Oc Alum Meeting 2*3*11

Call to Order 8:25pm

Officer and Committee Chairmen Reports

President (Nancy):

* Introduce ourselves

* Thank Lois and her co-hostesses

* Send around clip board and sign-up sheet for hostesses and co-hostesses

* Ask for volunteer to be the Newsletter Chairman. Sarah has expressed that she will no longer be able to be the Newsletter Chairman due to a new job, and the travel and unforeseen workload that goes w/ the new job. Is there anyone here who would consider taking over this position? If not ask again at the next meeting

VP Membership (Katherine): How many dues paying members do we have so far? Currently have 21 members. Membership forms available. Dues go up $10 after March 15 (which is the cutoff date to be in the directory)

VP Philanthropy (Angela): sign-up sheets for comments and ideas & committees. Donations letters

Boutique important info:

·  Date 10/22/11 @ 11am Los Coyotes Country Club , theme: “Putting on the Glitz”

·  Meeting dates (subject to change)

o  April 14th 6pm: General Mtg

o  June 16th 6pm: General Mtg

o  August 4th Noon: Craft Day (please bring crafts, supplies, ideas, or a J

o  September 8th 6pm: General Mtg

o  September 17th Noon: Craft Day

o  October 1st : All necessary program submissions are due to Angela @

o  October 19th 5pm: Boutique Prep (organizing and general finishing up of things)

o  October 21st 6pm: Boutique Prep

o  October 22nd 7am: BOUTIQUE set up!

*unless otherwise noted or changed, all meetings will be held at:

Angela Johnson’s home

5626 Via Arboleda, Yorba Linda


o  Gently used Delta Zeta paraphernalia (t-shirts, key chains, picture frames etc)

o  Finished/Partially Finished/ “I bought this and never made it” Craft donations for craft table

o  Please bring Partially and unfinished craft projects to meetings before August and our craft days

o  $1 Wooden craft frames, wooden boxes/craft projects from Michaels

·  Basket and Raffle Prize donations guidelines:

o  Gently used items are welcome donations, but please make sure that items are not damaged or dirty, that all pieces are included, and there are no personalized items

VP Alumnae/Collegiate Relations (Jennifer): Please speak about the ad hoc committee being formed to analyze alumnae/collegiate relations. The committee will address what programs and projects should we be doing. Pass around the sign-up sheet for committee members

·  Collegiate Updates

o  Collegiates want an rough idea about how many alums will be attending the meeting on April 4th at the IY house

§  Need to know how many cups/saucers

o  School started last week, COBing (continuous open biding) 25 spots

§  Next event will be roller-skating

§  Crush Party is 2/17, theme is Rock N Roll

§  Go Big Day April 23rd 11am-2pm it will be a BBQ

·  @ Glenbrook Club House (invites coming soon)

·  They would like Alums to donate at basket by April 23rd

·  Would like us to donate raffle items

Secretary, (Sara): Please check emails for minutes. I will bring copies next meeting for those who do not have email.

Treasurer (Vicki): I have the Treasurer’s report. The balance on hand in our checking account is $6617.18. Vicki divided the $6617.18 into two parts: Available operating funds, and the Boutique funds. Our Operating fund has $2929.96 in it and the Boutique fund has $3687.72 in it. The Boutique funds will be disbursed when the membership approves the Executive Board’s decision on donations.

Alumnae Panhellenic Delegate (Analee): No report

Bridge Chairman (Lois) : Bridge at Liz’s house on Friday

Bunko Chairman (Paige) everyone had a good time, lots of winners.

·  Next bunko is 2/24 at Nancy Russell’s house

Courtesy Chairman (April): She has made her own birthday cards, and will be sending them out as our birthdays come around.

·  Emilee Hess has lost her father, if we could all sign a card so we can get it to her

Lamplighters (Kelly): As an alumnae chapter, I volunteered us to send thank you letters to the Patrons of the Flame Fantasy event. Kelly has generously agreed to print out the letters and envelopes. I will be calling on some of you to help stuff and stamp envelopes. I’m sending around another clip board for you to sign-up if you would be willing to be on the Stuffing Committee

·  Should have received invites. RSVPs or tickets due 2/22/11

Gourmet (Cheryl and Victoria):

*March 5th at Cheryl’s house

* Next few dates are April 9th at Lois’ and June 25th (Tbd at Karla’s)

Telephone (Denise): Super helpful if you could sign up w/ you prefer email or phone call to let you know when meeting is. Please make sure you RSVP

Ways & Means (Vicki): There will be an Irish/Green Basket raffled off at the March meeting. The basket contains Baileys Irish Crème w/ Liqueur glasses, Bushmills Irish Whiskey w/ Irish Coffee glasses, Irish Breakfast tea, a green leather hand bag, a green scarf, and a green beaded necklace/scarf.

Ticket Prices: 1 for $1, 3 for $2 and $8 for $5

Announcements: Good job w/ the Newsletter Sarah

·  Jade Chiarini-Galleghar announced:

o  Lauren Thornlow is PHC President

o  Amanda Escamilla won Miss Push America (put on by Pi Kappa Phi)

o  Monday 2/7 is a recruit our Alum Party

§  Theme: Superbowl Sundae

§  Any donations appreciated: sprinkles , plates etc

o  We would love if you could show up to events that we are putting on: Tea Party, Go Big Day, etc

·  Home Coming for CSUF Saturday 7pm Basketball game

Adjornment: 8:47pm