Checklist for Snowcrest Junior High Elections

r  Candidate must attain a minimum 3.00 GPA each quarter (first, second, and third) during the year of elections with no “F” grades. **Attach a copy of current transcript.

r  Candidate must have no more than 1 “N” each quarter and no “U” during any of the 3 quarters prior to election.

r  Teachers will have the right to share any concerns or questions about any candidate. Mrs. Thorngren will address any concerns with the student and principal. Major concerns may lead to a student not being placed on the voting ballot

r  Recommendation of Principal.

r  Parental Consent Form. (Student & Parent/Guardian must sign)

FURTHER, each candidate shall:

r  Have no incident of truancy during the first three quarters of the seventh grade (for 7th grade office), or eighth grade (for 8th grade office).

r  Have no history of fighting or inappropriate conduct during the first three quarters of the seventh grade (for 8th grade office), or eighth grade (for 9th grade office).

r  Have no history of use of any controlled substance (alcohol, tobacco, chemical substances, etc.) during the first three quarters of the seventh or eighth grade.

r  Have no history of suspension or expulsion from school.

Parental Consent


Candidate Name (please print) Office Campaigning for

I understand and accept the requirements, obligations, and expectations pertaining to Snowcrest Junior High. I understand that student leadership requires a great time commitment and in addition, a financial responsibility for the officer’s sweater, uniform, or item which she/he will wear at all functions where she/he is to be recognized as an elected officer of Snowcrest Junior High. I further understand and support that attendance at activities, meetings, and other required functions is necessary. She/He will be required to attend all specified sports events, represent Snowcrest Junior High at occasional civic activities, and maintain academic and citizenship standards. I understand that all required information is due back to Mrs. Thorngren on or before the due dates specified. Students may put up their posters on dates specified only if their packet has been turned in. Late applications will not be accepted for any reason.


Student candidate signature Parent/Guardian Signature


I recommend ______for a Student Government office. He/She has always behaved in accordance with school expectations and policies.


Scott Elliott, Principal

Due Dates to Remember:


18th – SBO Meeting in the Commons during Reading time

24th – SBO Packets due to office by 2:45 pm

25th – SBO Posters up – 2 per candidate (have them checked off with Mrs. Thorngren or Mr. Elliott)

27th – SBO Primary Elections during Advisory (Results will be posted on the school’s website)


7th - SBO 3rd poster up (have it checked with Mrs. Thorngren or Mr. Elliott)

9th – SBO Skit Video due to Mrs. Thorngren by 2:45 pm (do not be late)

10th – Class officer meeting during Advisory

11th – SBO Election Skit Assembly (elections will be right after and results will be posted on the school’s website)

14th – Class officer packet due by 2:45 to office

15th – Class officer posters up – 2 per candidate (have them checked off with Mrs. Thorngren or Mr. Elliott)

17th – Class officer primary elections during Advisory (Results will be posted on the school’s website)

21st – Class officer 3rd poster up (Have it checked off with Mrs. Thorngren or Mr. Elliott)

24th – Class officer final elections during Reading time (results will be posted on the school’s website)


1st – Coleman Knitting comes during Advisory for sweater fitting

15th - Total amount of sweater cost due to the office


Each candidate will get to put 2 posters up on the due date specified in the election calendar. Before they put their posters up, they must turn in all paperwork on time and meet all eligible requirements.

For all successful candidates who make their primaries, they may put up a 3rd poster on the date specified. Posters must be no bigger than a regular poster size of 28 x 22. If a student wants to combine two posters with those dimensions and make one big poster, they may.

Posters must be clean, appropriate, and with good taste. You must pass off your posters with the principal or Mrs. Thorngren before you put them up. If you pass it off with the principal, please tell Mrs. Thorngren so she can check you off on the approved poster list. The principal or Mrs. Thorngren has the right to deny any candidate if their dimensions don’t follow the rules or if the poster is inappropriate.

Good luck everyone in your candidacy!