The Meaning of “Bible”:

  • Comes from the Greek word ______which means ______or roll.
  • “______” comes from the Greek word ______which means ______.

The Divine Origin of the Bible:

  • ______times the bible declares “______” or “______” (Ex. 14:1; 20:1; Deut. 4:2; Isa. 1:10; 24)
  • Paul recognized that the things he was writing were God’s ______(1Cor. 14:37; 1Thess. 2:13)
  • The testimony of reliable ______affirmed the ______of the Scriptures (Jesus, Moses, David, Daniel, John, Paul, etc.)

The Continuity of the Bible:

  • Written by a diversity of authors. ______(a shepherd, a king, a political leader, a herdsman, a tax collector, a medical doctor, a rabbi and a fisherman)
  • Written in different ______and under a variety of ______. Written on ______(______, ______, and ______).
  • The writers did not know of the other ______. The bible was written over a period of ______years.
  • The bible is a marvelous, ______whole.
  • No ______could have done this.


  • “Revelation” comes from the Greek word “______” which means “______” or “______”
  • Revelation means that God ______truth about Himself that man would not otherwise ______.
  • Three types of general revelation:
  1. ______(Psalm 19:1-6; Rom. 1:18-21)
  2. ______(Acts 14:15-17; Dan. 2:21)
  3. ______(Rom. 2:14-15)
  • Special revelation: ______from God to ______.
  • Two types of special revelation:
  1. ______(John 1:1-5; 5:36-37; 6;36; 14:10)
  2. ______(2Tim. 3:16, 17; 2Pet. 1:21)


  • Inspiration is necessary to ______the ______of God
  • Inspiration is the Holy Spirit’s ______over the writers so that what they wrote is the very ______.
  • Anchor passages: ______and ______.
  • Five important aspects of inspiration:
  1. God the Holy Spirit ______the writers
  2. The authors wrote according to their ______and ______
  3. The divine –human authorship is the ______of God’s truth ______
  4. Inspiration extends to the ______used by the ______
  5. Inspiration relates to the ______


  • There are no ______and the bible tells the ______
  • Inerrancy is a logical conclusion:
  1. God is ______(Rom. 3:4)
  2. The scriptures are ______by God (2Tim. 3:16)
  3. Therefore, the scriptures are ______


  • Illumination is the ministry of the Holy Spirit whereby He ______us to ______the written ______(1Cor. 2:11, 14; Luke 24: 44-45)
  • Three important distinctions:
  1. ______: ______
  2. ______: The method of ______the content.
  3. ______: The Spirit enlightening us to ______the content.