentioned, you could just add that into the pre-existing call system.

Daniel Bennett: With that redundancy, you could get people in the call quickly by just calling out/adding people in who have problems.

Daniel Bennett: ciao

parisse:Perso, I have no skype at the office. So freeConference or adobe connect are the only alternatives.