Hanif Azhar

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

Industries-based creativity are a combination of natural resources-based industries (SDA), human resources (HR), and technology. Then packed in the concept of developing innovations in science that produced, distributed and consumed with the concept of creativity. This is an industrial transformation in the global economy.

In Indonesia, the creative industry trends emerged in recent years, through the innovations. The contribution of creative industries in Indonesia in terms of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) generated was in seventh ranked, the condition is very good compared to some sub-sectors and other sectors.

Ministry of Commerce Indonesia gruped the creative industry as follows: 1) advertising 2) architecture 3) art market and Antic 4) crafts 5) design 6) fashion 7) video, film and photography 8) interactive game 9) Music 10) performing arts 11) publishing and printing 12) computer services and software 13) television and radio 14) research and development.

Overall the number of businesses engaged in the creative industry sub-sector in Indonesia totaled 3,001,635 units, or approximately 6.4% of all businesses in Indonesia. Of the 3,001,635 units sub sector in Indonesia, the highest number of business units and so on are;

One of the creative industry is quite developed is a craft. as many as 1,055,466 units (35.16%), handicraft ranks second in Indonesia. The development is very significant. Creativity of our nation. In fact, not a few crafts that come from regular used items are considered trash.

Future Fleur Furniture is a unique craft products that interest Mahogany leather. National craft product range type. Starting from a variety of household furniture to marchandise beautiful and quirky. By utilizing the basic ingredients that have been received less attention, such as leather flower Mahogany, this product is Expected to be able to expand the list of creative industries is increasingly encouraged by the national government of Indonesia.

The idea of making this innovative product begins with craft work, students of Industrial Product Design Institute of Technology. A course which requires students who are required to innovate to create new, quality product and sell in the market. In exploration, we found innovation alternative furniture material. That is a unique blend of Mahogany wood and leather flower that has been underutilized and many scattered in the forest.

Benefits in this paper is to develop alternative materials for furniture and a variety of home furnishings. Besides as an alternative material, leather mahogany flowers are also able to increase the aesthetic value of a product.

In the development of alternative materials, it is expected to become an eco-friendly product design environment. Where this product will become a small substitution of wood use, other than as an aesthetic element of a furniture and craft products. Such as stand lamp.

To further improve the attractiveness, the webbing was added paint varnish. So, it looks more shiny and attractive. Average crafts are sold in the market with prices ranging from Rp 150 thousand to 5 million. Depending on the size and level of difficulty woven goods. This is a golden opportunity for the development of creative industries.