Form B
Road Movement Request Form – Guidance
- Instructions
The Road Movement Request Form isa form predetermined for notification of following military movements within the Czech Republic:
1)Movements including vehicles over 3,5 tons
2)Convoy movements (more than 3 vehicles in the transport)
3)Movements including oversized or overweight vehicles
4)Movements including transports of dangerous goods or sensitive items (ammunition transports, weapons, etc.)
The Requester is supposed to complete following sections of the form:
2.Purpose of the transport
3.Facility to be visited - fill out only in case of stay in the Czech Republic
4.Requested route
5.Persons entering the country
7.Convoy transport specification – fill out only in case of transport in convoy (more than 3 vehicles)
9.Outer packaging of transported goods
10.Host Nation Support – fill out only if requested
11.Annexes – tick the button if applicable
Submit completed form to the Czech NMCC (e-mail address: ). Once the notified transports are confirmed by the Czech NMCC the ratified form is delivered back.
The ratified Road Movement Request Form must be kept in the cabin of the vehicle and presented in case of inspection. Based on ratified Road Movement Request Form, vehicles are excluded from road tolls on the territory of the Czech Republic.
Persons entering the country must be provided with NATO Travel Order and other documentation required on base of international and bilateral agreements (NATO SOFA, Allied Movement Publications, etc.).
- Detailed guidance
1. Requester
a) Organization / Fill out full address of the originator (Embassy, NMCC, etc.).
b) Date / Fill out date of submission of the form to the Czech NMCC.
c) Reference number / Fill out your file reference number.
d) Action officer’s name / Fill out name (rank, first name, surname) of a person responsible for the form completion.
e) Telephone/Fax / Fill out telephone and fax number of the originator.
f) E-mail / Fill out e-mail address of the originator.
g) Formation (unit) to be moved / Fill out name of the formation (unit) to be moved.
h) Nationality / Fill out nationality of the formation (unit) to be moved.
2. Purpose of the transport / Fill out a particular purpose of the transport (name of operation, exercise, conference, etc.).
3. Facility to be visited - Fill out this section only in case of stay in the Czech Republic.
a) Name / Fill out name of the facility to be visited.
b) Address / Fill out full address of the facility to be visited.
c) Point of contact / Provide a point of contact representing the facility (rank, first name, surname).
d) Telephone / Fill out the telephone number of the point of contact.
4. Requested route
a)Starting point / Fill out name of the point at which the movement begins.
b) Border crossing details / Fill out required information: ("ba) State", "bb) Border crossing", "bc) Date" and "bd) Time") for "1) Onward movement" and for "2) Backward movement".
Fill out cells "1.2) Exit to" and "2.1) Entry from" only in case of transit transport.
ba) State / Select the neighboring state from the scrollable list.
bb) Border crossing / Fill out name of the border crossing. Choose the border crossing from the attached "List of road border crossing points (BCP) of the Czech Republic".
bc) Date / Fill out scheduled date of the crossing of the border.
bd) Time / Fill out scheduled time of the crossing of the border (local time).
c) Final destination / Fill out name of the location and name of the country where the transport terminates.
Complete Cells "ca) Arrival date", "cb) Arrival time", "cc) Departure date" and "cd) Departure time" only in case of stay in the Czech Republic.
ca) Arrival date / Fill out scheduled date of arrival in final destination.
cb) Arrival time / Fill out scheduled time of arrival in final destination (local time).
cc) Departure date / Fill out scheduled date of departure from the site of action.
cd) Departure time / Fill out scheduled time of departure from the site of action (local time).
d) Route specification/Halts / Fill out planned halts, check points, etc. during transport on the territory of the Czech Republic (location, schedule) if applicable.
5. Persons entering the country
a) Transport commander / Fill out name (rank, first name, surname) of transport commander.
b) Cell phone / Fill out cell phone number of the transport commander.
c) Number of persons / Fill out number of persons entering the country.
You might be additionally instructed by the Czech NMCC to complete the "List of persons entering the country" (rank, first name, surname, passport or ID number).
