Curriculum Vitae
Maurer Yael, Dr.
Yael Maurer,
210 Bnei Ephraim Street, Tel Aviv Israel, 69985.
Cell phone: +972506992062
B.A, HebrewUniversity,Jerusalem,(cum laude),1990.
Teaching certificate (English),TelAvivUniversity, 1994.
M.A. Tel Aviv University, (cum laude), 2003. Thesis: "The Brown Man's Burden: Nationality and Sexuality in Hanif Kurieshi's Fiction and Films"
PhD,TelAvivUniversity, June, 2009.
Dissertation:"Imitative Modes in Rushdie's Fiction". Advisor: Professor Hana Wirth - Nesher.
Employment: Lecturer in the Department of English and American Studies, TelAvivUniversity (2000- present). Lecturer in the English Department at the KibbutzimCollege of Education (2006 –present).
Postcolonial fiction and theory. Postmodern fiction. Jewish American fiction. Alternative histories in the postcolonial, science fictional and Jewish contexts.
Courses taught in the last five years:
Postmodern fiction, Holocaust Representations in Contemporary American Fiction, Jewish American fiction, Postcolonial fiction, American Gothic: from Poe to King.
Honors and Awards:
2001: Pozis grant
2002: Elizabeth Minden grant
2003: Finkelstein grant
2010: ESRC (BritishAcademy) Post doctoral grant. University of Leeds, England (1.10-15.12.2010)
"Women can be surprisingly forgiving: Coetzee's Disgrace". Forgiveness: Probing the Boundaries, ed. Stephen Bloch –Schulman and David White. 14 December, 2009. < boundaries/>
Review of Joyce Antler's,"You never Call! You Never Write! A History of the Jewish Mother",Partial Answers (June 2009).
Review of Todd Kuchta's Semi-Detached Empire. Review 19 (August 13, 2011).
"'If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I'd think I was having a hallucination': Re-imagining Jewish History in Roth's The Plot Against America", Philip Roth Studies. Spring 2011.
"Rubbing 'that wonderful lamp within': Reading Martin Chuzzlewit", Dickens Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 2011.
"Rage against the Machine: Cyberspace narratives in Rushdie's Fury".The Journal of Commonwealth Literature (Forthcoming).
"Gone but Not Forgotten: Rushdie's Sites of Memory".
Resounding Pasts: Essays in Music, Literature, and Cultural Memory.
Drago Momcilovic (Ed).Cambridge Scholars Press (Forthcoming).
Non Academic Publications and Activities:
(Hebrew): "Mother India and Father Rushdie or Why We Love to Read Indian Prose" special issue on India in "Iton 77" (June 2007).
Book reviews for the daily Hebrew newspapers Maariv and Haaretz and participation in a number of radio shows on literary matters.
Conference Papers:
"The Bloody Instrument of Death: History’s Gothic Tale". Sensation, Reason, Imagination: Gothic Evolutions. University of Exeter, England. October, 2011.
"Metaphorical Cities: Cosmopolitan Spaces in Rushdie's Fiction". Specters of World Literature, University of London, September, 2011.
"Asmaan's Heath: Rushdie's Green London". Literary London, University of London, July, 2011.
"Transcending the Massacre: Stephanie Meyer's Twilight", Fang bangers Conference, De Montfort University, Leicester England,November 2010.
"Rage Against the Machine? Cyberspace Narratives in a Post colonial World: Rushdie's Fury", Western Canons in the Digital Era, TelAvivUniversity, June2010.
"Sometimes a Bomb is more of a Blowup or Masterful Sabotage", Suspenseful Times and the Moving Image, TelAvivUniversity, June, 2010.
TelAvivUniversity, June 2010.
"Rubbing the wonderful lamp within: (Mis) reading in Martin Chuzzlewit", Dickens, Victorian Fiction, Uneasy Pleasures" conference, The HebrewUniversity, JerusalemJune 2009.
"Rushdie's Literary Road Signs: Haroun and the Sea of Stories ", the Devolving Diaspora conference, Stirling, Stirling University, Scotland, September 2008.
"'If I didn't see it with my own eyes I'd think I was having a hallucination': Re-imagining Jewish History in Roth's The Plot Against America", Factual Fictions conference, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, June 2008.
"Women can be surprisingly forgiving: Coetzee's Disgrace", The Forgiveness Conference, Salzburg, March 2008.
"Bombay Central: Alternative Spaces in Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh", Colonial and Postcolonial Spaces conference, KingstonUniversity, Kingston, England, September 2007.
"Vina Divina Postmortem Diva", MMLA convention, Chicago, November 2006.
"A Living Doll: Dollification in Rushdie's Fury", MMLA convention,Milwaukee, November 2005.