1. Great Britain.
  1. Opening facts ( geography, administration )
  2. People in Britain.
  3. Economy ( natural riches, industry, agriculture )
  4. Life in Britain ( work, social welfare, money )
  5. Interesting places.
  1. London.
  1. General information
  2. Places of interest.
  1. Money.

1.What does money mean to you (in your present life, in your family budget)?

2. Do you get pocket money? How do you manage?

3.Can you speak about making money and saving money?

  1. Speak about principle ways of paying.
  2. What do you think about charitable people, foundations, financial aid to poor countries?

4. Our town, housing

  1. What is your native city/ village like?
  2. Can you give a description of your house/flat and its surroundings?
  3. What has changed in your town in the last decade?
  4. Can you describe an establishment or enterprise you know closer?
  5. Are you going to remain in your native town/village? Why? Why not?

5. Famous names in British literature

  1. Do you know the oldest literary monument of the anglo-saxon period?
  2. Speak about some names connected with Renaissance and Humanism.
  3. Give some names of authors from the 18th century.
  4. Do you know some romantic poets?
  5. Speak about an English book you have read.
  6. Do you know some British authors who were awarded the Nobel Prize for literature?

6. Sports and games, hobbies

  1. Why do people go in for sports? Classify sports, give examples.
  2. What are the highlights of a sporting year?
  3. Could you speak about your experience with sports?
  4. Some people don’t care about sports. What else can they do in their leasure time?
  5. Is your hobby useful in any way? Why? Why not?

7. Prague

  1. General information
  2. Principle sights
  3. Pick out three historic personalities and give some details about them.

8. Culture in my life

  1. How do you feel about films, TV, music?
  2. Have you got experience with some other form of art or culture?
  3. Can you describe your latest experience at some place of culture?
  4. What do we mean by expression “lifestyle”? Should culture be part of lifestyle?
  5. Give examples of civilized/uncivilized manners.

9. Travelling

  1. Where have you been during the last two years?
  2. Can you describe the preparations before you go abroad?
  3. What means of transport do you know?
  4. What would you do if you got in trouble abroad?
  5. What services does this hotel provide?
  6. Can you explain the way?

10. Ecology

  1. What are the world’s principle problems?
  2. Are there specific problems in our country? Which? How could they be solved?
  3. Is there a balance between economy and ecology in our country? How is it in other countries? Give examples.
  4. Do you know a person whose way of life corresponds to ecological principles?
  5. Could you describe your vision of the world one hundred years ahead?

11. Shopping

  1. Imagine the square in your place or the nearest larger town and describe the shops there.
  2. Can you speak about the ways of paying?
  3. If you wanted to own the American express credit card, would you be able to fill in the application form? ( see the enclosure )
  4. Do you know something about the Czech shopping habits? Could you give some useful advice to foreigners?
  5. Can you ask the way and give directions to the nearest supermarket, boutique, bookshop?

12. My family

  1. My family
  2. My best friend
  3. Family tree, relations

13. New York, Washington D.C.

  1. Location
  2. Different features.
  3. Sights.

14. Health

  1. Healthy lifestyle
  2. Diseases, symptoms, treatment

15. The British

  1. Some typical features
  2. Housing, sports, hobbies
  3. The Royals
  4. The Parliament
  5. Other information from history, culture, science

16. The USA / general information

  1. Basic facts ( administration, geography, people, capital, flag )
  2. The principle regions of economy.
  3. Well-known places.

17. Famous names in American literature

  1. Speak about the beginnings of American literature
  2. Give some examples of authors writing in the 19th century and speak about them
  3. Do you know some authors from20th century?
  4. Speak about your personal experience with books written by American authors.
  5. Do you know some American authors who were awarded the Nobel prize for literature?
  6. Give some names of the most outstanding personalities in the 20th century drama and poetry.

18. Our Republic

  1. Geographical location, neighbouring countries
  2. Mountain ranges, rivers, dams
  3. Industry and agriculture
  4. Spas, cities
  5. Politics

19. Weather, seasons, climate

  1. Seasons, weather
  2. My favourite season

20. Holidays

  1. Holidays in the English-speaking countries
  2. Holidays in the Czech Republic
  3. My favourite holiday

21. Food and meals

  1. How many times a day do you eat, what and where?
  2. What is your favourite food? Would you recommend it ti your foreign friend? try to make a simple recipe.
  3. Speak about the British and American eating habits.
  4. Why is it important to eat healthy?

22. Australia

  1. Opening facts
  2. People
  3. Geography
  4. Economy
  5. History

23. Canada

  1. Opening facts
  2. The provinces and territories
  3. Life in Canada

24. Great periods of the US past

  1. The first settlements
  2. The War of Independence
  3. The Civil War
  4. Great names

25. My future career

  1. Give brief view of your personal history
  2. Why did you decide to apply to this school and what will you do afterwards?
  3. Write a job application

Gramatické úkoly:

  1. Classify the words as parts of speech
  2. Find one conditional clause and change it
  3. Use reported speech, start with…
  4. Change the tense
  5. Put question tags to the sentences
  6. Put questions to the underlined sentence
  7. Use the underlined expressions in a structure or a short sentence
  8. Fins synonyms / antonyms
  9. Make comparatives and superlatives
  10. Explain the word formation / word building
  11. Paraphrase / explain in English