Pahrump Valley Center
ART 231, 1002 – Painting I
Fall 2012
Instructor: Katherine Withers
Office: Pahrump Valley Center
Phone: cell...307-250-8682
Office Hours: By appointment only
Credit Hours: 3
Days/Times: Monday from 12:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Classroom: Room 107
Required text: “Color and Light’ by James Gurney [available at Amazon]
Recommended: “Color for Painters’ by Al Gury [Amazon]
“How to Paint” by Gloria Foss [Amazon]
Course Description:
Introduction to the foundations of painting including materials, the nature of light on form, color, values, and composition. Focus on learning how to mix and use color.
Oils or Acrylics only.
Instruction Method:
Students will be given lectures and demonstrations.
Instructor will assign exercises to be done in class and homework assignments.
Weekly quizzes on assigned reading material.
Two completed paintings graded for the final will be framed.
Required Supplies:
The following items are required for this class as there will be a strong focus on color and color mixing. You can bring either oils or acrylics...your choice.
I will be teaching with oil demonstrations and highly recommend oils over acrylics.
➤Locally, you might find some of these supplies at Pahrump Party Supply in the
art supply section upstairs - or order everything from Dick Blick online or visit the store in Las Vegas [they will have all that is listed here]. Walmart also has some of the items on this list [noted in parenthesis].
•notebook/ pens / ruler / class text
•Pentel mechanical pencil plus a tube of extra erasers for it [Walmart]
•Daler Rowney spiral-bound black sketchbook - 5.5”x 8” [Walmart]
• viewfinder and template... one with a 2”x 3” opening with a 2” border...and another 4”x5” template..both made out of smooth firm cardboard [use a sharp utility knife and a ruler]- clean edges please
**Please buy this brand so we are all on the same page. You will find these have very good prices and excellent color.
You must have all these for the color exercises.
** [The paint names in parentheses are the acrylic color name].
➤ Daler Rowney Georgian oils...38 ml tubes OR
Daler Rowney System 3 acrylics...75 ml
• lemon yellow...a cool yellow
• cadmium orange hue ...a warm opaque deep yellow
• yellow ochre....a cool opaque yellow
• cadmium red light hue...a warm opaque red
• alizarin crimson [crimson- acrylic] ....a cool transparent red
• burnt sienna ... a warm transparent earth
• indian red ....a cool opaque earth
• viridian hue [pthalo green-acrylic]...a cool transparent blue-green
• coerulean blue hue....a warm opaque blue
• prussian blue .... a very dark transparent blue
• ultramarine blue ....a cool transparent blue
• permanent mauve oil.. [deep violet-acrylic]....a good blue-violet
• 225ml- mixing white oil [250 ml- titanium white-acrylic]
**notice there are warm/cool and transparent/opaque versions of a hue
•Acrylics painters only...4 oz. tube Blick acrylic retarder [Blick]
•Oils painters only...Gamblin Galkyd Lite medium... 2 oz. bottle [Blick]
•Oils only....quart Gamsol or Turpenoid odorless mineral spirits [Blick]
[Do not bring hardware store ‘odorless’ thinner to class].
• stable [not easily tipped over] solvent/ water container- not too small- tight lids
• supports:
•two Fredrix canvas pads...9x12 and a 12x16 [Blick]
•two-pack 16x20 stretched canvas [Walmart]
•Masterson Sta-Wet Palette Seal -12x16 [Blick] This will keep acrylics or oil paints moist and portable...less paint wasted.
• Richeson Grey Matters paper palette [12x16] or safety glass[12x16] [Blick]
•brushes...Blick Scholastic Wonder White synthetic long handle
flats [one size 2, two size 4, one size 6. one size 8]
filberts [one size 2, one size 4]
round [one size 1, one size 2]
• small painting knife...Liquitex #16 [Blick]..important for color mixing exercises
• one roll blue heavy paper shop towels
• beach bag with side pockets to hold all these materials
• buy or make a brush tube carrier...or use an old towel as a rolled carrier
Course Objectives:
Students will...
✥ develop their knowledge of painting techniques and materials.
✥ be able to develop content, ideas and color schemes within a painting.
✥ be able to develop form and color within a painting.
✥ be able to have discussions about painting styles and various artists of
past / present - cultural significance.
✥ be able to develop compositional elements within a painting
✥ be able to express themselves through the painting process
✥ be able to present and exhibit their work.
Learning Objectives:
✥ To learn painting techniques and use of materials.
Measurement of Learning: Paintings and sketch pads
✥ Be able to discuss applications and techniques and content of painting.
Measurement of Learning: Group discussions and critiques.
✥ Have an understanding of color theory and form within a painting.
Measurement of Learning: Color charts/paintings/sketch pads.
✥ Be able to recognize and discuss artists, and paintings of
cultural significance. Measurement of Learning: Discussion, Critiques
✥ To develop compositional skills. Measurement of Learning:
Paintings and sketch pads.
✥ Continue to develop personal skills in self-expression.
Measurement of Learning: Paintings, sketch pads.
✥ Give students an opportunity to display work.
Measurement of Learning: work displayed- public access
Course Outline: [subject to revision]
✪ Introduction, syllabus review, materials review
✪ Nature of light and seeing, drawing the basic forms
✪ Value and perspective drawing exercises
✪ Painting with values
✪ Color defined, theories, wheels and charts
✪ Color exercises
✪ Using color and values effectively
✪ Form and color...still life objects
✪ Visual balance - composition...values again
✪ Painting an abstract, painting still lifes
✪ Painting from nature - on location
✪ Painting from photographs
✪ Painting from the imagination...start final paintings
✪ Importance of on final paintings
✪ Exhibit final paintings...written final exam. Submit portfolio.
✪ Pick-up portfolio and paintings.
Painting exercises/ homework / sketchbook 70%
Two exhibit pieces 20%
Attendance/ attitude 10%
Grading scale 90-100=A
80-89= B
70-79= C
60-69= D
Below 60 is failing.
Paintings are graded on the following criteria:
Thoughtful design, completing the goal of the assignment, craftsmanship. All students are expected to keep a sketchbook of ideas and will be taken into account for your grade. You will also be graded on your class participation and attitude...[attitude means being open to learning and constructive comments during critiques plus helpfulness during clean-up].
Attendance is mandatory. Poor attendance can lead to the lowering of a letter grade. Three unexcused attendances will result in you being dropped from the class [unless you have medical documentation of a prolonged illness]. If you have to miss a class...please e-mail me at least 3 hours before class...otherwise it will be unexcused. Being late three times counts as one unexcused absence. All classwork and homework must be completed.
Please be on time.
I will give a brief lecture and demonstration at 12:30.
Please turn off cell phones before the class begins. No texting allowed. Working on other class assignments is not allowed. No eating or drinking.
Fairness statement: If you have a concern, an academic problem or need special assistance, please see me about it as soon as you can.
Disability Access: Great Basin College supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. If you have a disability please see me and talk to Shirley Jones in the office. If you have trouble seeing or hearing, please try to sit near the front of the class.
Clean Up: It is the responsibility of everyone in the class to leave everything including sinks, floors and tables perfectly clean when you leave the room.
Safety:Safety instructions must be followed in the art room. If needed there is a first aid kit in the office containing bandages and first aid cream. I will discuss the locations of the fire extinguishers the first day of class and how to use them. If an event calls for evacuation of the building we will exit the through the door at the back of the class to your right. Some of the materials used in this class may have potential hazards; their safe use and handling is important. If you have, or develop, sensitivity to any materials, contact the instructor immediately.
Painting is a great life-long pursuit....see you in class!
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