Summer Term 2017

This term there are 28 Friday afternoon enrichment groups made available to students at The Oaks. These are listed below, along with the appropriate accreditation / learning outcome of each activity.

Activity / Description / AQA Unit to be covered
Cricket Club / Painting / decorating / Gardening
General maintenance tasks – gardening, painting, litter picking and pruning etc.
Will involve handling gardening tools, therefore pupils must be trustworthy. / AQA Unit Award
70770 Growing products from seeds.
79487 Ground Maintenance: Use of Handtools.
92290 General garden maintenance
Adult Fitness / Sport at Spennymoor Leisure Centre / Taster sessions of sports / activities
Sixth Form Only / Young people access a local fitness suite and sporting activities integrated with the local community.
Science Club / A variety of biology, physics and chemistry practical lessons.
RSPB Wildlife Action Award / RSPB Wildlife Action Award
(Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Chess / Beginner / Intermediate and Advanced Level Chess / AQA Unit Award
82808 Introduction to Chess
Bus x2 / Swimming Lessons at Spennymoor Leisure Centre / Swimming lessons with a qualified coach at the local sports centre in preparation for a Special Schools Swimming Gala.
Bouldering at Durham Climbing Centre / Climbing at a local climbing centre on a fortnightly basis (without ropes) with an instructor. / NIBAS Qualifications
Hair and Beauty / Hair, makeup and nail varnish.
Manicures, facials and styling hair. / AQA Unit Award
72907 Basic Hair and Beauty
71529 Basic Hair and Beauty
81708 Introduction to Hair Care Unit 2
72908 Introduction to Hair and Beauty
Gardening / Gardening in the school grounds – working on the planters. / AQA Unit Award
Making a wooden free-standing plant container. Award No.70102
Tin Arts Dance / Dance rehearsals
Tin Art Coach delivers / leads the sessions / Dance rehearsals leading towards a public production at an area dance competition.
Communication Group
Café work / Bi-weekly trip visiting local coffee shops and cafes to build confidence in order food/snacks handling money and speaking aloud.
Alternative week pupils run a tuck shop to promote money handling and communication skills. / AQA Unit Award
AQA unit award: 83500 Social Communication
AQA unit award: PSE016 Personal Finance.
GCSE Photography / 1 year GCSE course
AQA Unit Award:
76549 – investigating two given themes
Book club / Writing group who have the opportunity to write creative stories or books with support from staff. / AQA Unit Award
81192 Literacy: Creative Writing
(unit 1)
Drama / Drama group to have the opportunity to discuss and perform play scripts – Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. / AQA Unit Award
105197 Developing an Appreciation of Drama
(Pre-entry level)
70938 DRAMA: Performance from a script.
Tracing, colouring and painting / Pupils will trace, colour and paint on paper, plastic glass and fabric material. / AQA Unit Award
Creating a laminated Stained Glass Window (Entry Level)
Rebound Therapy
The A Team / Movies, massage and sensory swimming.
Rebound Accreditation
A varied selection of activities which fit pupils who usually fit it difficult to remain in one activity all afternoon. / AQA Unit Award
75445 Receiving a Hand Massage (Pre-entry level)
Rebound Accreditation
74844 Introduction to the Hydrotherapy Pool with Support (Pre-Entry Level)
Independent Travel / Road safety awareness, reading bus timetables, catching a bus, working out bus fares, developing confidence. / AQA Unit Award
70921 Independent Travel and Visiting: Planning a Journey.
Cooking / Following recipes to develop cooking and icing skills. / AQA Unit Award
Making pizza with support 71858
Preparing and baking scones BU1321
Preparing sausage rolls 85283
Preparing small cakes 82364
Deserts (unit 3): Packet cheesecake 80653
Making cakes, pastries and biscuits 84441
Dungeons and Dragons / Learning to play the board game Dungeons and Dragons. / AQA Unit Award
LE 3582 Mathematics: Dice Game
Countryside walking / Longer and faster distance walks through the town and countryside. / AQA Unit Award
73661 Taking part in a woodland walk
73310 Walking for pleasure
84949 countryside walking skills
72575 introduction to a walking group
75265 walking to the local shops with support.
Upcycling / Turning old and unloved household items (mirrors, picture frames etc) into brand new desirable pieces to sell.
Involves some power tool work so pupils must be safe and careful! / AQA Unit Award
76098 Decorating a mirror
79727 Arts and Crafts Taster Sessions
79728 Introduction to Arts and Crafts
Indoor and Outdoor Arts and Crafts / Forest schools / Crafts using natural products, learning about the environment, forest craft, walking to woods. / AQA Unit Award
79727 Arts and Crafts Taster Sessions
Film Club / Animation / Pupils watch and review current films. / AQA Unit Award
75676 Writing a film review
Arts and Craft / Drawing, Colouring, gluing and creating personalised pieces of art. / AQA Unit Award
AQA unit award: 76351 Copying a cartoon character
AQA unit award 80077 Drawing and colouring
Basic Photography / How to use a digital camera. Basic point and shoot photography skills. Photography walks. / AQA Unit Award
Basic Photography
(Unit 74008)
Allotment maintenance. / Completing units about the growing plants and maintaining a garden / AQA Unit Award
70770 Growing products from seeds.
Military History / Understanding military history and past battles.
Handling artefacts and re-enactments. / AQA Unit Award
86450 Introduction to Roman Soldiers and Tactics.