6. Vehicles
a) Number of vehicles / Fill out total number of vehicles in the transport.
b) Type of the heaviest vehicle / Fill out type of the heaviest vehicle in the transport.
ba) Number / Fill out number of the heaviest vehicle in the transport.
bb) Weight (kg) / Fill out total weight of the heaviest vehicle in kilograms.
c) The most extensive dimensions
ca) Height (cm) / Fill out height of the highest vehicle in the transport (convoy movement) in centimeters.
cb) Width (cm) / Fill out width of the most extensive vehiclein the transport (convoy movement) in centimeters.
cc) Length (cm) / Fill out length of the longest vehicle (vehicle combination) in the transport (convoy movement) in centimeters.
e) List of vehicles / Complete List of vehicles included in the form or use enclosed annex "List of vehicles".
ea) Type (truck/trailer) / Fill out type of each vehicle in the transport including type of trailer or semitrailer if applicable.
eb) Plate No (truck/trailer) / Fill out license plate of each vehicle in the transport including plate of trailer or semitrailer if applicable.
ec) Weight (kg) / Fill out total weight of each vehicle or vehicle combination (truck with trailer/semitrailer) in kilograms.
In case of a passenger bus fill out not only weight but also number of passengers in this format: weight (kg)/passengers (number)
f) Number of overweight and oversized vehicles / Fill out total number of overweight and oversized vehicles in the transport.
You are supposed to complete enclosed annex "Oversized/Overweight vehicle specification" in case an overweight or an oversized vehicle is included in the transport. It is mandatory to fill out the annex separately for each type of overweight or oversized vehicles (vehicle combinations) loaded with the same sort of cargo.
The vehicle combination is considered to be overweight/oversized when exceeding the following dimensions: Width – over 255 cm; Height – over 400 cm; Length – over 1875 cm for vehicle combination, over 1650 cm for semi-trailer; Weight – over 48 000 kg (see full specification of oversized/overweight vehicles in AMovP-1).
7. Convoy transport specification - Complete this section only in case of convoy movement.
a) Number of packets / Fill out number of packets in the convoy.
b) Interval between packets / Fill out scheduled interval between packets.
c) Packets details
ca) Vehicle distance (m) / Fill out scheduled vehicles distance within thepacketfor highways and other roads separately.
cb) Required average speed (km/hrs) / Fill out scheduled average speed of the packet for highway and other roads separately.
Convoy is defined as a group of 4 or more vehicles.
8. Cargo
a) Combat weapons / Tick the button if applicable. You are supposed to complete the enclosed annex "List of weapons" in case any combat weapons are included in the transport.
b) Sporting weapons / Tick the button if applicable. You are supposed to complete the enclosed annex "List of weapons" in case any sporting weapons are included in the transport.
c) Ammunition / Tick the button if applicable. You are supposed to complete the enclosed annex "List of dangerous goods" in case ammunition or any explosive items are included in the transport.
d) Dangerous goods / Tick the button if applicable. You are supposed to complete the enclosed annex "List of dangerous goods" in case other hazardous items are included in the transport (such as fuel, compressed gas, etc. - based on ADR specification).
e) Other sensitive goods / Tick the button if applicable.
ea) Specification / Specify type of other sensitive goods.
f) Non-sensitive goods specification / Describe type of non-sensitive and non-hazardous goods.
You might be additionally instructed by the Czech NMCC to submit "Cargo Manifest" on a specified form.
9. Outer packaging of transported goods
a) Packaging type / Fill out type of outer package (e.g. containers, boxes, IBC, etc.)
b) Number / Fill out the particular number of packages.
10. Host nation support (HNS) - Complete this section if applicable.
a) Kind of HNS / Chose the kind of required HNS.
aa) Military police support / Tick the button if applicable.
ab) Accommodation/Vehicles parking / Tick the button if applicable.
ac) Other / Tick the button if applicable.
b) HNS specification / Specify your requirements of HNS.
11. Annexes
a) List of vehicles / Tick the button if applicable and fill out number of pages.
b) List of dangerous goods / Tick the button if applicable and fill out number of pages.
c) Oversized, overweight transport specification / Tick the button if applicable and fill out number of pages.
d) List of weapons / Tick the button if applicable and fill out number of pages.
e) Other / Tick the button if applicable and fill out number of pages.
ea) Specification / Specify additional annexes which are not covered in previous cells and fill out number of pages.
12. Notes / Use this cell to submit details which are not covered in the previous cells.
13. Ratification of RMRF by Czech NMCC - This section is to be completed by the Czech NMCC.
a) Road movement instructions / Requirements and particular conditions of the movements on the territory of the Czech Republic, which the originator (formation to be moved) has to follow.
Transport numbers are assigned for movements on the territory of The Czech Republic (separately for onward and backward movement). These numbers must be visibly placed beyond the windshields of the vehicles throughout their movement.
b) Czech NMCC POC / Czech NMCC point of contact for 24/7 assistance service
c) Handled by / Name of a person responsible for the ratification process
d) Date, stamp, signature / Confirmation of the transport notification - signature of the Chief of the Czech NMCC, date of signature and stamp of the Czech NMCC