WEDNESDAY, 11th March 2015-03-12

After an introduction to the Growing Devon Schools Partnership, the Forum listened to our speakers Darren Ellis: Bicton College, Melissa Harvey, Devon Composting Network and from Growing our Future – Beth Hamer and Shanti Smallwood. The subjects they covered were ‘HowBictonCollege supports land-based studies in Devon’, ‘Creating a low maintenance permanent food forest in a school garden’ and ‘Organising a SchoolWorkGarden Day – Ground Force Day’.

Two workshops followed. Our Forum members were split into two groups alternating between ‘Keyhole Gardening’ given by Alison Brocht from Yeo Valley Primary and ‘Taking Cuttings’ by Nicky Scott from the Devon Composting Network/Proper Job. The groups were also given a tour of SouthMoltonCommunity College’s Re-cycling by Alwyn Headech who largely masterminded this programme – the success of this has generated a profit to the school’s finances.

After a choice of soups and bread provided by the school kitchen, each member of the Forum introduced themselves before dividing into three groups to develop three themes:


‘Managing Groups Outdoors’ – engaging them, teaching/curriculum subjects, safety

The group classified their discussion under two subjects, Barriers (keeping warm and dry, clothing, vandalism, safety, complications of getting children to toilets) and Positives (quality of education, family activities, competition, cooking food – outside)


‘Getting Money for your Outdoor Learning’ – funds can be from: school budget (if head teacher is behind the project), PTA, good to publicise event/or events to raise money

Money saving: building own structure with re-cycled items, in-house skills

School Farmers Markets -

Enterprise –


‘Getting Started – the Practicalities’:

1. Create an outdoor learning space

2. What to grow

3. Where to find out how

Ideas: map it out, involve children, pond renovation - survey it before and after Timeline planning, water supply, Food for Life growing cards, expertise on site and from the local community, polytunnel for indoor jungle and outdoor temperate forest garden,

Lasagne beds – instant garden

Annuals v. perennials

Vegetables, fruits, herbs, trees and shrubs

Fun plants, chilli, mimosa, carnivorous plans

Things/Providers to consider:

The Tanglewood project – Nick Mussel, Haywards, Morchard Bishop

Pizza ovens – Embercombe Trust

A Resource Table was provided with Information about the GDSP, its members and other providers which proved a popular addition. More leaflets were added including:

How to build a Tip Tap

Planning your Work Day – from Growing our Future

‘Post-its’: the Impressions of the Day


Great speakers, networking opportunities, sharing information

Great diverse group of people, really interesting day, easy parking

Loved ‘Getting Started’ session day run by Growing our Future – Checklist very useful

Very friendly welcome and well organised day

Propagation and growing ideas, composting, recycling

Networking with others’ inspiring ideas

Share ideas, group work, great speakers

‘I have learnt about developing a new school garden’

Great resources to take away, info, leaflets, inspiration – thank you for cake!

Nice mixture of sitting, listening, practical and sharing ideas

Enjoyed meeting everyone, valuable discussion

The networking has been fantastic; well organised


On the notes for this meeting, it did say ‘aprons would be provided for cooking; so I was expecting this.

Could have been more schools from the South Molton area


More practical ideas (hands on) and activities

Outside location – next time!

Bit too far to travel, bit more practical

Liaise with car sharing

Practical planting – doing the ‘bag planting’

A venue closer to where I live