Amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan
Recommendation:That the amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan, as outlined in the June 21, 2004, Planning and Development Department report 2004PDP447, be approved.
Advertising and Signing
This amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, July 9, 2004, and Sunday, July 18, 2004.
Position of Department
Planning and Development Department supports this amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan.
Report Summary
· This amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan (GEIP) proposes to change the designation of properties west of Clifton Place from low density to medium density residential.
· The purpose of the amendment is to provide equal redevelopment opportunities for all properties on Clifton Place.
· The principles of the amendment:
· provide for an equal distribution of the available residential redevelopment density on Clifton Place;
· require that all redevelopment be implemented through (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision to implement design controls; and
· ensure that redevelopment reflects the scale of permitted development on the east side Clifton Place.
· These principles are presented as policies in the proposed amendment and will result in development that is similar in design, height, and density to that which is already permitted for the area east of Clifton Place.
· Transportation and Streets Department has reviewed a Traffic Impact Assessment submitted by Cricklewood Equities Ltd., and supports the recommendation that the existing road network in this area can support a total of 250 dwelling units on Clifton Place.
· This proposed amendment is a direct result of a facilitation exercise which took place from October 2003 to March 2004 with property owners from the immediate area.
· In June 2003, Planning and Development Department met with the Clifton Place property owners, the owner of the High Street commercial development, and Cricklewood Equities, Ltd. Those in attendance discussed a facilitation exercise for the purpose of resolving issues related to redevelopment on Clifton Place.
· In July 2003, Planning and Development Department hired a facilitator to conduct a facilitation exercise to serve this purpose. In October 2003, a Terms of Reference was finalized. Some property owners on the west side of Clifton Place would not participate in discussions regarding the proposed rezoning in isolation of discussions concerning the west side of Clifton Place. Those owners expressed the position that they wanted to develop a vision for all of Clifton Place through the facilitation exercise. Once the Terms of Reference was amended, they agreed to come to the table. Negotiations between the Planning and Development Department and a representative from Properties on High Street also took place to determine an appropriate form of representation for the condominium owners.
· The discussions with stakeholders through the facilitation exercise focused on a list of concerns created by the stakeholders through their initial individual meetings with the facilitator. In addition to the individual meetings, two meetings were held between Cricklewood Equites Ltd. and Springwood Developments Ltd., three meetings with representatives of the Properties on High Street, and nine meetings with property owners on Clifton Place.
· Planning and Development Department staff attended all of the meetings with the stakeholder groups. The facilitator also met with individual stakeholders throughout the process. A total of 31 meetings were held during the course of the facilitation exercise.
· A fundamental concern expressed by property owners on Clifton Place during the facilitation exercise was the future redevelopment potential for Clifton Place. Property owners wanted to ensure that the proposed rezoning on the east side of Clifton Place did not disproportionately consume the total redevelopment potential for all of Clifton Place. In addition, property owners did not want redevelopment on the east side of Clifton Place to occur without considering the future of the west side of Clifton Place.
· It became evident in February 2004 that progress was no longer being made in the meetings with stakeholder groups and no new information was available. At that time, Planning and Development Department staff decided to end the facilitation exercise.
· By its location and configuration, Clifton Place has a finite potential limit to redevelopment. This has been determined by a Traffic Impact Assessment which recommends a total dwelling unit potential. It is a position of Planning and Development Department that redevelopment potential should be distributed proportionately based on land area for all property owners. This principle has been translated into the amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan that designates the west side of Clifton Place for medium density redevelopment. Redevelopment shall be implemented through a DC2 Provision and any redevelopment shall not exceed the height of redevelopment elsewhere on Clifton Place or other redevelopment in the area (such as the Properties on High Street).
· The facilitator provided all property owners on Clifton Place with a Memorandum of Agreement to review and respond to on February 24, 2004. Participants were asked to provide Planning and Development Department with feedback on the revised DC2 Provision for the east side of Clifton Place, the proposed Plan amendment, and other elements of the facilitation exercise.
· Three of the six property owners responded to the Memorandum of Agreement. They expressed their support for the proposed DC2 Provision for the east side of Clifton Place and the Plan amendment. The remaining three property owners did not provide Planning and Development Department with a direct response to the Memorandum of Agreement. Two property owners expressed their non-support for any redevelopment on Clifton Place at the public meeting on April 19, 2004, and to Planning and Development Department in June 2004. It is assumed that the remaining property owner does not support the proposed amendment.
