
The Director

DELNET-Developing Library Network

Nelson Mandela Road, JNU Campus

Vasant Kunj

New Delhi-110070

Sub : National Convention on Knowledge, Library and

Information Networking (NACLIN 2013)

Dear Sir,

This is to confirm you that I, ______address ______is contributing a paper for presentation at NACLIN 2013 and publication in NACLIN 2013 proceedings. My paper is entitled : ______


I understand that the paper will appear in the Proceedings for inclusion in the book provisionally entitled : Knowledge, Library and Information Networking : Proceedings of the National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN 2013) to be published by DELNET or a publisher on behalf of DELNET. The editor/s reserve the right to edit the paper in accordance with the standards set out by DELNET.

The copyright of the paper will remain with me, but in its present form as part of the proceedings of NACLIN 2013 the copyright will remain with DELNET. I have asserted my moral right to be identified as the author/co-author of this paper. I agree to assign to the DELNET the exclusive right to publish, and to license for publication, the paper in whole and in part in all editions, forms and media in the English language and in any translations without limitation.

I retain the right to use all or part of the paper in lectures, press releases or reviews. If I wish to republish the paper in whole or in part, in any format, and through any media, I shall obtain the prior written permission of DELNET, such permission not to be reasonably withheld, provided that acknowledgement is given to DELNET in such republication.

I agree to deliver any additional material as required by the editor/s within a week of the receipt of the request from the editor/s as an email attachment to the editor at

I confirm that no part of this article has been copied/lifted from any other publication. All quotations given within quotes have been supported with references with complete and correct bibliographic details. If it is found that there is a copyright violation the responsibility will remain with me and co-authors of the article (if any). I/we will pay for the damages as per law. I also agree that I will obtain permission for non-exclusive world rights to use material protected by copyright in the original and subsequent editions of the work and/or translations thereof and I will be responsible for paying any fees so incurred.

I hereby agree to the above terms.

Signed: ______

Name : ______

Address : ______

Date : ______