The following was extracted from the Prolog documentation written by A.D.A.(Automata Design Associates) in support of their versions of Prolog which included PDProlog and EDProlog.

op/pred precedence associativity availability

"!" 0 0

"|" 0 0

"=" 40, XFX

"==" 40, XFX

"\\=" 40, XFX

"\\==" 40, XFX

"/" 21, YFX

"@=" 40, XFX

">=" 40, XFX

"=<" 40, XFX

">" 40, XFX

"<" 40, XFX

"-" 31, YFX

"*" 21, YFX

"+" 31, YFX

"=.." 40, XFX

"?-" 255, FY

The system is totally interactive;

Any commands the operator gives are and must be valid program statements. Statements must terminate with a period.

All commands which take a file name also accept a path name.

Any name which is not a valid PROLOG atom must be enclosed in single quotes. Thus one could say consult( expert ).

but one would need single quotes with consult( 'b:\samples\subtype\expert' ).

To exit the system, type "exitsys.<CR>"

Atoms may contain MSDOS pathnames if they are enclosed by single quotes,

ie., '\b:\samples\animal' .

You may consult more than one file at a time.

However, all names are public and name conflicts must be avoided.

The order in which modules are loaded may, in cases of poor program design, affect the behavior.

dir( option ).

Provides an alphabetized listing to the console of


constants, or

open files.

Without options, simply type "dir.<CR>".

Options are:

dir( p ) - list clause names only.

dir( c ) - list consulted files only which are prefixed by "S:".

forget( <file name> ).

Makes a database unavailable for use and reclaim the storage it occupied.

Integer arithmetic is supported.

Numbers are 32 bit signed quantities.

The following arithmetic operators are supported:

"+", "-", "*", "/", <, <=, >, >=, mod.

"arg" 0, 0,

"asserta" 0, 0,

"assertz" 0, 0,

"atom" 0, 0,

"atomic" 0, 0,

"batch" 0, 0

"clause" 0, 0,

"clearops" 0, 0,

"cls" 0, 0, NS

"concat" 0, 0,

"consult" 8, FX,

"crtgmode" 0, 0, NS

"crtset" 0, 0, NS

"curset" 0, 0, NS

"curwh" 0, 0, NS

"debugging 0, 0,

"dir" 0, 0,

"display" 0, 0,

"dotcolor" 0, 0, NS

"drawchar" 0, 0, NS

"drawdot" 0, 0, NS

"drawline" 0, 0, NS

"exec" 0, 0,

"exitsys" 0, 0, NS

"forget" 0, 0, NS

"functor" 0, 0,

"get0" 8, FX,

"integer" 0, 0,

"is" 40, XFX,

"listing" 0, 0,

"memleft" 0, 0, NS

"mod" 11, XFX,

"name" 0, 0,

"nl" 0, 0,

"nonvar" 0, 0,

"not" 60 FX

"op" 0, 0,

"popoff" 0, 0, NS

"popoffd" 0, 0, NS

"popon" 0, 0, NS

"popond" 0, 0, NS

"print" 0, 0,

"prtscr" 0, 0, NS

"put" 0, 0,

"ratom" 0, 0,

"read" 0, 0,

"recon" 0, 0, (Note: this is "reconsult")

"repeat" 0, 0,

"retract" 0, 0

"rnum" 0, 0,

"see" 0, 0,

"seeing" 0, 0,

"seen" 0, 0,

"spy" 50, FX,

"tab" 0, 0,

"tell" 0, 0,

"telling" 0, 0,

"told" 0, 0,

"true" 0, 0,

"unop" 0, 0,

"var" 0, 0,

"write" 0, 0,