Drew Innes - Goals Workbook

Section 1

What is your WHY?

Describe in as much detail as possible your primary reason for wanting more money and the time to enjoy it. You MUST go DEEP here… this is where you need to get to the core of what is really important to you. This section should stir positive emotion in you and the desire to invest time, money and effort to allow you to get what you ultimately want in your life.

Think about your ‘ideal life’ (experiences) in the context of the 4 key quadrants highlighted below. How have you lived, loved, learned, influenced and importantly what legacy are you remembered for.

Family life - what does your ideal family life look like?






Occupation - what does your perfect work day look like?






Recreation - how will you enjoy your free time and passion projects?






Money - how is money working for you to fund your ideal life experience?






How important to you is a change in your current life circumstance? What does your life look like 12 months from now if nothing changes? Will you be happier, will you be better off financially or will your situation worsen?

Describe how you will FEEL if nothing changes and you don’t get to live your ideal life.


Section 2

1.  Define or describe your personal and professional HABITS and ATTITUDES (top 5 only)
Positive - what ones do you think are moving you forward towards your goals.

2.  Negative - what are the ones that are holding you back from achieving goals and living your dream life?

3.  Describe your biggest FEARS both personal and professional (top 5 only)
(Fear is nothing more than ‘False Evidence Appearing Real… be honest describe / list yours)

4.  Describe what INSPIRES you? (list as many things that come to mind in 3 minutes)

Section 3

Income Goals

Do you want to supplement your income? Yes / No.

If YES how much additional income per month are you wanting to generate?

Amount $

Do you want to replace a full-time income? Yes / No.

If YES, what initial income amount would allow you to leave your JOB / business?

Amount $

These numbers are on a per monthly basis… for example, $20k per month

30 Day income goal - (this is from the day you start marketing and generating Customers)


How will you reward yourself? Describe your reward in detail here and how it will make you feel.

60 Day income goal


How will you reward yourself? Describe your reward in detail here and how it will make you feel.

90 Day income goal


How will you reward yourself? Describe your reward in detail here and how it will make you feel.

12 months from now


(12 months from now what will your ideal income be?)

Section 4

Your Aspire / DA Business Registers

$1 / 14 Day Trial / RISE / ASCEND / PEAK / APEX /
Say 1 in 5
20% / 6
Conversions / 2
(1 in 3) / 1
(1 in 2)
500+ / 2,500 / 4,250
1 / 1 / 1 / 1
2 / 2 / 2 / C = 4,250
3 / 3 / B = 5,000
4 / 4
5 / 5
—— Acquire a Customer —— / — Monetisation 65% to 80%+ of Target Income —
A = $3,000 / D = $8,000+ (A+B) / E = $12,250 (D+C)
Units of Income / $40k - $50k / $100k - $120k / $150k - $175k / $200k plus

Disclaimer - based on industry average conversion numbers for forecasting purposes only.

Positioning is critically important to leverage all the available income streams from the DA
business system.

“Your either building YOUR Ascend and Peak business registers
and future income streams (including the passive 2nd & 3rd tier overrides)


Your working for your sponsor in his business…!”

Section 5

The DA Business and the Cash Flow Quadrant

Section 6

Funding Your Digital Altitude Business

Step 1

Write down your Budget for Ascend, Peak / Apex $ ______

Write down your Start Up Budget for Marketing $ ______

Step 2

Write down where you intend to position in DA to take advantage of the leverage inherent in the top tier direct sales business model.

Position Date / Timing

Ascend Mastermind Member Yes / No ______

Peak Mastermind Member Yes / No ______

Apex Mastermind Member Yes / No ______

Step 3

How will you be funding your Ascend, Peak and Apex Business?

How much funding do you need?

Ascend $ 9,997 usd Funding Required $ ______

Peak $16,997 usd Funding Required $ ______

Apex $ 27,997 usd Funding Required $ ______

Step 4

Write down the number of different options you have to fund your business. Cross out anything not applicable and fill in any other options not listed.

* Credit Card

* Borrow from Friends & Family


* Superannuation / Retirement Fund


* Equity Home Mortgage


* Sale of Shares / Other Assets

(Note: if you need advice from an experienced Lender for small business finance please contact me for more information. DA currently has a third party referral arrangement with two companies in the USA and one company in Australia)

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