· A notice for the public meeting was sent to all property owners in Groat Estate on April5, 2004. Two telephone calls were received in response. The callers were seeking more information with respect to the proposed rezoning. Two letters were received expressing non-support for the application.
· A public meeting was held on April 19, 2004, at the Glenora Public School. One hundred and thirteen citizens signed in at the meeting and the two Ward Four Councillors were also present. The purpose of the meeting was twofold. The first was to provide information with respect to the rezoning application, and the second, to provide an opportunity for public feedback and discussion regarding the potential GEIP amendment for the west side of Clifton Place. The amendment would designate properties west of Clifton Place for medium density residential development.
· An overwhelming majority of those in attendance did not support the proposed rezoning or the proposed amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan.
· Transportation and Streets Department has reviewed and accepted the recommendations of a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) as submitted by Cricklewood Equities Ltd. Transportation and Streets Department also completed a further assessment of projected traffic on the adjacent roadways. That assessment supports the conclusion of the TIA that the existing road network can support 250 new dwelling units on Clifton Place.
· EPCOR Water supports the proposed amendment but has advised that infrastructure upgrades would be required to accommodate development at the 250 dwelling unit level.
· Asset Management and Public Works Department, Drainage Services, states that the existing sanitary sewer system capacity may be insufficient to accommodate the maximum density. Further detailed review of the facilities would be a requirement of future rezoning applications for the west side of Clifton Place if this amendment is adopted.
· Community Services Department does not oppose the amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan.
· Properties on the west side of Clifton Place abut the North Saskatchewan River Valley and Ravine System Protection Overlay, and a soil stability report would be required at the development permit stage of development.
Justification of Recommendation
Planning and Development Department recommends that the amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan be approved on the basis that it provides an appropriate policy direction for future residential redevelopment on the west side of Clifton Place.
Background Information Attached
- Amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan
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Amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan
(Proposed GEIP Amendment, by inserting Section 4b in Chapter II Land Use [p. 2.7 of the Plan]).
Clifton Place, South of 102 Avenue
This section applies to lands outlined in Figure 4b.
The Groat Estate Implementation Plan (GEIP) was adopted by City Council in October 1977, and identified lands west and south of Clifton Place as appropriate for single family development. Since 1984 the area south of 102 Avenue and west of 124 Street has experienced redevelopment from single family development to street level commercial and higher density residential developments. This was demonstrated through a series of rezonings and amendments to the GEIP.
In 1992, Council approved the redesignation, through an amendment to the GEIP, of the area east and north of Clifton Place from single detached residential to medium density residential development, and subsequent rezonings have been approved by Council implementing the amended GEIP.
Given the changing nature of the area as a whole, and specifically east of Clifton Place and the development west of 125 Street at Jasper Avenue, the proximity to downtown, and the declining amount of single detached residential development, lands south and west of Clifton Place are considered appropriate for medium density residential redevelopment. It is a policy that rezonings in support of this plan shall be implemented through the Site Specific Development Control Provision.11The Provision shall address the following:
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Amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan
· rooflines;
· window size and design;
· finishing material;
· building bulk;
· setbacks;
· height;
· density;
· built form;1landscaping; and 1parking.
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Amendment to the Groat Estate Implementation Plan
Specifically, any new residential development shall reflect the precedents set by existing residential redevelopment projects in the area, such as Properties on High Street west of 125 Street at Jasper Avenue.
The height of future developments on the west side of Clifton Place shall not exceed the height of any permitted development defined by zoning on the opposite side of the street (on the east side of Clifton Place).
This height limitation is intended to ensure that the height of any future development on the west side of Clifton Place conforms to the scale of development opposite, on the east side of Clifton Place.11Due to limitations inherent in the existing transportation infrastructure, the number of potential dwellings allowed on Clifton Place will be established by a Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA), to be reviewed and approved by the Transportation and Streets Department. At this time, the Transportation and Streets Department has determined that redevelopment shall be limited to 250 dwellings on Clifton Place. This redevelopment potential will be distributed equitably amongst the landowners based on land area.
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